

Welcome from the Head Teacher

Chirnsyde Primary School

School Handbook 2016-17

I would like to welcome you and your child to Chirnsyde Primary School. This handbook contains a range of information that you might find helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact the school or check the school website if you need more information.

I hope that this handbook gives you a glimpse of life at Chirnsyde Primary School. We look forward to having you and your child work with us and hope that this will be the start of a strong partnership.

Jackie MacIver, Headteacher

School Values, Aims & Motto

“Our vision at Chirnsyde is to create a safe, healthy, happy and inclusive school where everyone feels valued and work together to promote lifelong learning.”


v  Respect

v  Included

v  Healthy

v  Achieving

v  Caring


v  To provide high quality, challenging learning experiences and promote a ‘can do’ attitude to ensure that every child is a successful learner.

v  To provide nurturing, active and inclusive learning environments where everyone feels valued and encouraged to become effective contributors.

v  To develop global citizens who make responsible decisions and take responsibility for their actions.

v  To promote equality, celebrate diversity and develop effective relationships with all our partners to nurture confident individuals.

Motto: Learning Together, Growing Together

Our school vision, values and aims link in with Children’s Rights and below is a web link to the Children’s Rights leaflet from Education Services which outlines the expectations in all establishments:


Background information:

·  Co-educational school

·  Non-denominational

·  Stages taught: P1-P7

·  Current Roll: 218

·  Capacity: 382

·  Chirnsyde Primary School is part of the Springburn New Learning Community.

School staff: A full list is available on the school website and parents will be updated on any changes as required.

The leadership team is as follows:

Headteacher: Mrs Jackie MacIver

Depute Headteacher: Miss Shona Sinnott

Principal Teacher: Mrs Pamela McTaggart

We are always happy to talk to parents. Please call to make an appointment if you have any concerns or enquiries.

School Information

You can cut out the following information and have it on your fridge, purse or work desk etc. for ease of finding the numbers required.

Glasgow Education Enterprise Awards

Diamond Award Winner


Registration of Primary 1 children takes place in November and January and is advertised widely in local press etc. Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school and should contact the school office.

Families living outwith the catchment area are welcome to make a placing request to attend Chirnsyde Primary School but must enrol their child at their local school as a first step. Further information is available using the following:


At Chirnsyde we warmly welcome new children to our school throughout the year. Please contact the school office (phone 0141 336 8672) to arrange a visit and complete the relevant forms, and telephone us to let us know your intention to send your child to Chirnsyde.

Composite Classes

There are times when the distribution of children over the various stages of the school means we have to form composite classes. This is where children from two stages of the school come together to form one class. Primary teachers are trained to teach children in differentiated ability groups. Consequently, composite classes, organised in teaching and learning groups, operate in the same way as single stage classes and allow children to study at their own stage level. A composite class will not exceed 25 pupils; single stage classes have the following capacity:

P1 = 25 pupils

P2-3 = 30 pupils

P4-7 = 33 pupils

The School Day

Opens 9.00am *Breakfast Club starts at 8.00am

Interval 10.30 - 10.45

10.45 - 12.15

Lunch 12.15 - 13.00

Afternoon 13.00 - 15.00

Healthy Eating

Chirnsyde Primary is a Health Promoting School and we wish to help equip pupils in making healthy choices in life. There are many healthy choices available as part of the daily school breakfast and lunch services. In addition we sell fruit at the morning interval at a reasonable cost. We ask for parental support by providing children with healthy snacks and water or fruit juice to drink. Healthy snacks can earn house points!

School Meals

School meals are run by CORDIA in our dining hall. Menus vary on a 3 weekly basis. Healthy eating is a priority at lunchtime and in addition to a main course pupils can each what they like from the “pick’n’mix”, which usually includes homemade soup, bread, salad, fruit, yogurt and milk.

Meals are served from 12.15 – 1.00 pm. Children wishing to buy a meal need to bring money with them every day. The cost as at October 2015 is £1.70. This should be kept in a purse or wallet.

Children may bring a packed lunch, which will be eaten in the dining hall. In accordance with Health and Safety regulations hot food purchased out with the school cannot be brought into the school grounds or building. We ask that, in the interests of safety, children are provided with non-breakable containers for drinks, and that no drinks in cans or glass bottles are brought into school.

Free milk is available to all children in the dining hall during the lunch period. If a pupil requires a special diet then the parent/carer should inform the Headteacher who will advise on procedures.

School Uniform

Chirnsyde strongly encourages the wearing of school uniform. Encouraging our pupils to be smart and easily identified as pupils of Chirnsyde Primary encourages them to feel part of the school community and contributes positively to the school ethos and school security. We are eager to promote high standards in all aspects of school life and wish the school’s dress code to reflect this.

Chirnsyde Primary School uniform consists of:

o  Yellow or white polo shirt

o  White shirt with school tie

o  Maroon sweatshirt or jumper/cardigan

o  Grey or black trousers/skirt

o  Red gingham dresses or grey shorts may be worn in the summer months

Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and ties with the school logo are available for purchase at the school office. We are pleased to offer three orders of uniforms each session to help parents spread the cost.

There are forms of dress that are unacceptable in school, such as items of clothing which:

·  Potentially encourage factions (such as football colours)

·  Could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans)

·  Could cause health and safety difficulties (such as loose fitting clothing, jewellery)

·  Could cause damage to flooring

·  Carry advertising particularly for alcohol or tobacco

·  Could be used to inflict damage on other pupils

Our uniform was agreed in consultation with pupils and parents. It is expected that all children attending Chirnsyde Primary School will adhere to this dress code.

