FGDC Federal Lands Workgroup (FLWG) Call Notes

April 27, 2016

Prepared by: Lisa Johnson, PAD-US Coordinator,

USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP) Cooperator – Boise State University


·  Doug Vandegraft (BOEM)

·  Bob Pierce (USGS)

·  Lisa Johnson (PAD-US Coordinator)

·  Mason Croft (PAD-US Technical Specialist)

·  Julie Prior-Magee (USGS, PAD-US Data Set Manager)

·  Roger Johnson (NPS)

·  Madeline Sovich (Census)

·  Charles Spicer (Census)

·  Robert Mandzi (BLM)

·  Laurie Temple (USGS)

·  Michele Porter (USBR)

·  Ron Salz (FWS)

·  Troy Warburton (USFS)

·  Cirse Gonzales (NPS, Fed Rec Council)

·  Peter Bonsall (NPS)

·  David LaBranche (DOD)

·  Sean Killen (FWS)

·  Chad Wallace (BIA)

·  Nancy von Meyer (Cadastral Subcommittee)

·  Robert Mandzi (BLM)

·  Fran Evanisko (BLM)

·  Peter Bonsall (NPS)

Send Call Notes

·  Melissa Crandell (USBR)

·  Barbara Simpson (USBR)

·  Andrew Bailey (NWCG)

·  Beth Wenstrom (BIA)

·  Dierdre Bevington-Attardi (Census)

·  Jenny Runyon (USGS)

·  Carrie A Hritz (Census)

·  Lynda A Liptrap (Census)

·  Michael R Ratcliffe (Census)

·  Vincent Osier (Census)

·  Kalyn Mackenzie Rossiter (Census)

·  Laura Waggoner (Census)

·  John Varner (BLM)

·  Kevin Gergely (USGS)

·  Steve Dodds (USFS)

·  Steve Jalbert (USBR)

·  Steve Nechero (NRCS)

·  Travis Blacketter (BIA)

·  Lou Yost (USGS, BGN)

·  Christopher Niewold (NPS)

·  Laurie Campbell (USFS)

·  Betsy Kanalley (USFS)

·  Amber Dismer (CDC)

·  Holly Martin (USFS)

·  James Engstrom (BLM)

·  Jerry Johnston (DOI)

·  Jeff Nighbert (BLM)

·  Daniel Fleming (BLM)

·  James Schoolar (BLM)

·  Tom Chatfield (BLM)

·  Bob Ader (BLM)

·  Shonin Anacker (Census)

·  Scott Ensign (AirForce)

·  Bob Coffman (DoD)

Call Objective: determine content and assess needs for the FLWG’s GeoPlatform community pages and hear about USFS efforts to automate PAD-US updates.

Fed Lands FY16-17 Objectives:

§  Assess and improve inventory completeness.

§  Assess and improve core attribute compatibility between agency datasets.

§  Improve the efficiency of annual fed lands data aggregation for PAD-US.

§  Identify, manage or edit major topology overlap errors (boundaries) between agency datasets.

April 27th Action

§  Lisa/Maddy – post next meeting date, full fact sheet, March and April Call notes. DONE.

§  Need summary paragraph from agencies re translation for DOI GAC in June/July (Troy, Ron, Roger, Michele). Pending.

§  Register for GeoPlatform Community page (all). Pending.

April 27th Agenda

Participation list, intros, updates (Lisa, All)

April 5th update to GAC re FLWG efforts to automate PAD-US updates and build GeoPlatform Community Pages (Doug)

o  Shared:

§  Successful automation of NPS lands data

§  General outline for process available, Roger Johnson (NPS) available to share FME expertise

§  USFWS to begin automation soon

o  Requested:

§  Access to FME – DOI moved up acquisition in priority list (Mark Negri contacted Bob) but many bureaus are already using it

§  Capacity to share spatial data (.gdb, .shp) between FLWG agencies.

