Physics Program - KFUPM

Self-Evaluation Scales for Higher Education Programs - NCAAA

Standard 4: Learning and Teaching

Prepared by

Dr. Hocine Bahlouli(Committee Chairman)

Dr. Nabil Maalej

Dr. Saeed Al-Marzoug

March 13, 2010

4.1Student Learning Outcomes

# / Sub-Standards / Supporting Documents / True?
Y/No/NA / How well done?
((# of stars
Document / Relevant Reference / Location
4.1.1 / Intended learning outcomes are specified after consideration of relevant academic and professional advice. / Self Assessment Report of Undergraduate Program, Department of Physics (April -2005)
Undergraduate Studies Bulletin / Criterion 1;
1.3 Outcomes
Standard 1-2
Criterion 2; Curriculum design and organization / ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development

/ Y / *****
4.1.2 / Intended learning outcomes are consistent with the Qualifications Framework. (covering all of the domains of learning at the standards required) / Self Assessment Report of Undergraduate Program, Department of Physics (April -2005)
Notes: The current program objectives are classified into three categories (Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor) and learning outcomes are mapped out to these objectives. On the other hand, the NQF groups the kinds of learning expected of students into four domains (knowledge, cognitive skills, interpersonal skills and responsibility, and communication, information technology and numerical skills). It will be useful to revisit the current learning outcomes from the perspective of the four domains in the NQF. / Criterion 1; Program Outcomes / ArchitectureDepartment & ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development / Y / 4
4.1.3 / Intended learning outcomes are consistent with requirements for professional practice in Saudi Arabia in the fields concerned. (These requirements should include local accreditation requirements and also take account of international accreditation requirements for that field of study, and any Saudi Arabian regulations or special regional needs.) / II.1.1 Student Performance Criteria
Notes: ILOs to a great extent are aligned with the requirements of the professional practice in Saudi Arabia. However, for the international accreditation, NAAB (National Architectural Accrediting Board) outlined Student Performance Criteria categorized into three realms that the Architecture Program at KFUPM should consider if planning for international accreditation. / 2009 Conditions for Accreditation / / Y / 3
4.1.4 / If an institution has identified special attributes to be developed in students graduating from the institution comprehensive strategies are established for these to be developed. (This means that the attributes to be developed in students are clearly defined, strategies for developing them planned and implemented across the program, and mechanisms for assessing and reporting on the extent to which graduating students have developed them, are in place.) / NA
4.1.5 / Appropriate program evaluation mechanisms including graduating student surveys, employment outcome data, employer feedback and subsequent performance of graduates are used to provide evidence about the appropriateness of intended learning outcomes and the extent to which they are achieved. (see also sections 4.3 and 4.4 dealing with program evaluation processes and verification of standards of student achievement) / Notes: The outcomes of these surveys should be readily accessible to the Architecture Department for analysis, verification and improvement of its program learning outcomes. / The following surveys are conducted by the Deanship of Academic Development
-Graduating students Survey
-Faculty survey
-Employer survey
-Alumni survey / / Y / 4
Overall Assessment / 4
Comments:As noted above in related Notes sections.
Priorities for Improvement:
-Revisit the current learning outcomes from the perspective of the four domains in the NQF.
-Consider the three realms NAAB in the Student Performance Criteria outlined by NAAB (National Architectural Accrediting Board).
-Utilize the outcomes of surveys conducted by DAD for the analysis, verification and improvement of program learning outcomes.

