Details of Contracts during the Month of JULY,AUG & SEPT’09

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Tender No / Item/Nature of Work / Mode of Tender Inquiry / Date of Publication of NIT / Type of Bidding (Single/
Two Bid System) / Last Date of Receipt of Tender / Nos of Tenders Received / Nos and names of parties qualified after Technical evaluation / Nos and names of parties not qualified after Technical evaluation / Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/ Evaluated L1 / Contract No. & Date / Name of Contractor / Value of Contract
Rs / Scheduled date of completion of Supplies
GSL/15/SR/T-80/149 DTD. 15/7/2009 / Rectification of defects of Main engines & Gear Boxes INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/149 DTD. 15/7/2009 (OEM ) / NIL / SingleBid System / 16/7/2009 / 01 / M/s Dynatron Services / NIL / yes / 520605 dated 25/07/09 / M/s Dynatron Services / Rs.846662.80 / 30/8/2009
GSL/15/SR/T-80/150 DTD. 15/7/2009 / Rectification of defects of Fire fighting System- INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/150 DTD. 15/7/2009 (OEM ) / NIL / SingleBid System / 20/7/2009 / 01 / M/s Zeal Marketing, Mumbai / NIL / Yes / 520604 dated 22/7/09 / M/s Zeal Marketing, Mumbai / Rs.155523/- / 30/8/2009


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Tender No / Item/Nature of Work / Mode of Tender Inquiry / Date of Publication of NIT / Type of Bidding (Single/
Two Bid System) / Last Date of Receipt of Tender / Nos of Tenders Received / Nos and names of parties qualified after Technical evaluation / Nos and names of parties not qualified after Technical evaluation / Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/ Evaluated L1 / Contract No. & Date / Name of Contractor / Value of Contract
Rs / Scheduled date of completion of Supplies
GSL/15/SR/T-80/01 DTD.24/6/2009 / Rectification of defects of Hull Work Package- INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/01 DTD.24/6/2009 / 24/6/2009 / Two Bid System / 07/07/2009 / 02 / M/s Sagar ship Repairers & Services, Mumbai / 01 / Yes / 501035 dated 01/08/2009 / M/s Sagar Ship Repairers & Services, Mumbai / Rs.1049561.85 / 10/9/2009
GSL/15/SR/T-80/02 DTD.24/6/2009 / Rectification of defects of Engg & Electrical Work Package- INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/02 DTD.24/6/2009 / 24/6/2009 / Two Bid System / 07/07/2009 / 02 / M/s Sagar ship Repairers & Services, Mumbai / 01 / 01es / 520606 dated 03/08/2009 / M/s Sagar Ship Repairers & Services, Mumbai / Rs.3806567.71 / 10/9/2009



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Tender No / Item/Nature of Work / Mode of Tender Inquiry / Date of Publication of NIT / Type of Bidding (Single/
Two Bid System) / Last Date of Receipt of Tender / Nos of Tenders Received / Nos and names of parties qualified after Technical evaluation / Nos and names of parties not qualified after Technical evaluation / Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/ Evaluated L1 / Contract No. & Date / Name of Contractor / Value of Contract
Rs / Scheduled date of completion of Supplies
GSL/15/SR/T-80/157 DTD.22/07/2009 / Rectification of defects of Guard Rails 60 Mtrs- INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/157 DTD.22/07/2009 / 22/7/2009 / Single Bid System / 23/7/2009 / 01 / 01 / 01 / Yes / 501036 dated 02/09/2009 / M/s Sagar Ship Repairers & Services, Mumbai / Rs.47980.50 / 20/9/2009
Email dated 18/03/2009 / Rectification of defects of ASD Work & Performance checks-- INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / Email dated 18/03/2009
OEM / Email dated 18/03/2009 / Single Bid System / 24/3/2009 / 01 / 01 / 01 / Yes / 520607 dated 14/9/2009 / M/s Israel Aerospace Ind.Israel. / USD 24128 / 24/9/2009



