Beal City Public Schools

Zoology Course Syllabus


Beal City Schools, in harmony with the home and community, will educate our children in a positive learning environment that meets individual needs and goals in order that all students successfully function in an ever-changing global society.


Course: Zoology

Teacher: Ms. Spry

Email Address:

Term: 1 Semester

Location: Room 457

School Phone: (989) 644-3944 Extension 2457

Office Hours: Before and after school by appointment only

Preparation Period: Fifth Period- 11:47-12:37


Title: Introduction to Livestock and Companion Animals

Author: Jasper S. Lee, Jim Hunter, Rick Rudd, Lyle Westrom, Amanda R. Patrick and Austin M. Bull

Course Description:

Students will be introduced to the industry of agriculture and its scope of importance to each of us. Included will be an introduction to FFA as a component of the Agriscience program. In this Zoology course students will be exploring animal genetics, breeding, reproduction, nutrition and record keeping. As well as an in-depth study of wildlife animals, aquatic animals, livestock and exotic animals. Students will also be involved in raising animals.

Course Outline/Assignments

Student learning will be evaluated by a combination of all or some of the following formsof assessment:

§  80% of the Semester Grade

§  Assigned Reading

§  Handouts/ Worksheets

§  Vocabulary

§  Announced and Unannounced Quizzes

§  Projects

§  Laboratory Experiments- Group or Individual

§  Chapter Tests

§  Unit Tests

§  Signed Progress Reports

§  20% of the Semester

Field Trips: Field trips are optional and are designed to supplement classroom learning.


Beal City Public Schools provides all necessary materials and supplies for curricular classes. Parents who wish to supplement these materials and supplies for their student in this class may consider purchasing the following:

§  Writing utensil

§  A pencil is required for all tests and quizzes

§  Binder

§  Loose leaf paper

If you would like to donate to my classroom at any time throughout the year, we are in need of the following:

§  Tissues

§  Colored Pencils

§  Index Cards

§  College Rule Loose Leaf Paper

§  Glue Sticks

§  Antibacterial Wipes

§  Hand Sanitizer

§  Markers


Traditional lecture with discussion, projects, assignments, and labs.

Classroom Procedures:


§  Treat each other and the classroom with respect

§  Come to class prepared and on time

§  Listen to directions from the teacher


§  Verbal Warning

§  Referral to Administrator

§  Parent Contact


§  All assignments will include the following:

§  Full Name

§  Date

§  Class and Period

§  Assignments need to be turned into the appropriate basket in the beginning of class. You have five minutes after the bell rings to get your assignment in the correct basket, anything after that will be considered late.

Late Work:

§  Late assignments will be marked down and not accepted after three days.

§  Anything turned in later than the assigned date will be considered late and subject to a 50% deduction.

§  Assignments done carelessly will be considered late and returned to the student without evaluation.

Extra Credit:

§  Extra credit opportunities will be done periodically throughout the semester through built in assignments and tasks.


§  Students who are absent will need to check with their study buddy for missing assignments. Notes and in-class activities must be attained from your study buddy. Students are responsible for getting their assignments from the homework folder and turning it in the next day.


§  Two late passes will be given per semester. These passes are used to turn in late assignments up to three days after the due date for full credit.

§  Two bathroom/hall passes will be given per semester. These two passes are redeemable to use the restroom or grab work left in locker.

§  No passes are granted when there is a substitute teacher.

§  After both bathroom/ hall passes have been used, students will receive a tardy for leaving the room.

Grading Scale:

93% -100% A 73% - 76% C

90% - 92% A- 70% - 72% C-

87% - 89% B+ 67% - 69% D+

83% - 86% B 63% - 66% D

80% - 82% B- 60% - 62% D-

77% - 79% C+ 0% - 59% E

The above procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.


Parents: Please fill out the following information and have your student return it the first week of class.



I have read the syllabus and am aware of the expectations and procedures for this class.

Student Name (Print Please): ______

Student Signature: ______


Parent Signature: ______


Preferred Method of Contact (Please circle one)

Email Phone Other:______

Email: ______Phone:______