4.2 Program Development Processes

# / Sub-Standards / Supporting Documents / True?
Y/No/NA / How well done?
((# of stars
Title/Notes / Document / Location
4.2.1 / Plans for the delivery of programs and for their evaluation are set out in detailed program specifications that include knowledge and skills to be acquired, and strategies for teaching and assessment for the progressive development of learning in all the domains of learning. / 2. Academic Program Content
Self Assessment Report for the Architecture Program (2004-2005) / Guidelines for Developing Academic Programs
Self Assessment Report for the Architecture Program (2004-2005) /
ArchitectureDepartment & ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development / Y / 5
4.2.2 / Plans for courses are set out in course specifications that include knowledge and skills to be acquired and strategies for teaching and assessment for the domains of learning to be addressed in each course. / Course Syllabus / ARC Syllabi / ARC Course Files / Y / 5
4.2.3 / The content and strategies set out in course specifications are coordinated with other courses and followed in practice to ensure effective progressive development of learning for the total program in all the domains of learning. / Criterion 1: Program Mission, Objectives, and Outcomes / Self Assessment Report for the Architecture Program (2004-2005) / ArchitectureDepartment & ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development / Y / 5
4.2.4 / Planning should include any action necessary to ensure that teaching staff are familiar with and are able to use the strategies included in the program and course specifications. / DAD Workshops / Teaching & LearningCenter Events / / Y / 5
4.2.5 / The academic and/or professional fields for which students are being prepared are monitored on a continuing basis with necessary adjustments made in programs and in text and reference materials to ensure continuing relevance and quality. / Notes: This is taking place but on Ad Hoc basis through both individual efforts from some faculty members in their course and from the Advisory Board of the College of Environmental Design. However, regulating this process with specific milestones and responsibilities will introduce substantial improvements for the relevance of the program to the architectural profession in Saudi Arabia. / Minutes of the Advisory Board Council for the College of Environmental Design / College of Environmental Design / Y / 3
4.2.6 / In professional programs continuing advisory panels that include leading practitioners from the relevant profession monitor and advise on content and quality of programs. / Note: Currently, there is an Advisory Board at the level of the College of Environmental Design. However, establishing a specific advisory board/panel at the program level will be more beneficial and effective to the program. / Advisory Board Council for the College of Environmental Design / College of Environmental Design / Y / 4
4.2.7 / New program proposals are assessed and approved or rejected by the institution’s senior academic committee using criteria that ensure thorough and appropriate consultation in planning and capacity for effective implementation. / Program Evaluation / Guidelines for Developing Academic Programs / / Y / 5
Overall Assessment / 4.6
Comments:As noted above in related Notes sections.
Priorities for Improvement:
-Establish guidelines to regulate the process of continuously monitoring the development/change in Architecture Profession and introduce necessary and required adjustments to the Architecture Program with specific milestones and responsibilities. This will introduce substantial improvements for the relevance of the Architecture Program to the Architecture Profession in Saudi Arabia.
-Establish a specific advisory board/panel at the Program level will be more beneficial and effective to the Architecture Program.

