The Annual Parish Meeting of Canwick Parish Council was held on Monday 24th April 2017 in the Village Hall, Montagu Road, Canwick and commenced at 7.15pm under the chairmanship of Councillor L.J. Pennell Chairman of the Parish Council.

The Chairman opened the meeting with a welcome to those present. District/County Councillor Oxby,four Parish Councillors, one other Parishionerand the Clerk were in attendance. Apologies had been received from Cllr Narborough.

The Chairman explained the format of the meeting to everyone. He then introduced the Councillors and the Clerk and thanked them for their hard work in the past year. He informed those present that Mrs Griffin had retired as a Councillor with effect from that day.

1. Parish Council Chairman’s Report: The Chairman updated on issues over the past year including the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, the Lincoln Eastern Bypass and the Pavilion on the Playing Field(copy of the report is attached to the minute file for information). The Chairman reported that the Bomber Command Memorial is still work in progress as although the spire is erected and was formally commissioned over a year ago much more work is to be done before the site and the Visitor Centre can open. A report on the council’s finances was also given. He concluded with welcoming any questions. There were no questions raised.

2. Report from the County Council Councillor: Cllr Oxby updated on major topics both ongoing and from the past year. He gave an overview of the financial restrictions of the budget with a 1.95% increase in the general rate and 2% increase in Adult Social Care. It was noted there had been a 5.8 million pounds boost to the road budget. He informed that street lights are now being replaced with LED bulbs and are switched off at midnight for economy. Cllr Oxby stated that Lincoln Castle had won a national award and is to display the Domesday Book later in the year. It was noted that the new Police, Fire and Ambulance building at South Park would be finished by 2019. He concluded with welcoming any questions. There were no questions raised.

The Chairman thanked County Cllr Oxby for his report.

3. Report from District Council Ward Representative: Cllr Carrington spoke about various topics including the economy and key achievements of the year. He stated that 19 business units had been built and let within eight months of the site opening at Teal Park. Tourism growth had been helped in the District including a £200,000 grant towards the International Bomber Command Memorial. It was noted that the economic benefit of tourism had grown to £120 million from 2.3 million visitors. Cllr Carrington informed that 373 new homes had been built in the District against a target of 245 and 89 affordable homes had been delivered against a target of 45. It was noted the District had invested £250,000 into the Natural World Centre and the Little Darters at Whisby. Cllr Carrington also informed that the Community Plan 2016-2021 had been adopted which considers how to promote and improve the economic, social, environmental health and wellbeing of the area. He stated that NKDC had been recognised as having England’s highest levels of life satisfaction. Finally Cllr Carrington informed that Cllr Mrs Brighton had retired from Leadership of the Council and Cllr Richard Wright had been appointed. He concluded with welcoming any questions. There were no questions raised.

The Chairman thanked District Cllr Carrington for his report.

4. Parishioners’ Question Time: There were no questions raised. Graham Wallace asked for thanks to be recorded to the Parish Council for their support and help with maintenance of the playing field. He stated they hoped to start fundraising for a new pavilion on the playing field very shortly. The Chairman replied that we will do what we can to help.

There being no further business the Chairman thanked those in attendance and closed the meeting at 7.54pm.