Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11 July, 2012 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 8:40 p.m.
Chairman: Councillor J Morris
Ex Officio: Councillor R Harris (Deputy Mayor)
Councillors: B Austen, J Foxwell, R Howes, R Hunt, K Jones, A Lonsdale, B Thorne
Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons
71/12 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr K Howard (Mayor).
72/12 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
73/12 Minutes
Cllr Morris signed the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 13 June, 2012 which had been approved at the Full Council Meeting.
74/12 Fridge for Kitchen – quotes approval
Mrs Simmons provided the following 3 x quotes for an additional fridge for the kitchen:-
· Currys – Fridgidaire @ £139.99
· Spark World – LEC L5010W @ £145.00
· Argos – Bush @ £159.98
All of the above have an A+ energy rating and are 500mm width.
Cllr Lonsdale proposed that the Fridgidaire model be purchased as the cheapest option from Currys. Seconded by Cllr Jones. All in favour.
75/12 Community Hall Parking Restrictions – update
Cllr Morris advised that most parents of children from Rydon Primary School have adhered to the Councils request not to park in the Community Hall Car Park.
Cllr Morris proposed for the parents to be thanked for their co-operation by means of asking Mrs Sally Maunder if she could mention it within their next newsletter and also ask if a letter could be handed to the parents of the new reception children during the first week of the Autumn term commencing, Wednesday 5 September, 2012. Mrs Simmons agreed to speak to Mrs Maunder to ask if this could be done. Also for a letter to be sent to Tiny Toes Pre-School to ask for them to collect all of their permits back and re-issued in the new term to parents of children attending pre-school and to ask parents who will no longer have children at Tiny Toes to adhere to the Councils request of no parking.
Seconded by Cllr Howes. All in favour.
76/12 Community Hall Inventory
Cllr Morris asked for assistance for the inventory to be done during the week commencing 13 August, 2012 whilst the hall is closed for re-decoration.
The following Councillors agreed to assist:
· Councillor: B Austen, J Foxwell, R Harris, R Howes, A Lonsdale
Cllr Morris proposed for the inventory to be done at 10 am on Tuesday 14 August, 2012.
Seconded by Cllr Howes. All in favour.
77/12 Replacement Table Tops
Cllr Morris advised that quotes are being obtained for replacement tops to the damaged tables within the Community Hall, however, since the last meeting we have received an invitation to attend the Kingsteignton CRC Giveaway Day which is open to other DCC services on Tuesday 24 July between 10 am – 2 pm.
Cllr Morris proposed for Mr David Turner and Mrs Lakin to attend and see if there are any tables suitable to our requirements, rather than having to purchase replacement table tops.
Seconded by Cllr Howes. All agreed.
After Minute: There was nothing suitable at the CRC.
78/12 Hall Charges Increase – update
Cllr Harris has reviewed the office data and advises that the breakdown of costs proves that the income covers just under 80% of the running costs of the building. It is very difficult to analyse down to the last detail. Comparison of other hall/facility charges within Kingsteignton are shown, which we are comparable with and we also offer the best facilities:- hall size, kitchen and parking.
Cllr Morris proposed to leave the hall charges as they are for the remainder of this year, 2012 and review in the Spring 2013 once winter fuel costs have been received. Seconded by Cllr Jones. All in favour.
79/12 Garden & Craft Show - update
Cllr Morris advised that a quantity of 500 x Programmes have been printed as against last years quantity of 1000, however, a little concern that more will be required. Schools will have a form handed out to them next week prior to the end of term. Forms can also be handed out on the day. The question was raised whether the entry form could be made available on the Kingsteignton Town Council website? The next meeting will be held on Monday 13 August, 2012 when the situation will be reviewed and if necessary more will be printed. There are 2 x childrens events organised, dancing and martial arts. Hobby Craft are sponsoring the childrens room. All other arrangements are going well.
80/12 Programme of Improvements/Planned Maintenance
Cllr Harris is wishing to float an idea of having a plan to update and improve areas within the town, such as we have just done with Cottey Meadow. Complaints have recently been received about Crossley Moor Road, the Leat area, with the state of overgrowth. Also the Fountain area, which Red Maynes are currently having their walls painted in a cream colour, (Country Cream). Cllr Harris says that we have to find some money to have 2 x new benches and 2 x bins. The tree area also needs addressing to tidy up on a regular basis. Cllr Thorne pointed out that a Buddleia growing out of the wall by the Leat needs removing. Cllr Foxwell suggests that this work could be included within the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Morris suggests getting more community project groups involved will make it better, the community needs to take pride in its town. We are responsible for clearing the leat, which is attended to by Mr David Turner and Mr Mick Hedges. Cllr Thorne advised that the Town Centre Plan will be finalised at the end of July/early August and we can see what support we have after this. Cllr Howes said that we could organise a working party to clear the brambles, particularly in the parking area along Crossley Moor Road. Cllr Morris proposes that we support Cllr Harris in his idea. Cllr Harris asks if we can ask Mr David Turner and Mr Mick Hedges to have a look at the overgrowth in the Leat area. Seconded by Cllr Howes. All agreed.
81/12 Garage - update
Cllr Jones advised that builders are being invited to quote. Also that he will look at the store room provision for toilets.
82/12 Newsletter Delivery – Quote approved
Cllr Morris advised of the following 3 x quotes for the delivery of the next Kingsteignton Town Council Newsletter which will be of a 6 x page format, weighing 29g:-
· KJB Marketing, Dawlish @ £40 p. 1000 with possible 1 x other leaflet
· Locomotion Marketing, Liverton @ £52 p. 1000 multi delivery or £104 sole delivery
· Royal Mail @ £58.38 p. 1000 (a minimum charge of £500 applies)
Cllr Morris proposed KJB Marketing. Seconded by, Cllr Austen. All agreed.
83/12 Bills for Payment
There were no bills for payment.
84/12 Correspondence for information
There was no correspondence.
85/12 Items for information only
There were no items.
Meeting closed @ 9:25 pm
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 12 September, 2012
Signed:…………………………………………………………………………… Dated:………………………………………….