4.3 Program Evaluation and Review Processes

# / Sub-Standards / Supporting Documents / True?
Y/No/NA / How well done?
((# of stars
Title/Notes / Document / Location
4.3.1 / Courses and programs are evaluated and reported on annually with information about the effectiveness of planned strategies and the extent to which intended learning outcomes are being achieved. / 1-Course and Instructor Evaluation
2-4.2.12 Course Evaluation by Students
Notes: There is only one form of course evaluation which is conducted every semester by the students enrolled in these courses. The program is not evaluated annually. / 1-Online forms
2-The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition, DAD, KFUPM, July 2009 / / Y / 3
4.3.2 / When changes are made as a result of evaluations details of those changes and the reasons for them should be retained in course and program portfolios. / 1-Topics/Contents
2-3. Approval Process
Instructors may introduce minor changes to their courses and such changes are included in the course syllabus. However, major changes in courses must be approved by the KFUPM Academic Committee
Currently, there is no documentation for the justifications of changes taking place in the courses of the Architecture Program at KFUPM. / 1-ARC Syllabi
2-Guidelines for Developing Courses /
  1. ARC Course Files
/ Y / 3
4.3.3 / Quality indicators that include learning outcome measures are identified and used for all courses and the program as a whole. / 1-2.3 Course learning outcomes
2-Learning Outcomes
3-2.4 Program learning outcomes / 1-Guidelines for Developing Courses
2-ARC Syllabi
3-Guidelines for Developing Academic Programs / 1-
2-ARC Course Files
3- / Y / 5
4.3.4 / Records of student completion rates in all courses and the program as a whole are kept and used as quality indicators. / Chapter 1: Academic Sector
Notes: These records are kept in the Registrar’s Office and are used as quality indicators by the KFUPM Office of Planning and Quality / Registrar’s Database
University Annual Report / Deanship of Admission and Registration
Office of Planning and Quality, KFUPM / Y / 5
4.3.5 / Annual reports including quality assurance data are provided and reviewed by senior administrators and quality committees. / Notes: There is no annual report produced for the Architecture Program. However, there is a Department Annual Report that is forwarded to the Office of Planning and Quality at KFUPM wherein quality committees conduct their work it is assumed that such reports are reviewed by senior administrators. / Department Annual Report / Architecture Department & Office of Planning and Quality, KFUPM / Y / 3
4.3.6 / Course completion, program progression and completion rates, and student course and program evaluations, are retained in central records in a form that can be readily accessed by the department and college, and analyzed centrally with summaries and comparative data distributed automatically to departments, colleges, senior administrators and relevant committees at least once each year. / Notes: Even though such records are centrally available at the Registrar’s Office, Office of Planning and Quality, and Deanship of Academic Development but there is a need for them to be readily accessible by the Architecture Department for analysis. / Registrar’s Database
University Annual Report / Deanship of Admission and Registration
Office of Planning and Quality, KFUPM / Y / 3
4.3.7 / If problems are found through program evaluations appropriate action is taken to make improvements / Action Plan
Notes: In response to the Self-Assessment Report conducted for the Architecture Program in 2004-2005. An Action Plan was developed based on the review of the independent external examiner. However, more rigorous follow up is expected from the Deanship of Academic Development to ensure the implementation of the Action Plan with the Architecture Department. / Action Plan / ArchitectureDepartment & ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development / Y / 4
4.3.8 / In addition to annual evaluations a comprehensive reassessment of the program should be conducted at least once every five years. Procedures for conducting these reassessments should be consistent with policies and procedures established for the institution. / Self Assessment Report for the Architecture Program (2004-2005) / Self Assessment Report for the Architecture Program (2004-2005) / ArchitectureDepartment & ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development / Y / 5
4.3.9 / Program reviews conducted within the institution involve experienced people from relevant industries and professions, and experienced teaching staff from other institutions. / Program Evaluation / Guidelines for Developing Academic Programs / / Y / 5
4.3.10 / Procedures are followed that ensure that in program reviews information about the appropriateness of learning outcomes sought and the extent to which they are achieved is sought from students and graduates through surveys and interviews, discussions with teaching staff, and other stakeholders such as employers. / Notes: The program review process includes evaluation from all program stakeholders including current students, graduated students, employers, and teachers. The program review report is examined by an independent external examiner along with a site visit to meet students, faculty and administration. / Y / 5
4.3.11 / If the program is offered in sections for male and female students evaluations should provide data for each section as well as for the program as a whole, and any deficiencies in one or the other section dealt with appropriately in recommendations for action. / NA
Overall Assessment / 4
Comments:As noted above in related Notes sections.
Priorities for Improvement:
-Conduct an Annual Program Review to evaluate the effectiveness of planned strategies and achievement of intended learning outcomes.
-Establish a Program Portfolio and include in it documentation for the justifications of changes taking place in the courses of the Architecture Program.
-Solicit with the University Administration to provide the Architecture Department a readily access to central records of course completion, program progression and completion rates, student course and program evaluations.
-Establish a mechanism of a more rigorous follow by the Deanship of Academic Development to ensure the implementation of the Action Plan by the Architecture Department.

