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Dear Parent,

Hello and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to my class. I am excited to have your child in my classroom and look forward to the year ahead. I consider it an honor to get to spend time with your child during some of the most valuable years of his/her life.

During the school year ahead, feel free to contact me anytime. My contact information is listed below. However, during the school day it is my duty to make sure that everyone receives a fair and adequate education. Thus, it is unfair to the other students in my class to disrupt their learning time for me to engage in long phone calls or schedule long meetings during class time. Therefore, the best way to contact me is always going to be by email. If you would like to meet with me in person or contact me by phone the most convenient time is before school, during my lunch (11:00- 11:30), during my prep (8:00– 8:50), or after school. I feel that every conversation is important and I want to be able to give you my full attention during our communication. Also, feel free to call me in the evenings. However, please keep in mind that I do have a young child that goes to bed by 9:00 pm. I believe that it is in the best interest of all of my students to keep an open line of communication between me, as their teacher, and you, as their parent.

In closing, I feel that the skills taught in my classroom are going to help your child tremendously in the future. Technology is everywhere. Thus, it does not matter if your child is going to continue on to college or seek employment after high school it is imperative that they are equipped with computer and technology skills. Therefore, it is also imperative that I receive your child’s full cooperation. Thus, I would appreciate your help in this effort by helping to ensure that your child comes to class prepared to learn.

Again, I look forward to the school year to come!


Jamie McEwen

Perryville High School Business Education

Contact Information:


School Phone: 501-889-2326

Home Phone: 501-432-5019

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Parent’s Contact Information:

Student Name:

Parent’s Name(s):


Phone Number(s):

If you would like to receive messages from me via text messages:

(Providing the service provider allows me to send & receive text messages via my school email account.)

Parent Cell Number: ______

Parent Cell Service Provider (ex. AT&T): ______

In case of an emergency and I can not be reached,

Please Contact:

Their phone number is:

I have read and understand what to expect in Mrs. McEwen’s class.

Parent’s Signature:

Moodle Work Contract

Also, in my class we use a virtual classroom called Moodle. Moodle allows your child access to their assignments, as well as, handouts and other reference material that they need for my class online at their convenience. They will be submitting the majority of their assignments using Moodle. If they are absent for any reason their makeup work is on Moodle. Also, they will have a 7 calendar day grace period after the assignment is due to submit the missing assignment. However, after 7 calendar days the assignment will lock indefinitely and they will not be allowed to submit the missing assignment.

I ______understand that after 7 calendar days my assignment will lock in Moodle. Therefore, after 7 calendar days I will no longer be able to make up an assignment for credit. I understand that it is my responsibility to make arrangements with Mrs. McEwen to come in during activity period, before school, after school, at lunch or during another prearranged time to make up my work.

Date: ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______