PE Kit

It is important that pupils come prepared to learn and for PE this requires appropriate clothing. All jewellery should be removed. The school cannot be held responsible for jewellery that goes missing or is lost on gym days.

Pupils who are not participating in PE must have a note or a medical certificate. Pupils who are unable to participate in practical PE should still bring their kit to allow them to assist in the lesson by refereeing, keeping scores or assisting with the distribution of equipment. This ensures that they are still able to take part in some way in the work of the class and do not miss out on the knowledge and understanding of the course.

Transfer from Primary to Secondary School

Children and young people normally transfer between the ages of 11½ and 12½, so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education. Parents and carers will be informed of the school arrangements no later than December of P7.

Children from our school normally transfer to:

Springburn Academy

151 Edgefauld Road

Glasgow G21 4JL

Phone: 0141 582 0230



Springburn Academy staff work with our pupils from Primary 6 onward to prepare them for the transfer to secondary school.

Free School Meals and Clothing & Footwear Grants

Students may be entitled to free school meals and/or a clothing grant if they attend a school managed by Glasgow City Council. Clothing Grants are available to eligible students who attend Primary, Secondary and Additional Support Needs Establishments within Glasgow City Council.

Students who are eligible for Free School Meals are given the cash equivalent of £1.70 per day to spend on a meal.

Do you qualify?CloinGrant Free School Meals

Benefit Clothing Grant Free School Meals

Benefit / Clothing Grant / Free Meals
Income support or income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance / YES / YES
Working Tax Credit and the yearly income for your household (before tax) is less than *£15,050 but is *£6,420 or above for the tax year 2014/2015 / YES / NO
Working Tax Credit and the yearly income for your household (before tax) is less than *£6,420 for the tax year 2014/2015 / YES / YES
Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit (See note below) / YES / NO
Child Tax Credit only and the early income for your household (before tax) is less than *£16,105 / NO / YES
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance / NO / YES
Universal Credit / NO / YES
Note: If you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit and Child Tax Credit only (and your yearly income before tax is less than *£16,105), or you receive income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit, you will be entitled to the clothing grant and free school meals. / N.B. *This figure could be changed by HMRC

Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from schools and from Grants Section at Education Services Headquarters or online at:



The education authority will normally provide free home to school transport for pupils who have been assessed to attend specialist school provision to meet the requirements of his or her Additional Support Needs.

Where free transport is provided, it may be necessary for children to walk to the vehicle pick-up point. It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure that their child arrives at the pick-up point on time. It is also the parent /carer’s responsibility to ensure that the child behaves in a safe and acceptable manner whilst using school transport. It is expected that no child/young person with additional support needs will be on transport for more than one hour.


Bringing learning to life and life to learning

Curriculum for Excellence is the curriculum for all 3-18 year olds, wherever they learn. It aims to raise standards, prepare our children for a future they do not yet know and equip them for jobs of tomorrow in a fast changing world.

Curriculum for Excellence enables professionals to teach subjects creatively, to work together across the school and with other schools, to share best practice and explore learning together.

Teachers and practitioners will share information to plan a child’s “learning journey” from

3-18, helping their progression from nursery to primary, primary to secondary and beyond, ensuring the change is smooth. They’ll ensure children continue to work at a pace they can cope with and with challenge they can thrive on.

Curriculum for Excellence balances the importance of knowledge and skills. Every child is entitled to a broad and deep general education, whatever their level and ability. Every single teacher and practitioner will be responsible for literacy and numeracy – the language and numbers skills than unlock other subjects and are vital to everyday life.

It develops skills for learning, life and work to help young people to go on to further study, secure work and navigate life. It brings real life into the classroom, making learning relevant and helps young people apply lessons to their life beyond the classroom. It links knowledge in one subject area to another helping children understand the world and make connections. It develops skills so that children can think for themselves, make sound judgements, challenge, enquire and find solutions.

There will be new ways of assessing progress and ensuring children achieve their potential. There will be new qualifications for literacy and numeracy and from 2013/2014; new National 4 and 5 qualifications will be in place. Our well regarded Access, Highers and Advanced Highers will be updated to take account of and support the new approaches to learning and teaching.

There’s personal support to help young people fulfil their potential and make the most of their opportunities with additional support wherever that’s needed. There will be a new emphasis by all staff on looking after our children’s health and wellbeing – to ensure that the school is a place where children feel safe and secure.

Ultimately, Curriculum for Excellence aims to improve our children’s life chances, to nurture successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors, and responsible citizens, building on Scotland’s reputation for great education.


Within Curriculum for Excellence there are 8 curricular areas:

·  Literacy and English

·  Numeracy and Mathematics

·  Health and Wellbeing

·  Social Studies

·  Sciences

·  Technologies

·  Expressive Arts

·  Religious and Moral Education

These areas are not structures for timetabling. Schools have the freedom to think creatively about how best to meet learning outcomes and ensure deep, sustained, relevant and enjoyable learning which meets each pupil’s needs and enables them to fulfil their potential.

Chirnsyde Primary engages in a continuous cycle of self-evaluation and school improvement to ensure out curriculum reflects the principles of Curriculum for Excellence.

Parents/Carers are welcome to contact the Head Teacher, Depute Head Teacher to discuss their child’s progress at any time. Parents/Carers wishing to meet with the class teacher to discuss progress should contact the school office.