Name: ______/ Introduction to Psychology
Date: ______/ Mr. LaBrache

Abnormal Psychology:

Psychological Disorders

Part I

I.  Abnormal Psychology

A.  General information

1.  Definition – A “harmful dysfunction” in which ______ is judged to be atypical, ______, maladaptive and unjustifiable

2.  Elements of Mental Illness

a.  Deviant behavior

b.  Distress

c.  Dysfunctional

3.  Early Theories and treatments

a.  Evil spirits trying to get out

b.  ______: boring holes in the ______ to remove evil forces

c.  ______, caged beaten, ______, castrated, mutilated, or transfused with animal’s blood

Psychological School/Perspective / Cause of the Disorder
______ / Internal, unconscious drive
Humanistic / Failure to strive to one’s potential
Behavioral / The environment
______ / Irrational ways of thinking
Socio-cultural / Dysfunctional Society
______ / Biochemical imbalances

4.  Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V)

a.  Classify disorders and describe ______

b.  Will NOT explain causes or possible ______

B.  Anxiety Disorders

1.  Generalized Anxiety Disorder

a.  ______, apprehensive state of autonomic nervous system arousal

b.  Worried, feels ______, is oversensitive

c.  Can’t concentrate

2.  Panic Disorders

a.  Minutes-long episode of ______ dread

b.  Person experiences ______ and accompanying chest pain

c.  ______ and other frightening sensations

d.  Take the anxiety scale

a.  Average level of anxiety among college students is 14-15 that match “true”

3.  Phobias

a.  A person experiences sudden episodes of intense dread

b.  Persistent/ ______ fear of an object or situation that disrupts ______

c.  According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking, #2 is death

d.  Top 10 fears: snakes, buried alive, heights, tied up, drowning, public speaking, hell, cancer, tornadoes and fire

4.  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD)

a.  Persistent unwanted thoughts (______) cause someone to feel the need (______) to engage in a particular action.

b.  Obsession about dirt and germs may lead to compulsive hand washing

5.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

a.  ______ or nightmares following involvement in or observation of an extremely stressful event

b.  Memories of event cause ______

c.  ______ is found when you have four or more weeks of the following symptoms

a.  Haunting memories

b.  Nightmares

c.  Social ______

d.  Jumpy anxiety

e.  ______ problems

Name: ______/ Introduction to Psychology
Date: ______/ Mr. LaBrache

Abnormal Psychology:

Psychological Disorders

Part II

C.  Mood Disorders – experience ______ or inappropriate emotion

1.  Major Depression

a.  Also called: ______ depression

b.  Unhappy for at least two weeks with no ______ cause

c.  ______ is the common cold of psychological disorder

2.  Seasonal affective Disorder

a.  Experience ______ during the winter months

b.  Based not on ______, but on amount of ______

c.  Treated with ______ therapy

3.  Bipolar Disorder

a.  Formally ______-depression

b.  Periods of ______and manic ______

c.  Manic episodes involve feelings of high ______

d.  Engage in ______ behavior during the manic episode

e.  Increased in the past 30 years

D.  Somatoform Disorders

1.  Person manifests a psychological problem through a physiological (______) symptom

2.  Not to be confused with ______: mental conditions lead to physical disease

3.  Hypochondriasis

a.  Frequent physical complaints

b.  Doctors ______ to locate cause

c.  Usually believe that the ______ issues (headache, upset stomach) are indicative of more severe illness.

4.  Conversion Disorder

a.  Existence of a severe ______ problem but no biologic cause can be found

b.  Some become ______ after witnessing a horrible tragedy

c.  ______ from the waist down after death of a love one

E.  Dissociative Disorders

1.  Disorders that affect ______ by causing an interference with the patient’s general functioning, relationships and employment

a.  Allows the mind to ______certain ______ from consciousness

b.  There are varying level of severity; can be as minimal as becoming involved in a book and as server as disconnection from your own self/personality

2.  Dissociative Identify Disorder

a.  ______ Personality Disorder

b.  Person has several rather than one ______

c.  History of childhood ______ or trauma

d.  Don't’ call it ______ personality

F.  Schizophrenic Disorders

1.  Symptoms

a.  Disorganized thinking

a.  Such as ______ of persecution or grandeur

b.  Disturbed perceptions

a.  ______ – sensory experiences without sensory stimulation

c.  Inappropriate emotions and actions

a.  ______ at inappropriate times

b.  Flat Affect

c.  Senseless, compulsive act

2.  Paranoid Schizophrenia

a.  Preoccupation with delusions or ______

b.  Somebody is out to get me!

3.  Disorganized Schizophrenia

a.  Disorganized speech or behavior, flat or inappropriate emotion

b.  ______ associations: grouping of words based on sounds; generally rhyming, but no reason to be together

4.  Catatonic Schizophrenia

a.  Flat affect

b.  Parrot-like repeating of another’s speech and movements

G.  Personality Disorders

a.  Impaired social functioning

b.  Usually without anxiety, depression, or delusions

c.  Difficult to diagnose

1.  Antisocial Personality Disorder

a.  Lack of empathy

b.  Little regards for other’s ______

c.  View world as ______ and look out for themselves

d.  Careless with ______

e.  Impulsive

f.  Often ______

g.  More concerned with ______ needs

2.  Narcissistic Personality Disorder

a.  Think you’re center of the universe

b.  Exaggerate achievements

c.  Expect others to recognize their ______

d.  Not just anyone is worthy of being their friend

e.  Uninterested in ______ of others/may take advantaged of them.

3.  Borderline Personality Disorder

a.  ______ self-image, unstable, impulsive, stormy relationships

b.  Take anger out on themselves, cause themselves injury

c.  Mood swings/bouts of anger

d.  Upset/______ in response to perceived slights

e.  Little tolerance for ______

f.  Substance abuse, gambling, promiscuity, self-mutilation