Minutes for Bourne End Twinning Association AGM , held at 7.30pm on Saturday 4th March 2017 in St Dunstan's Hall


Liz welcomed all BEBTA attendees to the evening, and thanked the 7 representatives of the CJO for making the journey to be with us. (Alain and Eliane Richard, Olivier and Muriel Richer, Janine Mielle, Michèle Gautier and Marie Hélène Mocquet.She announced the sad news of the recent death of Gilbert Cressent a member of the CJO for 12 years, and said a note of condolences will be sent to the family.

2. Message from CJO

Alain said that the members of the CJO were delighted to be with us, and especially to be able to attend Wendy's “coronation”. He thanked the previous Chairs of BEBTA (Stuart Hyde,Mike Hill, Rob DeVille, Liz Yeeles) and expressed his pleasure in working with them all over the years. In order to avoid the difficulties of travelling in winter weather, the next CJO AGM may take place in mid March 2018. He then outlined the programme for the BEBTA visit to Octeville in April 2017. This will include a day trip to Caen and Cabourg, a visit to a brewery, the opening of a new English section in the public library in Octeville, and 2 restaurant meals.

3. Apologies

Apologies have been received from Dominic Grieve, Jean Peaseley, Roger and Jill Smith and Wilma and Alan Johnston-Ball.

4. Minutes of the last AGM

There were no matters arising. Acceptance of the 2016 AGM Minutes was proposed by Jan Caddie and seconded by Rob DeVille.

5. Financial report by the Treasurer, David Langford.

All attending members had access to copies of the Treasurer's financial statement. David reported a healthy balance of £9184 and thanked Roger Smith for checking his accounts.

David mentioned that Lloyds bank will now accept both “BEBTA” and “Bourne End (Bucks) Twinning Association” on cheques. Penny Bowden offered to assist David in any dealings with Lloyd's bank in Marlow as she has long experience of working there.

Gill DeVille proposed and Estelle Huxley seconded that we accept the Treasurer's report.

Liz proposed a vote of thanks to David for his meticulous work as Treasurer, especially in the light of the bank closures in Bourne End this year.

6. Chairman`s report

  • Liz was delighted to report that 2016 had been another good year for BEBTA. She thanked the committee for all their hard work, and thanked members for joining in all the events. The stable financial situation means that we will not have to raise the cost of events this year.
  • She then listed the events which had taken place. (Barn Dance, CJO visit, the choir's contribution to BEBTA events and to Alfred Court Christmas celebration, the Garden party which took place indoors, the Galette afternoon, the Quiz and the Autumn Dinner.)
  • Liz told members about the highlight of the year for her, when she was invited to attend the residence of the French Ambassador to witness the ‘Chevalier of the Legion d’honneur’ being conferred on Dominic Grieve. This was in recognition of the work he does with the French Council and all he does to encourage entente cordiale.
  • Gill DeVille is stepping down as catering coordinator, and after thanking her for all her hard work, Liz presented her with flowers. Gill will remain on the committee.
  • She then thanked Estelle,our own “Madame Desserts”, for letting us all enjoy her delicious puddings and cakes throughout the year, and also gave her some flowers.
  • Committee changes. Following Brian's illness, he and Viv Pollock resigned from the Committee last April. Liz thanked Margaret Emery, who stepped in as Secretary. On behalf of the members and Committee, Liz thanked Penny Bowden and Sandrine Hammerlindl who have both also resigned for personal reasons. Wendy Langford and Alan Duncan were co-opted onto the committee during the year.
  • Liz then thanked Pauline Clitheroe for her careful work as Hosting Secretary, (together with Muriel in Octeville)
  • Sylvia and Christine were thanked for selling Raffle tickets.
  • Liz asked those present to please contact any Committee member if they would like to help out in any occasional capacity( catering, purchase of wine etc).
  • Finally Liz thanked Peter for all his support to her over the last 4 years.
  • On behalf of all BEBTA members, Rob DeVille presented Liz with flowers and an engraved vase and thanked her for all the work she has done to ensure that BEBTA remains a thriving association. He also presented Peter Yeeles with a gift.

7./8 Election of new committee, run by Mike Hill

•Chair person . Mike confirmed that Liz has resigned, and that Wendy Langford has agreed to take over as Chairof the Association. Her nomination was proposed by Alan Duncan, seconded by Sandrine Hammerlindl, and agreed unanimously.

•Secretary Margaret Emery took over this position on the resignation of Viv Pollock. She is willing to continue, and was proposed by Liz Yeeles, seconded by David Davis and agreed unanimously.

•Alan Duncan was co-opted during the year. His position on the Committee was proposed by Lesley Davis, seconded by Rob DeVille and agreed unanimously.

All existing members of the committee have agreed to continue in their roles and were nominated en bloc proposed by David Davis and seconded by Lorna Hopper and therefore duly elected.

Mike asked if there were any other volunteers to be on the Committee from the floor, but there were none.

The Committee for 2017/8 is therefore as follows:

Chairman- Wendy Langford

Treasurer- David Langford

Secretary- Margaret Emery

Pauline Clitheroe

Gill DeVille

Rob DeVille

Alan Duncan

Estelle Huxley

Liz Yeeles

Peter Yeeles

Mike handed over to the new Chairperson, Wendy Langford.

9. Future Plans

Wendy thanked the members and representatives of the CJO for attending the AGM, and then continued by thanking the present Committee and all former Chairs of BEBTA who have established and maintained the organisation in the spirit of Twinning. She will do her best to maintain the high standards set by her predecessors. She raised a possible conflict of interest when signing BEBTA cheques as both Chair and Treasurer are from the same family. David has suggested that most countersigning will be done by Margaret Emery.

Wendy said that she is looking forward to working with Alain and the CJO, and encouraged BEBTA members to volunteer to join the committee or contribute their help for specific events.

Wendy then outlined the plans for 2017.

9. AOB

Jen Jackson thanked Wendy for her generosity in continuing her French Conversation Classes for members. All of those attending the classes, which are an additional fund-raiser for BEBTA, appreciate all she does for them.


  1. Close of AGM

Wendy closed the formal part of the meeting at 8.20 p.m.

This was followed by a delicious supper and the Raffle.

Document ends