4.4 Student Assessment

# / Sub-Standards / Supporting Documents / True?
Y/No/NA / How well done?
((# of stars
Title/Notes / Document / Location
4.4.1 / Student assessment mechanisms should be appropriate for the different forms of learning sought / 1- Self Assessment Report of Undergraduate Program , Department of Physics (April -2005)
2- Self Assessment Surveys / 1-Criterion 1: Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes
2- Self Assessment Surveys / 1- ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development

2 / Y / 5
4.4.2 / Assessment practices should be clearly communicated to students at the beginning of courses / The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition
DAD, K F U P M July 2009 / 4.2.9 Course Management
4.2.10 Examination and Grades / / y / 5
4.4.3 / Appropriate, valid and reliable mechanisms should be used for verifying standards of student achievement in relation to relevant internal and external benchmarks. The standard of work required for different grades should be consistent over time, comparable in courses offered within a program and college and the institution as a whole, and in comparison with other highly regarded institutions. (Arrangements for verifying standards may include measures such as check marking of random samples of student work by teaching staff at other institutions, and independent comparisons of standards achieved with other comparable institutions within Saudi Arabia, and internationally.) / Notes: There is a need for developing reliable mechanisms for verifying standards of student achievement in relation to relevant internal and external benchmarks. / N
4.4.4 / Grading of students tests, assignments and projects should be assisted by the use of matrices or other means to ensure that the planned range of domains of student learning outcomes are addressed. / Course Syllabi / Notes: Use of matrices, rubrics or other means to ensure that the student learning outcomes are addressed in students’ tests and assignments is required. / Course Files / Y / 3
4.4.5 / Arrangements should be made within the institution for training of teaching staff in the theory and practice of student assessment / Faculty Development Program
DAD Workshops and Seminars / Faculty Development Program /
/ Y / 5
4.4.6 / Policies and procedures should include action to be taken to deal with situations where standards of student achievement are inadequate or inconsistently assessed / The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition, DAD, KFUPM, July 2009 / 4.2.4 Student Advising
6.5.1 Counseling and Advising Center / / Y / 4
4.4.7 / Effective procedures should be used to ensure that work submitted by students is actually done by the students concerned / The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition, DAD, KFUPM, July 2009 / Student Conduct and Cheating / / Y / 5
4.4.8 / Feedback to students on their performance and results of assessments during each semester should be given promptly and accompanied by mechanisms for assistance if needed / University Registrar's Office
Web Site
Blackboard CE
The Online System for Teaching & Learning at KFUPM / Mid-term grades for Students
Posting of grades via faculty’s homepages, WebCT /
/ Y / 5
4.4.9 / Assessments of student work should be conducted fairly and objectively / The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition, DAD, KFUPM, July 2009 / 4.2.11 Grades Request for a Review of Final Grades by a Student / / Y / 5
4.4.10 / Criteria and processes for academic appeals should be made known to students and administered equitably / Y / 5
Overall Assessment / 4.3
Comments: As noted above in related Notes sections.
Priorities for Improvement:
-Develop reliable mechanisms for verifying standards of student achievement in relation to relevant internal and external benchmarks.
-Use of matrices, rubrics or other means to ensure that the student learning outcomes are addressed in students’ tests and assignments.

4.5 Educational Assistance for Students

# / Sub-Standards / Supporting Documents / True?
Y/No/NA / How well done?
((# of stars
Document / Title/Notes / Location
4.5.1 / Teaching staff should be available at sufficient scheduled times for both full time and part time students as appropriate consultation and advice to students. (Availability of staff should be confirmed, not just assumed because times have been scheduled). / 1-The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition
DAD, K F U P M July 2009
2-Guidelines for Self-Assessment of Undergraduate Programs at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
3-Course files / 1-4.2.7 Office Hours in 4.2 Teaching and Related Activities
2-Criterion 4:Student Support and Advising
3-Syllabi contain contact and office hours / 1-
3-Course files in the physics Department / Y / 4
4.5.2 / Teaching resources (including staffing, learning resources and equipment, and clinical or other field placements) are sufficient to ensure achievement of the intended learning outcomes. / Self Assessment Report of Undergraduate Program, Department of Physics (April -2005) / Criterion # 3: Laboratories and Computing Facilities
Criterion # 7 Institutional Facilities
Criterion # 8 Institutional Support & Resources / ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development
/ Y / 5
4.5.3 / If arrangements for student academic counselling and advice include electronic communications through email or other means the effectiveness of those processes should be evaluated through means such as analysis of response times and student evaluations. / Self Assessment Report of Undergraduate Program, Department of Physics (April -2005) / Criterion # 4 Student Support and Guidance / ProgramAssessmentCenter at the Deanship of Academic Development
/ Y / 3
4.5.4 / Adequate tutorial assistance should be provided to ensure understanding and ability to apply learning / The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition, DAD, KFUPM, July 2009 / 4.2.7 Office Hours
Help sessions / / Y / 5
4.5.5 / Appropriate preparatory and orientation mechanisms should be provided to prepare students for study in a higher education environment. Particular attention should be given to preparation for the language of instruction, self directed learning, and bridging programs if necessary for students transferring to the institution with credit for previous studies.
Preparatory studies must not be counted within the credit hour requirements for programs / The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition, DAD, KFUPM, July 2009
College of Applied and Supporting Studies, KFUPM / New Students Reception Program
Prep year Program /
/ Y / 5
4.5.6 / If the language of instruction in the program is English, action should be taken to ensure that language skills are adequate for instruction in that language when students begin their studies. (This may be done through language training prior to admission to the program. Language skills expected on entry should be benchmarked against other highly regarded institutions with the objective of skills at least comparable to minimum requirements for admission of international students in universities in English speaking countries. The benchmarking process should involve testing of at least a representative sample of students on major recognized English language tests) / College of Applied and Supporting Studies, KFUPM / English Language Department (Prep year Program) / / Y / 5
4.5.7 / If preparatory programs are outsourced to other providers the institution should still accept responsibility for ensuring the necessary standards are met and entry requirements to the program are maintained / NA
4.5.8 / Systems should be established for monitoring and coordinating student workload across courses. / Undergraduate Bulletin 2006-2009
Banner, University Registration System / Course Load /

/ Y / 5
4.5.9 / Progress of individual students should be monitored and assistance and/or counselling provided to those facing difficulties / The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition, DAD, KFUPM, July 2009
University Registrar's Office / 4.2.4 Student advising /
/ Y / 5
4.5.10 / Year to year progression rates and program completion rates should be monitored, and analysed to identify and provide assistance to any categories of students who may be having difficulty. / University Registrar's Office
University Annual Report /
Office of Planning and Quality, KFUPM / Y / 5
4.5.11 / Feedback on performance by students and results of assessments should be given promptly to students and accompanied by mechanisms for providing assistance if needed. / University Registrar's Office
Web Site
Blackboard CE
The Online System for Teaching & Learning at KFUPM / Mid-term grades for Students
Posting of grades via faculty’s homepages, WebCT /
/ Y / 4
4.5.12 / Adequate facilities should be provided for private study with access to computer terminals and other necessary equipment / Undergraduate Bulletin
Student Guide / Computer Labs, Labs, Library (Facilities)
Student Guide (Arabic) /
/ Y / 5
4.5.13 / Teaching staff should be familiar with the range of support services available in the institution for students, and should refer them to appropriate sources of assistance when required / The Faculty Handbook, Online Edition, DAD, KFUPM, July 2009 / Chapter 6 Academic Support Units / / Y / 5
4.5.14 / The adequacy of arrangements for assistance to students should be periodically assessed through processes that include, but are not restricted to, feedback from students / N
Overall Assessment: / 4.6
Priorities for Improvement:
-Analyze and evaluate response time and student responses on academic counseling and advice delivered using electronic communications.
-Establish a mechanism for providing academic assistance to students with low academic performance.
-Develop procedures for evaluating the adequacy of student assistance at the levels of Architecture Program and University.

4.6 Quality of Teaching