Adjutant General Basic Officer Leadership Course B

Advance Sheet for Lesson PP17

Commander’s Unit Status Report (USR)


As a human resources professional, one of your duties is to prepare or consolidate the Commander’s Unit Stats Report (USR). You must be able to complete, proof and consolidate USR information and submit this information to your higher headquarters. Although, NETUSR is an automated system that computes the percentages, you must understand the entire USR process in order to provide sound recommendations to your commander. In addition, you must ensure that DA gets the most accurate information possible. At the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (OJCS) and Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) level, the USR identifies trends, indicates Army status, and helps leaders make decisions on how to allocate resources. Changing numbers to make the unit look better does not help achieve this mission or obtain needed resources.

As a result of this lesson, you should have a better understanding of the basic principles and reporting guidelines of the Commander’s Unit Status Report (USR), and be able to compute data for measuring the areas of USR.


This lesson supports TLO: 805C-42B-6031, “Manage the Commander’s Unit Status Report.”


a.  Advance Issue: PP16 Advance Sheets and References.

b.  During Class: All read ahead references will be used during this block of instruction.


a.  Study Requirements


AR 220-1, Army Unit Status Reporting and Force Registration-Consolidated Policies (Chapters 4,5, 9, 11 and Annex F)

FM 7-0, Training for Full Spectrum Operations (Chapter 4)

b.  Be prepared to discuss the following in class:

How does a unit’s mission essential task list affect the core capabilities that unit is designed to do?

Examples of when a unit’s mission downrange (or Assigned Mission) might differ from it’s core functions and fundamental capabilities?

What are some ways to set your BN S-1 section up for success regarding preparation for the required Commander’s Unit Status Report for your unit?


Following this lesson, you will be assessed on your knowledge of the course material and given a 20-question, multiple-choice exam which you will have one hour to complete. A passing grade of 70% is required on this exam.