Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.

Dr. James Perkins, President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary


Dr. Reginald L. Porter, Sr. (TN), Vice President

April 20, 2015

Dear Southern Region Members:

I greet you in the Name of the Risen Lord

The time of our Annual Session is fast approaching and I have a growing excitement. We will meet this year on June 22-26, 2015 at the Jackson Marriott Hotel 200 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 969-5100 or (800)228-9290. According to your requests, New Congress Classes have been added and each department has prepared an outstanding program.

We again plan to be a special blessing while in Jackson. The local committee has identified CARES Center, a group home for us to serve. There are sixty residents between 6 and 17 years old. Please bring NEW items from the following list:

Deodorant Shampoo & Conditioner Lotion

Toothpaste Socks

Toothbrushes NEW Underwear (ie. panties, men’s brief & t-shirts)

Each church is asked to register with $250. Thank you in advance for what I know will be an unforgettable session.

I am grateful to our host, Dr. John Cameron, Pastor and the Greater Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church.

This year’s session takes place against a back drop of peculiar concerns in our community. It seems that the words of II Timothy 3:1-5 have come to fruition right before our eyes. The killing of unarmed black men, unexplained violence from our youth, struggles in our education system and much more have us looking to heaven for answers. In times like these, we need each other’s support as we confront the evils of today.

I am looking forward to seeing you in Jackson.

Yours in Christ,

Reginald L. Porter, Sr.

Regional Vice President

“Equipping Pastors and Churches to be Effective in Ministry; Lifting Our Voice on behalf of the Voiceless”

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

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