Survey of Residential Homes for Conference 12th May 2011


1.  Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind.

2.  Barrow in Furness,

3.  The Norfolk & Norwich Association for the Blind

4.  Read House (Essex Blind Charity)

5.  Northamptonshire Association Darsdale Home

6.  Vista : The Royal Leicestershire Society

7.  Henshaws Society for Blind People

8.  N Vision Blackpool society.

9.  Sense


1. Not answered.

2. Accommodation for Persons who require Personal Care

3. Sensory Impairment

4. Care Home without Nursing

5. SI (E)

6. Care Home without nursing

7. Care home without nursing

8. Nursing or personal care.

9. Care home without nursing, specialised in learning disability or autism and sensory impairment (some also specialised in mental health and/or physical disability)


1.  28

2.  38

3.  36 1

4.  30

5.  25 5

6.  2 homes, 46 beds & 42 beds. Not specified

7.  15 homes, ranging from 2 to 6 bed house, Not specified

8.  40.

9. 2-7 per house (54 registered services, 280 beds)


1.  1

2.  3 Plus 5 1 bed bungalows.

3.  Nil

4.  5

5.  Nil Plus 6 1 bed flats & 2 2 bed bungalows.

6.  Nil

7.  Nil

8.  Nil Plus 6 independent living.


1.  Toilet, Hand basin, Shower or Bath

2.  Minimum WC and washing facilities. 14 also have shower facilities.

3.  Fully furnished and decorated to accommodate visual impairment; all have toilets including disabled facilities; 32 have showers, 4 have baths; all have washbasins; TV and ‘phone sockets.

4.  Toilet and wash basin

5.  Toilet and Wash Basin

6.  Toilet & hand basins

7.  Various – from full bathroom/shower facilities to en-suite toilet and wash hand basin

8.  Washbasin and toilet.

9.  Varies – some have no en-suite; some have full bathrooms


1.  All rooms have TV aerial point, payphone socket and private telephone line socket

2.  n/a

3.  n/a

4.  All have facility for private telephone line, TV aerial point, radio. All supplied with talking clock or easy to see clock as required. Residents can bring their own furniture if required. We will also provide whatever visual aids the resident may need e.g. lighting free of charge.

5.  TV and telephone sockets.

6.  All rooms have TV ariel point, many have telephone sockets.

7.  N/A

8.  Fully furnished with TV socket, nurse call, & telephone point.

FEES PER WEEK PERMANENT Local Authority Expected to Pay Rate.

1.  2010/2011 £375 per week, 2011/2012 not yet confirmed but expected to be 1% reduction.

2.  £398 & £422

3.  £398.00

4.  £390 (unchanged for 2 years now)

5.  £367.77

6.  City: Band 3 £345 Band 5 £399 County Band £341 Band 5 £404

7.  Currently contract with 43 L/As, fees range depending on need, location and service offered from £626.70 – £1507.79

9.  All fees negotiated individually on basis of assessed need. Range from approx 1,000 – 5,000. We are experiencing a number of challenges to fees by LAs, and are negotiating with them.

Please provide some brief details of any actions you have taken which have resulted in a Local Authority agreeing to pay higher than their expected to pay rates, including how much extra has been paid. For example, is to cover the costs of agreed additional needs, and is it negotiated on an individual basis.

1.  All residents funded at high dependency rate but recently some pressure from LA to fund at standard residential care level although this has been resisted up to now.


3.  In 2006 we negotiated an Agreement with NCC Adult Social Services, based upon our Specialised Care function and the extra costs it incurs. Their current standard rate for other 2 star rated Residential Homes with our facilities is £366.00. Their rates have remained unchanged since 2009.

4.  We have managed to negotiate recent placements to £450 on an individual basis in the past. However we are restricted to having very few local authority placements because of their very low rate. We have just been advised by Essex CC that in future they will only pay their ‘preferred’ rate with no possibility of negotiating more.

5.  NCC agreed to pay a higher rate up to 2010 under an Enhanced Funding Agreement but this has now been swallowed up under the funding cuts

7. Re assessment of needs requested on individual basis, mixed success

resulting in no additional fee increase to additional 1-1hours ranging from 15 to

22 hours per week.

Please detail any success you have in obtaining higher fee levels for Dual Sensory Impairment, or other additional disabilities.

1.  Nil

2.  N/A

3.  N/A

4.  None

5.  None

6.  Placement costs are negotiated depending upon individual need, if a persons need increase, we ask for a review & then negotiate a higher fee up to Band 5.

The only additional needs that we are able to negotiate for are sensory impairment. We ask for an additional £33 per week to meet these needs. We have to demonstrate how this need affects a persons life & what we do in addition to support this. Often social workers will not assess this as being an important factor & will claim that any other home could meet this need cheaper. We hold the RNIB's Visibly Better accreditation to use as evidence & ensure that the care plans cover sight loss.

One local authority has introduced a Quality Assurance Framework, points are awarded for meeting the outcomes. There is an enhancement of between £15 - £25 per week, per resident on all their placements. We have just applied for this & await assessment to see if we meet their criteria.

The other LA has not increased fees for the past 2yrs.

7.  Uplift on placement costs are negotiated annually. Any change in individual needs are negotiated through-out the year following a review or

re assessment of need.

Self Funded Rates

1.  2010/2011 Starting price £430 per week. 2011/2012 £438 per week. This price is for the smallest rooms with larger, better appointed rooms at varying prices up to £495 per week.