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Tender No / Item/Nature of Work / Mode of Tender Inquiry / Date of Publication of NIT / Type of Bidding (Single/
Two Bid System) / Last Date of Receipt of Tender / Nos of Tenders Received / Nos and names of parties qualified after Technical evaluation / Nos and names of parties not qualified after Technical evaluation / Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/ Evaluated L1 / Contract No. & Date / Name of Contractor / Value of Contract
Rs / Scheduled date of completion of Supplies
GSL/15/SR2903/T-80 / Spares forrefit of INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR2903/T-80 / Single Bid System
OEM / 05/3/2009 / 01 / 01 / NIL / Yes / 201154 A dtd.27/07/2009 / M/s Israel Aerospace Ind.Israel. / USD 124638 / 25/9/2009
GSL/15/SR/T-80/150 dtd.15/7/09 / Spares for refit of INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/150 dtd.15/7/09 / 15/7/09 / Single Bid System
OEM / 20/7/09 / 01 / 01 / NIL / Yes / 201155 dtd.22/07/2009 / M/s Zeal Marketing Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai / Rs.33500/- / 15/8/2009
GSL/15/SR/T-80/149 dtd.15/7/09 / Spares for refit of INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/149 dtd.15/7/09 / 15/7/2009 / Single Bid System
OEM / 16/7/09 / 01 / 01 / NIL / Yes / 201156 dtd.01/08/2009 / M/s Dynatron Services / Rs.1770068/ / 31/8/2009


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Tender No / Item/Nature of Work / Mode of Tender Inquiry / Date of Publication of NIT / Type of Bidding (Single/
Two Bid System) / Last Date of Receipt of Tender / Nos of Tenders Received / Nos and names of parties qualified after Technical evaluation / Nos and names of parties not qualified after Technical evaluation / Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/ Evaluated L1 / Contract No. & Date / Name of Contractor / Value of Contract
Rs / Scheduled date of completion of Supplies
GSL/15/SR/T-80/01 dtd.24/6/09 / Spares for refit of INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/01 dtd.24/6/09 / 24/6/09 / Two Bid System / 30/06/09 / 02 / 01 / 01 / Yes / 201157 dtd.04/08/2009 / M/s Sagar Ship Repairers & Services, Mumbai. / Rs.276480/- / 31/8/09
GSL/15/SR/T-80/02 dtd.24/6/09 / Spares for refit of INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/02 dtd.24/6/09 / 24/6/09 / Two Bid System / 30/06/09 / 02 / 01 / 01 / Yes / 201158 dtd.10/08/2009 / M/s Sagar Ship Repairers & Services, Mumbai. / Rs.196800.10/- / 31/8/09


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Tender No / Item/Nature of Work / Mode of Tender Inquiry / Date of Publication of NIT / Type of Bidding (Single/
Two Bid System) / Last Date of Receipt of Tender / Nos of Tenders Received / Nos and names of parties qualified after Technical evaluation / Nos and names of parties not qualified after Technical evaluation / Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/ Evaluated L1 / Contract No. & Date / Name of Contractor / Value of Contract
Rs / Scheduled date of completion of Supplies
GSL/15/SR/T-80/157dtd.22/07/09 / Spares for refit of INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/157dtd.22/07/09 / 22/7/09 / Single Bid System / 23/7/09 / 01 / 01 / Nil / Yes / 201159 dtd.2/09/2009 / M/s Sagar Ship Repairers & Services, Mumbai. / Rs.176400/- / 15/9/09
GSL/15/SR/T-80/171dtd.5/8/09 / Spares for refit of INFAC T- 80 at NDMB / GSL/15/SR/T-80/171dtd.5/8/09 / 5/8/09 / Single Bid System
OEM / 4/9/09 / 01 / 01 / Nil / Yes / 201160 dtd.10/9/09 / M/s Dynatron Services / Rs.949676.56/- / 21/9/09