Guangchen Chen


Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows

Lecturer in the Humanities Council and Comparative Literature

Princeton University

(857) 707 9704.


Harvard University, PhD, Comparative Literature; Secondary Field in Musicology (2017)

Dissertation: Collecting as Cultural Technique: Materialistic Interventions into History in 20th Century China.

Committee: David Damrosch (Chair), David Der-wei Wang (Co-Chair), John Hamilton, Almut-Barbara Renger (Freie Universität Berlin), Eugene Wang,

Harvard University, A.M. in Comparative Literature (2013)

Peking University, A.M. in Comparative and World Literature (2011)

Beijing Language and Culture University, B.A. in English (2008)


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Guangchen Chen


Modern Chinese Literature and Intellectual History, Theories of Collecting, Literary-Musical Relations, Politics of Aesthetics, Sino-Czech Cultural Relations, Phenomenology of Music, Baroque, Ecocriticism.


Chinese (Classical and Modern Mandarin/Cantonese, native speaker), German (advanced reading), French (intermediate reading), Czech (beginning).


“Fu Lei and Fou Ts’ong.” A New Literary History of Modern China. Ed. David Der-wei Wang. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2017.

“The Infinite Collection and the Mortal Collector: Lu Xun, Flea Market Revolutionary.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. Revise and Resubmit. (Peer-reviewed)

“The Hand, the Gaze and the Voice: Lu Xun’s Transcription of Ancient Inscriptions.” Frontiers of Literary Studies in China (Spring 2018). Forthcoming. (Peer-reviewed)

“The Itinerary of an untranslatable Word: Kitsch, Central Europe and World Literature.” Journal of World Literature. Accepted. (Peer-reviewed)

Invited Book Review. Winfried Eckel: Ut Musica Poesis: Die Literatur der Moderne aus dem Geist der Musik. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2015. In Orbis Litterarum, 2016.

“Untitled Baroque: A Conversation on Li Shangyin.” With Chloe Garcia-Roberts. The Critical Flame: A Journal of Literature and Culture, January 10, 2016.

“Things being What They are not: A Baroque Way of Looking.” Comparative and World Literature, No.7, 2015: 107-123: 107-123. Runner-up for A. Owen Aldridge Prize (ACLA)

“Against Ecological Kitsch: Derek Jarman’s Prospect Cottage Project.” International Ecocriticism: Young Voices. Ed. Serpil Oppermann. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014: 117-131. (Peer-reviewed)

“Personal Environment: Shen Congwen and Gao Xingjian’s Autobiographical Writing.” Ecology and Life Writing. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012: 177-197.

- Chinese Translation appears in “Shengtaixue Yu Shengming Xiezuo” [生态学与生命写作]. Trans. Lin Jiang, Nonghua Nie. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2016.

Conference Review: Ecology And Life Writing: International Conference. Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, 24-27 June, 2010. Green Letters: Studies In Ecocriticism 13.1, 2010: 116-123.


Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University (2016-7).

Fairbank Center Graduate Student Associate, Harvard University (2016-7).

Frederick Sheldon Traveling Fellowship (Harvard), year-long research stay in China, Czech Republic and Germany. Awarded in a university-wide competition (2015).

Global Humanities Junior Fellowship (Freie Universität Berlin), in the thematic network “Principles of Cultural Dynamics.” The only Harvard recipient in 2015, awarded in university-wide competition.

Runner-up for A. Owen Aldridge Prize, American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), "Things being What They are not: A Baroque Way of Looking" (2015).

Subsidy for Translations of Comparative Literature Scholarship, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University (2014).

Maurice Lazarus Graduate Research Travel Award (Harvard), research and language study in Prague, in support of the research project “Lyrical Spirit and Cultural Diplomacy: Mathesius and Prusek's Reappropriation of Classical Chinese Poetry.” Harvard Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. Awarded in a university-wide competition (2014).

Conference Travel Grant, Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies (2014, 2015).


Departmental Nominee for Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates, Harvard University (2015).

Certificates of Distinction in Teaching (3 times), Harvard Bok Center for Teaching and Learning (Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015).


Chinese Translation of David Damrosch: How to Read World Literature. Beijing: Peking University Press. In Preparation. Subsidized by Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University.

Chinese Translation of Jaroslav Průšek’s Newly Discovered Autobiography (Commissioned by Professor Olga Lomová, Charles University), in Chinese Studies and Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting. In progress.

Guest editor for the special issue commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Fu Lei’s Death, Poetry Calligraphy Painting, February 2017.


Albert Schweitzer: Johann Sebastian Bach, Volume II. Chinese translation. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2017. Forthcoming.

Claire Roberts: Friendship in Art: Fou Lei (Fu Lei) and Huang Binhong. Chinese translation. Shanghai: Zhong Xi Shu Ju, 2015.

- Translator’s preface appears in Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, No.1, 2013: 75-79.

- An excerpt appears in The Paper, May 13, 2015.

Zheng Zhenduo: “A View on the Unification of Literature.” English translation. World Literature in Theory. Ed. David Damrosch. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014: 58-68.

King-Kok Cheung: “Convergences and Divergences in Chinese and Chinese American (Auto)Biographies.” Chinese translation. Tradition of Life Writing and Contemporary Manifestations. Eds. Yang Zhengru et al. Beijing: Chinese Youth Press, 2012: 378-91.

Xiaofeng Liu: “Leo Strauss and the Rebirth of Classics in China.” English translation. The Reception of Greek and Roman Culture in East Asia. Ed. Almut Renger. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.


“Remembering the Life of a Cosmopolite: On the 50th Anniversary of Fu Lei’s Suicide.” Fairbank Center Blog, November 14, 2016.

Conversation with Dr. Michaela Pejcochova, curator of the Chinese collection, National Gallery in Prague. Commissioned by editorial of Life Magazine, Shanghai. In Progress.

Workshop Report: Cultural Transformations of Buddhism Today.DynamicsandEntanglements.Freie Universität Berlin,December10-12, 2015. With Robekkah Ritchie. H-Buddhism, Humanities and Social Sciences Online.

“Untitled Baroque: A Conversation on Li Shangyin” (in Chinese). With Chloe Garcia-Roberts. Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, No.1, 2015: 195-204.

“Translator’s Preface to Claire Roberts’ Friendship in Art: Fou Lei and Huang Binhong.” Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, No.1, 2013: 75-79.

“Fu Lei and Fou Ts’ong: the Art of Hermeneutics.” Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, No.5, 2011.

“The Politics of Disengagement: An Ecocritical Reading of Wang Wei.” The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons. Eds. Serpil Oppermann and Scott Slovic. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.

“Perception and Compassion: In Conversation with Jury Member Fou Ts’ong on the 16th Chopin Competition in Warsaw.” Philharmonic, no. 2, 2011.

“Translating Western Music into Chinese Context.” Exploring Fou Lei’s Spiritual World. Ed. Xu Jun. Shanghai: Zhong Xi Shu Ju, 2011.

“Fou Ts’ong’s Interpretation of Chopin.” Fou Ts’ong: Celebrating his 70th Birthday. Ed. Fu Min. Tianjin: Tianjin Social Science Press, 2004.


Visiting Scholar, Institute for the Scientific Study of Religion, Freie Universität Berlin (2015).


Assistant Resident Director, Harvard Beijing Academy (2017).

Invited peer-review of an article for Orbis Litterarum (2016).

Invited panel chair and respondent. “Object Emotions: Polemics.” University of Cambridge (2016).

Member, Liaison Committee, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University (2016-7).

Author and Co-administrator, “Religion & Literature” Blog, under the supervision of Prof. Almut Renger and Prof. John Hamilton (2015- ).

Program Assistant, Institute for World Literature, Harvard University (2011-4).

Co-designer, “The Art of Listening,” Framework Course in Arts and Humanities, with Professors John Hamilton and Alexander Rehding, Harvard University (2013).

Co-curator, Online Exhibition Transmission/Transformation: Sounding China in Enlightenment Europe, Department of Music, Harvard University (2011).

Conference Secretary, “The Rise of World Literatures,” Peking University (2011).

Interpreter, Symposium “Contemporary Ink Painting and Art Historical Perspectives,” The University of Chicago in Beijing. Chair: Professor Wu Hung (2010).


Co-organizer and Chair, Symposium commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Fu Lei’s Death. Fu Lei Cultural Center, Shanghai (2016).

“Fu Lei: Transculturation and Musical Modernity.” Plenary session, 19th International CHIME Meeting: “The New Face of Chinese Music.” Haute école de musique de Genève (2015).

“Les Notions Littéraires Occidentales en Asie de l’Est,” 19th Congress of ICLA, Chung-Ang University, Korea (2010).


“A Material History of the Common People: Shen Congwen, William Morris, and the Handiness of Art.” Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL) Biennial Conference: “Text, Media, and Transcultural Negotiation.” The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2017).

Invited Presentation. “The Un/Mediality of the Ideal Object: Wang Guowei versus Shen Congwen.” Workshop “Intermediality and ReMediation: Photography, Text and Context in Modern China.” Harvard Yenching Institute (2017).

“The Hand, the Gaze and the Voice: Lu Xun’s Transcription of Ancient Inscriptions.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Toronto (2017).

“Unexpected Elective Affinity: Artistic Symbiosis between Huang Binhong and Fu Lei.” New England Regional Conference for the Association for Asian Studies, “Asia: Past, Present, Future,” Boston College (2017).

“Contesting the Oracle Bones: How Chinese Antiquary became Antiquated.” Poggioli Colloquium. Respondent: Stephen Owen. Harvard University (2016).

Invited Presentation. “Průšek and Lu Xun: the Scholars as Collectors.” Symposium Commemorating the 110 Anniversary of Jaroslav Průšek’s Birth. Charles University, Prague (2016).

“Translating Music across Cultures: the Case of Fu Lei and Fou Ts’ong.” With Professor Xavier Bouvier. Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology. Shanghai Conservatory (2015).

“En Dehors/As from the Outside: Debussy through an Oriental Eye.” 19th International CHIME Meeting: “The New Face of Chinese Music.” Haute école de musique de Genève (2015).

“Urtext, Ausgabe letzter Hand and the Collector: Lu Xun’s Editing of Ji Kang.” Harvard-Yale Conference in Book History. Harvard University (2015).

“Transcribed Scripts as Emotional Niche: A Study of Imitative Transcription in Chinese Calligraphy.” Object Emotions, Revisited: An Interdisciplinary Conference. Yale University (2015).

“The Collector as Melancholic Angel: Objects, Scripts, Quotations, and the Rebel against Storytelling in Modern Chinese Literature.” Poggioli Colloquium. Harvard University (2014).

“Zhuangzi, Ji Kang, and a Phenomenology of Music.“ “Sound, Noise and the Everyday–Soundscapes in China.” Aarhus University, Denmark (2014).

“Derek Jarman and his Garden.” 5th EASLCE Biennial Conference on “Natura Loquens: Eruptive Dialogues, Disruptive Discourses,”Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Canaries, Spain (2012).

“Two Ways against Kitsch: Chinese Gaudy Art and ‘Abject Art’.” 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, Brown University (2012).

Invited Presentation. “Fu Lei and Fou Ts’ong: the Art of Hermeneutics.” Forum on Fu Lei’s Life and Work, Shanghai, China (2011).

“Sublime Ideology, or the Shunning of Shit: Kitsch and its Double-Life in China.” 19th Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), Chung-Ang University, Korea (2011).

“The Possibility of Philosophical Intimacy: Derek Jarman’s Wittgenstein.” 7th Biennial International Auto/Biography Association Conference, University of Sussex, UK (2011).

“Identifying the Self with Environment: Shen Congwen’s Tactful Shaping of His Cultural Identity.” Ecology and Life Writing: International Conference, Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany (2011).

“Suspension of Time and Transcendence of the Ego: Wang Wei’s Ecopeotics.” “The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons”, Hacettepe and Ankara Universities, Turkey (2009).

“Translating Western Music into Chinese Context: On Fu Lei’s Musical Thoughts.” International Conference Commemorating Fu Lei’s 100 Anniversary, Nanjing University, China (2008).


Princeton University:

Principal Instructor, On Collecting: Anatomy of an Obsession. Fall 2017.

Harvard University:

Teaching Fellow, Literature and Medicine, Prof. Karen Thornber. Spring 2015.

Teaching Fellow, Classical Chinese Ethical and Political Theory, Prof. Michael Puett. Fall Semesters 2013-4.

Teaching Fellow, The English Language as Literature, Prof. Daniel Albright. Spring 2014.

Teaching Fellow, Forbidden Romance in Modern China, Prof. David Der-wei Wang. Spring 2014.

Soochow University:

Lecture Series on Music and Western Civilization: “From Wagner to Bach: Music, Language and Image in Western Culture.” “A Cultural History of Nineteenth Century Europe in Wagner’s Ring.” Fall 2016.

Peking University:

Teaching Assistant, Theories of Biography, Prof. Zhao Baisheng. Fall 2009.


July - Aug 2015 Freie Universität Berlin: Global Humanities Campus within the thematic network Principles of Cultural Dynamics.

Aug 2014 Charles University, Prague: Czech Language and Culture Course.

July – Aug 2012 Goethe Institute, Berlin: Intensive 8-Week German Language Course.

July 2010 University of London: T. S. Eliot Summer School.

2006 – 2007 University of Newcastle upon Tyne: Exchange Student at the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics.



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Guangchen Chen

David Damrosch

Chair, Department of Comparative Literature

Ernest Bernbaum Professor of Comparative Literature

Director, Institute for World Literature

Harvard University


David Der-wei Wang

Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese Literature

Professor of Comparative Literature

Harvard University

Academician, Academia Sinica



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Guangchen Chen

John T. Hamilton

Chair, Department of Germanic Languages and


William R. Kenan Professor of German and

Comparative Literature


Leo Ou-Fan Lee

Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


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Guangchen Chen


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Guangchen Chen


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Guangchen Chen


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Guangchen Chen


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Guangchen Chen


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