Recently, bBiofuels are in high demand because of their environmental[Crimson1]usesbenefits. Biofuels They are considered to be a good alternative[Crimson2]as if they are costaffectiveeffective, can be produced in large quantities in by a continuous batch culture without hampering or having any negative effects onaffecting the food [Crimson3]supply[Crimson4],and can be effectively derived produced from biomass,to thus reducinge[Crimson5]the cost and energy needed required to produce feedstocks for biofuel production.

Biodiesels are chemically mono-alkyl methyl esters. During esterification [Remark 1]a catalyst separates the fatty acids break from the glycerine[Crimson6]one by one. Biofuels like such as biodiesels are formed when a methyl alcoholmethanol (CH33OH)bindscontacts and forms a bond witha fatty acid molecule [Crimson7](e.g., palmitoleic acidCH3(CH2)5CH=CH(CH2)7COOH) and forms a bond.

2Two major reasons why Bbiofuels offer aare better alternative tothan fossil fuels are as follows:that (1) [Crimson8]they are economically competitive, and[Crimson9](2) they can be generated on a large scale from the waste of our day-to-daydailylivesavailable waste[Crimson10].thuThese qualities of biofuels ensureing a recyclinge of waste products toand converting them to[Crimson11]productive components compounds as also maintaining a closed- carbon[Crimson12] cycle.. [Remark 2][Crimson13][Crimson14]

To further identify which biofuels that is are[Crimson15] better sources of energy and cost effective,[Crimson16] in this study,we[Crimson17] compare the current available biofuels to some of the commonly used fossil fuels. [Remark 3]

Remark 1: Please check if the highlighted term should be revised to transesterification.

Remark 2: Please specify the importance of a closed carbon cycle in one or two sentences for further clarity to the readers.

Remark 3: Although biofuels as well as fossil fuels used in this study will be mentioned further in the text, it would be helpful to readers to introduce a few examples in the Introduction section to get a gist of the comparative study.

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The correct form of the word (adjectival) has been used.

[Crimson2]Word choice:

The word choice has been corrected.

[Crimson3]Language enhancement:

The sentence has been revised for readability and conciseness


Extra spacing between the word and the punctuation mark has been removed.

[Crimson5]Language enhancement:

Revision made to maintain academic style


The spelling has been revised to suit American English.

[Crimson7]Language correctness:

The expression has been made concise.

[Crimson8]Language enhancement:

Revision in presentation added here for easy readability.


Incorrect comma deleted.

[Crimson10]Language enhancement:

The phrase has been made concise


Extra spaces have been deleted.


Incorrect hyphenation deleted.


Extra period deleted.

[Crimson14]Author communication:

Suggestions and clarifications are communicated to the author through remarks.


The singular noun has been changed to Plural.


Spelling corrected.


Subject added for clarity.