Nominations for the 2014 Pete Jones Award
The Annual Pete Jones Award was established in 2010 to recognize an individual
who has made a significant contribution to the success of Delaware’s High School Mock Trial Program. Both attorneys and non-attorneys (current and former) are eligible to be nominated for the award. Nominations should be submitted to the Mock Trial Selection Committee by November 18 and sent to:
The Delaware Law Related Education Center, Inc.
ATTN: Mock Trial Selection Committee Pete Jones Award
301 N. Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
We seek nominations for persons who are worthy of consideration for this award and plan to consider the criteria listed below in making our selection. If you submit a nomination, we ask that you provide specific information related to these criteria so that the Committee can meaningfully evaluate your nomination.
· Participation: Identify nominee’s participation and how it contributes or has contributed to stimulate and encourage the goals of Mock Trial. Participation includes coaching, judging and working “behind the scenes” to facilitate the competition.
· Skills: Identify how the nominee has enhanced various skill sets of the students, including, but not limited to, verbal, listening, reading and reasoning skills.
· Civility: Identify how the nominee has guided students in developing citizenship skills, including, but not limited to, the nominee’s support of the values of civility both inside and outside the bar. Similarly, identify how the nominee created a setting for students to compete in an academic setting among students of diverse interests and abilities.
· Mentor and Role Model: Identify how the nominee has been a mentor and role model to students. Specifically, identify how the nominee inspired strong character development, diligence and excellence while making students feel important and welcomed.
· Dedication: Identify the nominees’ dedication to the program during his/her years of service. Specifically, identify how the nominee has gone the “extra mile” toward serving Mock Trial, including assisting others beyond one’s own team.
· Miscellaneous: Identify any other information about the nominee that you want the Committee to know.
The Award is sponsored by the Delaware Law Related Education Center, Inc. which is a private non-profit organization. The mission of the Center is to enhance the presence of law-related education initiatives in Delaware. It is a statewide consortium of educators, attorneys, judges, law-enforcement officers and other community leaders.