Application for Employment

Father Hudson’s Care is the Social Care Agency of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Father Hudson’s Care is a working name of Father Hudson’s Society. The Society is committed to equal opportunities in employment and welcomes your application irrespective of your gender,race,disability,ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation, marital status, religion or age.

For Official Use Only - Vacancy Details

Post Reference No.: P1057 Application Form No.: / Returned Date:
Job Title Female Early Interventions Support Worker / Shortlist: Yes/No
Location:AnawimBalsall, Heath, Birmingham / Appoint: Yes/No

Before completing this form, please consult the Notes for Guidance information.

1Personal Details

Title: Mr ☐ Mrs ☐ Miss ☐ Ms ☐ Other (please state)
Last name: / National Insurance No:
First name(s): / Daytime tel no:
Address / Evening tel no:
Mobile tel no:
Postcode: / Email:
Name of current Father Hudson’s Society employee who advised you of this post, if applicable.

2General Information

a) Do you require a work permit or similar, to legally work/study in the UK? / Yes ☐ / No ☐
b) Please indicate membership of any organisation(s) relevant to this job
c) Do you consider yourself to have a disability? / Yes ☐ / No ☐
If Yes, please let us have any relevant information
d) Do you have a current driving licence? / Yes ☐ / No ☐
e) Please answer the following if having a licence is a requirement of the post.
Licence type: Provisional☐ Full ☐ Is the licence endorsed?
If yes, please give brief details / Yes ☐ / No ☐


From / To / Secondary School/
College/University/Professional / Examinations taken or to be taken / Results & Grades / Date gained
Mth/Yr / Mth/Yr / Mth/Yr


Please list any course(s) you have undertaken relevant to the job and/or specified on the person specification.

Year / Organising body / Course title / Length

5Present or Most Recent Employment (if any)

Job Title: / Date started:
Employer: / Date left:
Address: / Reasons for leaving/wishing to leave:
Postcode: / Notice Period
Salary: £
Nature of work/responsibilities:

Past Employment (minimum of previous 5 years) and Experience (if any). Include voluntary or other relevant experience.

From / To / Employer or Organisation
(full name and address) / Job title or type of work undertaken / Reason for change
Mth/Yr / Mth/Yr


From / To / Employer or Organisation
(full name and address) / Job title or type of work undertaken / Reason for change
Mth/Yr / Mth/Yr


Please give details of two referees one of which must be your current or most recent employer. (See Guidance Notes)

1 / 2
Name of Referee: / Name of Referee:
Full Address: / Full Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Telephone Number: / Telephone Number:
Job Title: / Job Title:
Email: / Email:
How long known to you: / How long known to you:
Relationship to you: / Relationship to you:
7 Other information in support of your application

Please detail any experience and skills, which demonstrate your ability to carry out the job.

It is important that you refer to the ‘Guidance Notes for Applicants’ when completing this section.

7Other information in support of your application – continued
8Criminal Convictions

Please see Guidance Notes

a) Have you been convicted of a criminal offence? Yes ☐ No☐
If Yes, please give brief details
b) If the post for which you are applying is ‘excepted’ from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (see job description) in the event of you being short listed, you will be asked to complete a confidential declaration regarding any criminal convictions, whether spent or unspent, cautions, reprimands and final warnings and any other information that may have a bearing on your suitability.
9Data Protection Act 1998 – Consent and Certification of details

The information detailed in this application form and accompanying monitoring information, will be used to monitor the effectiveness of Father Hudson’s Society’s policies and practices, in particular its Equal Opportunities. This monitoring is for statistical purposes only and you will not be identifiable from this process. However, your personal details contained in the application form, may be used in the prevention and detection of fraud. Where this occurs you will be identifiable. The information may be disclosed to the following third parties:

Government/Statutory Agencies

Law Enforcement Authorities.

Giving false information will result in your application not being pursued or your contract being terminated, without notice, if you have already been appointed to the job.

Application forms of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after six months from the closing date for the post.


I, (print name):

Consent to Father Hudson’s Society recording and processing the information detailed in this application form. I understand that this information may be used by Father Hudson’s Society in pursuance of its business purposes and my consent is conditional upon Father Hudson’s complying with their obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998.

I also confirm that the information contained in this application form is complete and correct and that inaccurate or misleading statements may be sufficient for you to cancel any agreement or contract made or my being dismissed without notice.

Signature: Date:

10Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Post Reference Number: P1057

To help us monitor our Equal Opportunities in Employment please provide the following information and return this form with your completed application form. This monitoring form does not form any part of the shortlisting or selection process and all details given will be treated in strict confidence.

Please tick or complete the following boxes as appropriate:

GenderMale ☐


Age GroupUnder 25☐

26 – 34☐

35 – 49☐

Over 50☐

Where did you see the job advertised?Newspaper ☐ Please specify

Professional journal ☐ Please specify

Internet/Website ☐ Please specify

Other ☐ Please specify

Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined by the

Disability Discrimination Act 1995? Yes☐ No ☐

I would describe my ethnic origin as:



Any other White background☐

Black or Black BritishCaribbean☐


Any other Black background☐

Asian or Asian BritishBangladeshi☐



Any other Asian background ☐

MixedWhite and Black Caribbean☐

White and Asian☐

White and Black African☐

Any other mixed background☐

Other ethnic groupsChinese☐

Any other ethnic background☐

Religion or Religious beliefs (if any) Please specify: ………………………………………….

I do not wish to specify☐