2 year old audit: Enabling environments

What current practice looks like / Points for development. / Updated action plan? (tick and date)
Do you provide sensory opportunities for all children throughout the day?
Are heuristic play resources regularly and freely available? / Some heuristic resources for two year olds available. Scented playdough etc / Develop this further
Do you keep some consistency in the layout of your environment, whilst still allowing for change as and when appropriate?
Does everyone follow children’s ideas and let them take the lead? / Yes, the rooms are organised consistently, but moved for dancing and big group activities
Yes – independently, daily / Evidence this on planning sheet / 07.11.13
Do you provide accessible storage for children’s possessions?
Can children access a wide range of resources independently? / Individual pegs in porch, box under sink for comforters
Is your outdoor environment as effectively planned as your indoor environment?
Do you have access to natural spaces for children to explore? / Free flow to outdoors, but with access issues with ‘slippery when wet’ decking area which leads to wider garden
Some natural spaces – hill, mud pit, field (when planned) with long grass, hedges etc
What systems do you have in place for transitions throughout the year? / Key person, comforters, family photo books.
Do you regularly use facilities available within your local community i.e. the park, the library, your local Children’s Centre? When is the last time children experienced ‘off-site’ learning? / Not enough / Find out what is available and begin to access / 07.11.13
What systems do you use to review and update children’s interests and individual needs? How regularly is this done? Do they include parents / carers / other professionals?
Do you use children’s interests and next steps to inform planning / learning environments? / Info. from home gathered and used in planning
Key person planning, based on learning journeys and observations of each child, feeds into whole group planning