Compose and Create (CC). Students will extend their abilities to speak, write, and use other forms of representation to explore and present thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Grade / Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Grade 8 / Grade 9
Representing / CC6.4 Create and present a variety of representations with clarity the
  • explain
  • persuade
  • entertain
/ CC7.5 Create and present a variety of representations with clarity and correctness
  • explain
  • persuade
  • entertain
/ CC8.5 Create and present a variety of representations with clarity, correctness and variety
  • explain
  • persuade
  • entertain
/ CC9.5a and 5b Create and present a variety of representations with clarity, correctness and effect
  • explain
  • persuade
  • entertain

Big Ideas/
Understanding / Ideas can be represented in a variety of ways.
Question(s) / What is the best way to represent my ideas?
Indicators/Do / Key ideas and understandings are represented with Are my ideas clear and correct?
  • clarity
  • clarity and correctness
  • clarity, correctness and variety
  • clarity, correctness and effect

Represent ideas and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques How can I share my ideas?
  • poster
  • tableau
  • physical movement
  • graphic organizer
  • chart
  • graph
  • table
  • Cartoon sequences
  • contextual dramas
  • Posters
  • advertisements
  • storyboarding
  • illustrating
  • role playing
  • e-mailing
  • concept mapping
  • storyboarding
  • scripting
  • concept mapping

Consider appropriate technology to communicate or enhance representations. (See LSSD Digital Citizenship Continuum) Will technology help make the ideas clear?
  • copyright
  • see CC 6.9 7,8,9..2 Using
  • camera use/software – photo sharing
  • match online tools with purpose
  • current examples:MS Paint, TuxPaint, Big Huge Labs, ToonDoo
  • copyright
  • see CC 6.9 7,8,9..2 Using
  • design applications
  • create and edit sound and video files.
  • current examples: PPT, Windows Movie
  • video camera use/software
  • match online tools with purpose
  • copyright
  • see CC 6.9 7,8,9..2 Using
  • use sophisticated video editing software
  • Current examples: Premier Elements, iMovie
  • match online tools with purpose
  • YouTube Channel/applications
  • websites/blogs as a multimedia in a presentation
  • use more than one type of media in a presentation
  • copyright
  • see CC 6.9 7,8,9..2 Using
  • choose from a personal repertoire of technological skills and tools to suit purpose and audience
  • create, edit, and use sound and video files

Utilize a variety of elements to enhance oral and written communications Whichelements will give clarity and effect to my message?
  • graphics
  • photographs
  • models
  • artifacts
  • illustrations
  • appropriate graphic organizers
  • charts
  • circle graphs
  • timelines
  • maps
  • sound effects
  • music
  • diagram
  • mime
  • video clips
  • illustrations
  • role play
  • sound effects
  • mime
  • graphics
  • physical movement
  • short video clip
  • elements of design

Evidence of Understanding
Products: /
  • illustrations
  • diagrams
  • posters
  • displays
  • cartoons
  • visual and multimedia presentation
  • displays
  • illustrations
  • videos
  • illustrated report
  • role play that ends with a tableau
  • dramatization
  • visual and multimedia presentation
  • newscast
  • address various audiences for one proposal
  • Logo
  • visual plot line
  • Documentary on social issue?
  • Flow chart
  • Caricature
  • Adapt a print work to another medium


Sept. 27, 2010

LivingSkySchool Division No. 202