
Jennifer Krause Donna Spayd Stephanie Bruno Stephanie Turri Ms. Mohn

Jonathan Hann LeAnne Conaway Julie Raab Melissa Colon Julie Raab

Theresa Gibney Erin Brown Julie Davis Bartol Gretchen Vogle


The regular meeting of the Lawnton Elementary PTO was called to order at 6:35 p.m. on Monday, May 2, 2016, at Lawnton Elementary Library by Jennifer Krause, President. Theresa Gibney recorded the proceedings.

Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the April Meeting were motioned for approval by: Erin Brown and seconded by Stephanie Bruno.

Principal's Report-Mrs. Bruno

May will be a very busy month at Lawnton Elementary. There are a lot of events happening

Title 1 Meeting: Thank you to the 3 people who came to the Title 1 meeting tonight.

Community Yard Sale: Kimmy Dauksha is doing a community project for grad school. Mrs. Bruno

announced that May 7th is the for the community yard sale. Flyers went home. 10-12 spots have been sold now. The 5th grade will have a food table to sell items during the event. Donuts, water/soda, cookies, hot dogs/ rolls. They will use the stand to raise $$ for their field trip.

Literacy Night: The book "Lemonade Wars" will be sent home with each student with a reading calendar and questions. May 12th will be the literacy night. LeAnne Conaway questioned whether or not the children had to be present to win the prizes. Certain children will not be able to attend because of sporting events and other commitments. They do not have to be present to win.

Fire Fighter Phil: There was an assembly for grades 1-3 for fire prevention. It was a cute assembly and the students really enjoyed it. All children learned about fire safety and had a coloring book sent home with them.

Senators Night: (Ms. Mohn) On April 28th Senators Night was cancelled due to Rain. The new date will be either May 24th or 25th. Select chorus from Lawnton and Paxtang will be singing the National Anthem at the beginning. Ms. Mohn stated that the staff with the Senators called all the kids and "really stepped up to the plate" to handle the rain out.

President's Report (Jennifer Krause)

The 2016-2017 Board Members are:

President: Jennifer Krause

Vice President: Honathan Hann

Treasurer: Donna Spayd

Corresponding Secretary: Erin Brown

Parliamentarian : Leanne Conaway

Recording Secretary: Theresa Gibney current recording secretary for the past 5 years has elected to step down from this position. No one was nominated to fill the position. Treasurer, Donna Spayd stated that she would like to nominate Kim Eisenhour for the position. Kim was not present at the meeting. Discussion concerning that she only attended one or 2 meetings and this position requires more of a commitment. It was later discovered that she was not a paid PTO member, or had not chaired a committee. Therefore, she is unable to be recording secretary. Theresa stated that she would be willing to be the recording secretary for her 6th year. This will have to be voted upon at the June Meeting.

May Fair: (Jennifer Krause): May Fair which will be on Saturday, May 21st from 10-2pm. Julie D. Bartol, co-chair of May Fair and Jen have organized all the tubs/ games/ prizes. We will be borrowing the Blinko and OK Corral games from Paxtang Elementary. The game truck, Kona ice, Inflatibles and food truck are confirmed. Rob Dixon will be doing the balloon animals for us. The game truck will be there from 11-1. Students will be able to pre-purchase tickets for the bouncy house, and game truck on Friday morning. They will be $6 for 20 minutes in Game truck, and $5 for all day in the bouncy houses. There is still a need for a volunteer to run the Cake Walk. Melissa Colon' stated she will run the Cake Walk. Can anyone donate their Pop Up Tents? Still in need of volunteers, please go online to sign up for the event.

5th Grade

Car Wash: Despite the very rainy day. There was a great student turn out and was a huge success. The 5th graders made $369.25 on the car wash.

5th Grade Bake Sale: The 5th graders will have a food stand at the Yard Sale event. Sign-up sheets and times will be going out for the students. She will contact the baking committee to bake for event.

