Rancho Pico Junior High School

Instructor: Mrs. Pearsall-Room 407

Course: 7th Grade English

Email Address: .

Students and parents are encouraged to sign up for my personal website on the Rancho Pico website. Once on the site, click on the “Academics” tab at the top of the page, then click on “Academic Departments,” next click on “English” then on “Staff” and finally click on “Pearsall,Tami.” Parents should sign on to both Infinite Campus and my website separately from students so you can access them independently.

Course Description:

In this course, students will focus on literacy skills including reading, writing, listening and speaking in accordance with the Common Core State Standards. Overall literacy skills will be developed and students will master important strategies for reading, writing, listening and speaking that promote success in all academic areas.

Textbooks: (Keep textbook in a safe place for home use).

Text: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt- California Collections (student and class sets will be provided)

Novels: 7th Grade English

We will be reading two novels during the school year; I will provide a class set. You are welcome to purchase your own paperback or E-book copy for home use in the event of an absence or to use at home if a second reading is necessary for deeper comprehension.

It is suggested that students bring the following supplies to class each day. NOTE: If you do not have access to these suggested supply items listed below, they will be provided for use during class. If you wish to donate extra supplies for students who might not have access, please feel free to do so.

·  English Portfolio (see below)

·  Daily Planner (given to all students during registration)

·  Lined College-ruled notebook paper without torn or fringed edges (please don’t not buy the paper that needs to be ripped out of book)

·  Two red ink pens for peer and self-editing

·  Hand held pencil sharpener with a cover

·  Two sharpened pencils with an eraser or two mechanical pencils w/extra lead

·  Supply pouch for miscellaneous supplies

·  2 Correction tape cartridges

·  2 yellow highlighters

·  Students will need a 2-inch), three-ring binder to use as their English Portfolio Notebook. Any color is acceptable. Please make sure your binder has a clear plastic slip cover on the outside to place a front cover sheet.

·  A box of 100 sheet protectors for the English/Language Arts Portfolio to be kept at home

·  1 package of 5 dividers for the portfolio notebooks

The English Portfolio must be brought to every class meeting. All work must be placed in a sheet protector in the notebook behind the proper section according to your Table of Contents and each assignment must have a page number in the bottom right-hand corner and a score in the top-right hand corner.


·  Homework will be assigned every class meeting

·  Essays will be due each quarter (all essays will be drafted in class)

·  Typed or final drafts may be completed at school or at home (school computers will be available to all students)

·  English Portfolio Notebook

·  Tests will be announced

·  Group and individual projects will be announced

·  Two grade-level novels will be read in their entirety

Grading Policy (grades are cumulative) Tests are worth 50%, Classwork 35% and Homework 15%:

A+ = 98 – 100%

A = 93 – 97.9%

A- = 90 - 92.9%

B+ = 88 - 89.9%

B = 83 – 87.9%

B- = 80 – 82.9%

C+ = 78 - 79.9%

C = 73 – 77.9%

C- = 70 – 72.9%

D+ = 68 – 69.9%

D = 63 – 67.9%

D- = 60 - 62.9%

Late Work and Extra Credit Policy:

Absences – If you are absent it is your responsibility to collect any missing work. PLEASE CHECK MY WEBSITE DAILY FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS/HOMEWORK.

Late Work- I accept late work in the event of an excused absence or if prearrangements have been made ahead of time. You will be given the number of days you were absent to complete any missed work. I highly recommend that you email me for the work on the day of your absence to be sent electronically, check my website, or have a parent or guardian request your assignments be sent to the office for pick up.

Extra Credit- I do not assign extra credit work. (Sorry, no exceptions).

Code of Conduct:

·  Raise your hand when you have something to contribute

·  Respect one another; use kind words and actions toward others

·  Chewing gum or any type of food will not be allowed in the classroom

·  Silence all electronic devices and store them in your backpack

·  Entering the classroom during nutrition/lunch must be prearranged ahead of time

·  Student accountability in learning and complying with the classroom, school, and district rules.

Core Values:

Each staff member is an integral part of Rancho Pico, and all are committed to the following core values:

·  We will develop genuine and authentic relationships with parents, students, and the community.

·  We believe in the power and effectiveness of teaming to meet the needs of the students through small learning communities.

·  We believe all classes must have defined, viable, and rigorous standards-based curriculum.

·  We believe the best interest of our students must be the driving force in all of our decisions.

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Directions: Please read and discuss the course syllabus with your parents. Make sure both you and your parent(s) or guardian(s) sign below and return it to me by the next class meeting.

I have read the course syllabus for English/Language Arts:

Student Name (Print): ______Period:_____

Student Signature: ______

Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) Signature:
