In order to enhance ease of doing business, Government of India has embarked upon a journey to reengineer the prevalent business processes adopted by Central and State Governments. Various initiatives are being taken up by the Government in the areas such as adoption of electronic systems for granting clearances, reducing number of procedures necessary to obtain clearances and amendment of acts, rules, wherever necessary.

Government is now taking the feedback directly from the users/businesses regarding the ground implementation of the reforms undertaken. This feedback is broadly based on World Bank’s yearly Doing Business Report where economies are ranked on ten parameters. For further information on this report, visit

After filing in your feedback, please save your document and email us at .

Getting Electricity

Getting Electricity indicator records all procedures required for a business to obtain a permanent electricity connection and supply for a standardized warehouse.

  • Are you a:

Electricity Contractor

Consultancy Firm



  • You are based in:



Any other city


It is a new electricity connection with a subscribed capacity of 140-kilovolt- ampere (kVA).

Poweroutages / Comments
Does the utility in Delhi/Mumbai calculate SAIDI and SAIFI indexes? /
  • YES
  • NO

SAIDI- Hour of power outages per year? / ______number of hours
SAIFI- Frequency of number of power outages? / ______frequency of number of power outages
What is the minimum outage time (in minutes) that the utility considers for the calculation of SAIDI/SAIFI? / ______number of minutes
Regulation of outages / Tick the correct answer
Does the distribution utility use automated Energy Management Systems/ Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (EMS/SCADA), to record and measure power outages on the network in
Delhi/Mumbai? /
  • YES
  • NO

Does the distribution utility use automated EMS/SCADA, to manage restoration of service in Delhi/Mumbai? /
  • YES
  • NO

Does any state body/agency independent of the utility (e.g. Regulatory body) monitor outages on a regular basis (e.g. through annual report)? /
  • YES
  • NO

Are there any financial deterrent mechanisms aimed at limiting outages in Delhi/Mumbai (e.g. customer compensation or fines for utility)? /
  • Utility compensates customers
  • Utility is fined
  • Other

Approximately, how many outages did you experience between January to December of 2016? /
  • 0-1
  • 2-4
  • 5-12
  • 13-100
  • More than 100

Tariff and estimated power outages / November 2016 / Comments
Administrative/processing costs?
Transparencyof tariffs / Tick the correct answer
How tariffs are made available to customers? /
  • Not available
  • Online/publicly displayed

Are customers notified at least 1 billing cycle ahead of upcoming change in the tariff for electricity? /
  • If YES, please select all applicable options:
Letter from utility
  • NO

How much in advance is the tariff change communicated to customers? /
  • 6monthsaheadormore
  • 3 months ahead
  • 2 months ahead
  • 1monthahead

Since 2015, has there been a change in how tariffs and tariff changes are communicated to customers? /
  • YES
  • NO

Reform Update / Tick the correct answer / If yes, please provide details on the reform (dates, specific procedures affected, etc.)
Are you aware of any reform (in practice, laws or regulations) taken place between January 1, and December 31, 2016 for obtaining an electricity connection upto 140 KVA? /
  • YES
  • NO

Are you aware of any such reform expected after December 31, 2016? /
  • YES
  • NO

Connections to electric network / Tick the correct answer
Please indicate the number of new connection cases you were involved in last year /
  • Below50kVA
  • Between50kVAand100kVA
  • Between100kVAand200kVA
  • Above200kVA

Indicate the following:-
List of procedures / Time / Cost / Agency
Submit application to utility and await site inspection
External works of meter board conducted by customer's electrical contractor
Receive external site inspection and await estimate
Submit electrical contractor's wiring and test report and make payment of connection cost estimate
Pay security deposit and receive external connection and electricity flow
Additional procedures, if any
Can any procedure to obtain a new electricity connection be completed online? /
  • If YES, please indicate the procedure
  • NO
/ If possible, provide the date on which this became possible and a link to the website.
Details on the Security Deposit / Details / Comments
What is the amount of the security deposit? / Rs.______
After how many years is the security deposit returned (for a 5 year contract)? / ______Days
At what interest does the utility give back the security deposit (percentage)?
Can the client settle the security deposit with a bank guarantee? /
  • YES
  • NO

Excavation permit or right-of-way clearance / Details / Comments
Is an authorization needed for a road crossing (by excavation, overhead lines or other works involved in obtaining an electricity connection) available in the public domain?
Who obtains the permit?
Where is the permit obtained from?
How long does it take to obtain the permit (in calendar days)?
How much does the permit cost?

Your feedback is valuable to us. Please email us at 1