2003 RS BR / 325 / Amendment: / Committee / FloorBill #: / HB 543 / Amendment #
SUBJECT/TITLE / An ACT relating to special license plates
SPONSOR / Representative Joe Barrows
Unit of Government: / City; / X / County; / X / Urban County GovernmentProgram/
Office(s) Impacted: / County ClerksRequirement: / X / Mandatory / Optional
Effect on
Powers & Duties / Modifies Existing / X / Adds New / Eliminates ExistingPURPOSE/MECHANICS
The measure creates a Big Brothers Big Sisters special license plate.
FISCAL EXPLANATION/BILL PROVISIONS / ESTIMATED COSTThe fiscal impact of HB 543 on local governments is indeterminable, but is expected to be minimal to moderate. The measure creates a special Big Brothers Big Sisters license plate. Voluntary contributions related to purchases of the plate will be used to support the Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization. The organization's mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of children and youth.
The measure establishes a minimum number of 900 applications before the plate is printed. If the Transportation Cabinet receives a minimum of nine hundred (900) applications accompanied by a fifty dollar ($50) state fee within one year from the date the Cabinet receives the first application for the special plate, the Cabinet will begin designing and printing the special plates. If the Cabinet does not receive nine hundred (900) applications in one year from the date the Cabinet receives the first application, the Cabinet shall refund the fifty dollar ($50) state fee to the appropriate applicant and this section will expire and be automatically repealed.
To comply with the measure the county clerk could experience a minimal to moderate fiscal impact. The county clerk will receive a $3.00 initial and annual renewal fee. County clerks will be responsible for collecting and remitting funds that are voluntarily contributed from persons who purchase these special plates. The measure requires these funds to be remitted to the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization on a quarterly basis. Increased administrative costs could result from the clerks creating special fund accounts, account reconciliations, increased postal expenses, and additional storage space. Additional staff time involved in processing requests and answering questions to ensure public awareness of the voluntary $10.00 contribution could increase administrative expenses. To account for the funds, clerks may choose to have persons purchasing the special plate, signify on a special form whether or not they have made a contribution.
The fiscal impact of the measure is directly affected by the amount of public interest. There is no adequate way to predict how many citizens will purchase the special plates.
DATA SOURCE(S) / LRC StaffFranklin County Clerk
PREPARER / Doug Huddleston / REVIEW / DATE
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