Welcome to

Ms. Acuna’s Math & Ms. Price’s Reading Team

This year we have decided to try something new! As a team, the two of us will be working with both classes in ELA and Math in order to better suit the needs of our students. Because of this, both classes will be structured the same. Your child will be engaging in Reading activities with Ms. Price and then transitioning to Math skills with Ms. Acuna, daily. As a team, we have high expectations and are looking forward to seeing positive results. Below are the procedures to how our team will run this school year.

Discipline & Parent Communication:

Students will be given positive behavior points via Class Dojo, an online behavior management tool. When the student behaves in a positive manner, I will add a point to their avatar on Class Dojo. If they are disruptive and are not following our classroom rules, the child will lose a point on Class Dojo. Based on their positive and negative points, the child will receive a weekly behavior percentage. At the end of each week, students will choose rewards based on the points. You will be able to log-on to Class Dojo to review how your child is behaving in both classes and communicate with each teacher directly.

Homework Policy:

We know most of you are all wondering, when does the real work start? First of all we are both aware that not all children have the same amount of assistance and/or free time after school; therefore we would like to keep regularly assigned homework to a minimum and on an as-needed basis.This is because we want our students to focus more on understanding the content versus stressing over completing extra assignments. All homework assignments will be recorded in the agenda and will not be taken for a grade. If you would like to request extra practice for your child on a specific skill or subject area please feel free to contact us at any time.

Grading Policy:

Student work will be graded based on a 10 point scale system. Grades will be posted on Power School regularly. To create an online power school account and get notification/access to viewing your child’s averages on a daily basis, please contact/stop by the front office to create a username/password. A small award ceremony will be held at the end of each 9 weeks to celebrate your child’s hard work. If you have any questions/concerns about your child’s grades please feel free to contact me immediately.

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I have received the classroom policies and for Ms. Acuna’s and Ms. Prices team.


Parent Signature Child’s Name