2.  n/a

3.  £483.00

4.  £450.00

5.  £462 for Non En-suite / £499 for En-suite

6.  Band 3:£478 Band 5: £536

7.  N/A

Please provide some brief details of any actions you have taken which have resulted in attracting self funded residents, from within and outside your area.

1.  2/3rds of residents now self funded. Marketing is through fairly traditional routes such as low cost adverts in parish magazines etc. Also leaflets in places such as GP surgeries, Opticians, Dentists, Chemists etc. Success in getting these placed is through hand delivery with a leaflet display stand provided – we know this works with many enquirers coming in to the home with our leaflet in their hand.

2.  None.

3.  Advertising campaign in local parish magazines; NNAB Website with own pages for the Residential Home; inclusion in the web-based Care Homes Directory. Many of our referrals are due to word of mouth and our reputation.

4.  We have not taken any specific action but we have a very good reputation locally for good staffing levels, good food and generally good quality care, and we are in a prime site on the seafront which helps. Also, we run a luncheon club for the general (elderly) public and this has led to some placements long term. We also offer respite care and this often leads to a permanent placement in due course.

Until recently we have had almost full occupancy for the last couple of years but a number of recent deaths has reduced our occupancy level, and at present we are receiving few enquiries.

5.  Attending events in bordering counties. Speaking with other local societies and the social services/hospital discharge teams in bordering counties.

Increased advertisement on website with a banner advert

6.  We advertise in the local care homes directory & in local newspapers. We are very engaged in the local community & find many referrals come by 'word of mouth'. Our marketing department produce frequent news stories & profile us at all organisational events. Our good reputation both with local authorities & health partners also helps.

8. Local marketing of clients known to us only. Issue of newsletters etc.

Not aware of any referrals via the website.


Top up

How is this dealt with in your location, any difficulties, or points to be aware of?

1.  We charge a top up to cover the difference between self funded rate and LA funding level. This has been £55 for 2010/11 but could be £71 for 2011/12 once the LA funding level is confirmed. We are expecting the family to start feeling the pinch at £71 per week. We do have 4 residents without family or family without sufficient financial means to pay top up.

2.  Only one resident – daughter pays top up.

3.  Whilst our Agreement with NCC does not permit us to obtain top-ups, the normal practice with others in Norfolk is for only third-party top-ups to be allowed by NCC, and these can only increase (if ever they do!) at levels fixed by NCC. However, the Residential Home is expected to deal directly with the third parties rather than NCC collecting the top up.

4.  Essex CC have just informed us that in future any Third Party top up will be by private arrangement only; it will not be part of any contract with them and it is up to care homes to ensure the financial viability of the third party as they will not step in in the event of non-payment. ECC have also said that the ‘Deferred Payment Contract’, whereby they help out while a privately funded client sells their property, will only be available on a discretionary basis, and at their ‘preferred rate’.

5.  £94 - £131 depending on room. It is the responsibility of the local authority to claim the third party top up. It is not directly paid to the Home.

6.  The difference between the fees local authorities pay & the cost of our services are charged to a third party as a top up. Currently the top up ranges between £ 99 -£104 per week. We do have a bursary scheme for any one who lives in the homes & either finds their own funds have run out or their family cannot afford a top up. An application has to be made to the trustees for approval.

7.  Currently everyone pays a top up element ranging from £69.90 to £84.10 following assessment.

Additional charges

Are you able to make additional charges and if so, for what?

2. Other charges include hairdressing, chiropody, dental, private telephone, dry cleaning, SKY TV and newspapers.

3. N/A.

4. Only for personal items, such as chiropody and hairdressing.

5. Transport to Hospitals or Outpatients appointments outside of the local vicinity are charge at £12.50 to cover the vehicle running costs.

(Personal services ie Hairdressing, Chiropody are charged to the individuals by the service provider)

7.  Hairdressing, private chiropody.

8.  Yes – hairdressing and chiropody.

9.  Contribution to transport costs through DLA.

Service users pay for personal services through own money.

Has Personalisation affected your fee levels, or any other aspect of residents funding?

1.  Not yet but personalisation has been adopted very slowly by Sheffield City Council. They are speeding up the roll out during 2011/12 so we are anticipating this may impact upon us in the future.

2.  No.

3.  Not apparent so far.

4.  No impact at all yet.

5. No

5.  Not yet, we have seen a rise in requests for respite care but charge the same rates as permanent.

7 North Yorkshire County Council reluctant to fund residential placements in the


8 No.

9. Fees are already individually negotiated for a personalised service

Has the loss of DLA mobility had any affect yet?

1.  Not applicable to our residents

2.  No

3.  Not known

4.  I am not aware that any of our current residents are entitled to this.

5. No

6.  This will affect people who live in our Learning Disability homes.

7.  All currently received DLA mobility, not affected yet, but expecting this to have a significant impact on their income in the future.

8.  Not aware that is has.

9.  This is likely to have a significant impact, as DLA payments are used to support costs of transport.



1.  £553 £79 per night.

2.  £398/£422 £62 FOR SIX DAYS OR LESS

3.  £483.00 £ 69.00

4.  £647.50 £92.50

5.  Same as permanent N/A

6.  As per permanent £69.00 per night.

8.£364.70 £52.10

9. Not currently offering residential respite.


1.  Not applicable

2.  £20 - Morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea

3.  N/A

4.  N/A