Legion Funds: Lawnton Legion Post 998 gave the 5th grade class a donation of $500 for their field trip to Hershey Park. Now, there are enough funds for the 5th grade field trip!

Treasurer's Report- Donna Spayd Ending Balance for April 30th 2016 is $4,611.93. The treasurer's report was also approved by: Theresa Gibney and seconded by: Jen Krause

Committee Reports

Book Fair (Stephanie Turri): Book Fair will be on May 4, 5, and to coincide with Donuts for Divas on Friday, May 6th. She is having difficulty getting volunteers to help cover certain hours. Could Mrs. Bruno send out a reminder to everyone. She requested a cash box for the event. There will be 2 cash registers for Friday morning.

A+ Rewards (Theresa Gibney): We raised $874.80 for this school year. This check should come by the end of June. This is slightly more than raised last year. With more schools doing A+ Rewards, the smaller schools don't raise as much.

Scholarship (Theresa Gibney): Committee members: Mrs. Bruno, Ms. Raab, Stephanie Turri, and Elizabeth Cook have received and read the applications and essays. They will be turning them in by Next Wednesday. At the next meeting, the winner will be announced.

Donuts with Divas (Donna Spayd): This will be held on Friday May 6th. The church will be providing the volunteers. We are in need of getting fruit and coffee for the day of the event. Carolyn Aiken from Community Evangelical Church will be here at 7:15 to set up for breakfast. We need to provide the table clothes, paper products, cups and napkins.

Year Book: Donna Spayd and Melissa Colon: The year books are in. They will not be handed out until after June 3rd-the 5th grade graduation.

5th Grade Graduation: No one has stepped up to chair 5th grade graduation. LeAnne Conaway stated she will take care of this. Melissa Colon' also said she would help with this as well. The PTO provides refreshments at the end of the graduation ceremony. 5th Grade Graduation will be Friday, June 3rd at 6:30.

May Fair Raffle (LeAnne Conaway): Thank you to all of you who have donated prizes to the raffle. If you go to a place of business, ask them if they are willing to donate some prizes for the May Fair. Raffle prizes will need to be delivered by Friday night May 20th.

Upcoming Restaurant Fundraisers: Isaac's 5/10.

New Business:

Super Hero Weekend on May 28th: (Julie Davis Bartol): In conjunction with Artsfest. It is a free event during Memorial Day off of second street. It will be held on that Saturday from 12-6 PM.

Dome Theatre: Mrs. Bruno stated that she is having the Dome Theater Assembly set up in the gym or outside. It will be for each grade level. It will be like a planetarium. She will be using up the $1,600 of assembly budget for the event.

Ice Cream Heaven/ 3B's: (Melissa Colon'): How do the fundraisers work? Do we have a letter that we give them. What is are policy for fund raisers? It was explained that usually the businesses have a policy about what they are willing to donate. Typically an event night is made and the business will give 15-20% of the money raised back to the school.

Sub sale: (Donna Spayd): Another sub sale fundraiser will be going out on May 4th / to be returned by 5/17. Pick up date for subs will be on May 25th.

Great American Presentation: Guest Speakers Kyle and Ron came to speak to us about what their company can do for Lawnton in the fundraising world. They can handle the Save-Around fundraiser and passes around other items. Prize incentives are given to the students. They would handle the tallying/ sorting and delivery. Also, they have various other programs to offer. There is an online App that could be purchased. Anyone in the country could purchase from your child online. They offer a Sage Scholarship/Tuition rewards program. Flyers were passed around. The Save-Around books will be going up to $25 this year vs. $20. The food flyer with the cookie dough and Save-Around options were discussed. The PTO wanted the save-around books to be done immediately when school starts. Looking at a September 2nd date. It sounds like a good idea to use this company to see how it works with the Save Around, and then possibly do a second food sale closer to the holidays.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. It was motioned by: Theresa Gibney and seconded by Jen Krause. The next meeting of the Lawnton PTO is scheduled Jun 6, 2016 @ 6:30 pm.