Hello all,
My name is Chris Jordan, and I am the recorder for the Student Academic Fee Advisory Committee. On Monday, 6-10-2002, we had our first meeting. Below is a DRAFT copy of the minutes, to be approved at the next meeting. All expenditures approved by the committee must still be approved by the department head before any check is written.
At the meeting, we decided several things. First off, we appointed positions to the members:
Chair: Jaylen French
Vice Chair: Rafael Castillo
Recorder: Chris Jordan
College Rep: Jim Bergman
Department Rep: Chris Jordan
Facilitator: David Davenport
Finance: Rafael Castillo
In addition, Rafael will be putting together a website for the committee and the expenditures it recommends to the department head. It will be hosted at the department site ( - more about that later in the year.
Second, we brainstormed some ideas for expenditures. These included upgrades to the computer lab (i.e. new computers, new scanner, new printer(s), converting 249 into a Smart Room, etc.), the addition of a section of BIO 112 for CRP students only, drafting equipment, and the like. What we decided on was this:
- $300 for a new scanner in the computer lab, model to be named at a later date
- $100 per student for lab supplies for CRP 201. These supplies will be purchased at the recommendation of Vicente del Rio, and will total out at a max of $4000 dollars.
- The purchase of 5 new computers for the computer lab. These systems will be Pentium 1.6GHz systems with 256 PC133 RAM, 40GB hard drives. Using other funds, the department has already purchased two identical systems to replace two of the obsolete ones. With these five others, the lab will have a total of 20 functioning systems in it come fall.
All of these items should be in place and ready for use on day one of Fall Quarter, however their purchase must still be approved by Dr. Siembieda.
If you have any questions about this meeting or about any of the expenditures, or want more clarification of the purpose of the committee, please feel free to contact either myself or your representative at one of the addresses below. We look forward to seeing you all in the fall at our next meeting, probably during the second week of class. Have a great summer.
Christopher J. Jordan
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
City and Regional Planning Department
University Honors Program
(H) 805-541-2479
(C) 805-234-2935
2nd year student seat: David Davenport <>
3rd year student seat: Chris Jordan <>
4th year student seat: Jaylen French <>
Graduate student seat: Jim Bergman <>
At-large student seat: Rafael Castillo <>