·  Pdf enabled – 2 MG limit

-  April 26th PAD-US Overview presentation to Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC) Data Management Working Group (Lisa, Bob)

-  Need summary paragraph from agencies re translation – next month or two (Bob, Lisa)

-  Update from USFWS – Sean travel to work with Roger in late May (Ron, Sean)

Update from USFS – data translation for auto PAD-US updates underway (Troy)

Transaction data to publication data for PAD-US

Minor changes (CAPS, field syntax), easy to rectify with ETL process

Ten files to PAD-US Fee, Easements and Designations structure

§  Specialized feature class USFS_PADUS to Geoclearinghouse

§  GAP to download directly weekly for PAD-US updates

Determine content for the new FLWG Community Pages on GeoPlatform (Madeline, Charles, all)

·  Reminder – Register for community page on GeoPlatform.gov

·  View page: https://cms.geoplatform.gov/a16govunits/FederalLands

·  Content for Public page

o  Fact sheet – Primary contacts final review, post fact sheet public page

o  Recent Notes public, archive 2016 call notes

o  Upcoming meetings

·  Content for FLWG private page

o  Test zip files

o  Blank PADUS 2.0 schema

o  links to Fed Lands Source Data Documentation for PAD-US updates?

o  Fed Lands presentation to DOI GAC?

o  Agency Data Management System presentations?

o  Guidance to automate PAD-US updates (NPS ppt)?

Fed Lands Geodatabase for PAD-US 1.4, with topo overlaps identified?

·  Available formats (under 2 MG): txt, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .tmg, .gif, .pptx, .xlsx, .pdf, .ppt

·  Need: .gdb and .shp, other?

·  ALL – Provide Madeline with feedback re GeoPlatform needs for FGDC feedback for contract.

Review March 30th Action

§  Doug – update DOI GAC on progress to automate fed lands updates to PAD-US format. DONE.

§  Doug/Bob – ask DOI GAC for capacity on GeoPlatform to share .gdb / .shp DONE.

§  Bob – share additional updates with FLWG regarding FME access DONE.

§  Lisa/Madeline/Charles – make PAD-US blank schema available on GeoPlatform, if possible PENDING

§  Lisa/Madeline/Charles – Update Geoplatform “next meeting” (Wed, April 27th, 3-4 EST) DONE.

§  Lisa/Madeline/Charles – post March 30th call notes to GeoPlatform? PENDING.

§  Lisa – send FLWG instructions to join GeoPlatform Community. DONE.

§  Lisa – send FLWG links to active fed lands source data doc and standard tables for PAD-US 2.0 data development. PENDING

§  Lisa - Send David materials before FLWG meetings. DOD cannot view webex given security limitations. DONE

§  Sean/Roger – work on USFWS lands data translation to PAD-US as schedules allow. PENDING

Schedule next call: Wed, June 1st (3-4 EST) – note new time!

-  PAD-US 1.4 release, announcements to share (Lisa)

-  Overview webinar: Geospatial Data for all Public Parks and Open Space Areas – A review and action plan (Larry, Lisa)

-  5 min who are LCCs, where do they fit in the world (Lisa, Bob)

TOPICS for Future Calls:

PAD-US related Updates

o  FWS report on lands data translation to PAD-US format

o  USFS updates

o  DOD updates

Inventory Completeness

o  Review federal lands inventory completeness estimate sheet? Revise format for assessment?

o  Review list of ‘other’ federal lands for PAD-US or broader fed lands geodatabase (e.g. Depart of Labor, Health and Human Services camps?)

Topology management

o  Wildfire, GAP (others?) overlap prioritization when boundaries overlap (Lisa, Andrew)

o  Suggestions related to SMA topology error corrections to PLSS (Fran)


o  BGN presentation re: Unit Name standard (naming conventions)

o  Discuss Unit Name script development from list of rules?

o  Unit Type Standard discussion

Geospatial Platform

o  NPS – Geospatial Project Overview (Roger Johnson)