Uniform Services – New Item Setup

The Uniform Services Queue is for customer specific emblems, customer specific embroidery, customer screen print through LogoXin Lexington, heat press quotes, and custom vehicle graphics.

We are getting requests to setup emblem item numbers for quotes, or prior to placing their orders. This is incorrect. We do not setup item numbers just for quotes or prior to the reps placing their first initial order.

Below is a cheat sheet on the Uniform Services portion for new item setup:

Customer supplied Emblem setup

Done for 3 reasons, no form needed, just acct number and possibly size if you have it, with the color scan of the emblem

  1. Customer brings in emblems for you to stock
  2. You have developed an emblem that needs to be setup for b2b or website. But no physical stock (they will be sent by customer or ordered later)
  3. We have an order to place, PO in hand – We setup the item number at the time of the first request for an order through Uniform Services/emblem orders.

Emblem development

  1. You may develop any emblem with any preferred vendor Hero’s Pride, Penn Emblem, Better Emblem, or in some cases Premier Emblems.
  2. If you do not have time or need help getting a sketch, quote, or sample, you may utilize the KACE system but it is not required
  3. Revisions if they fall in number 2 circumstances can also be done through KACE System
  4. A completed emblem development form, color scan of the emblem, and if exact duplication is required EITHER the colors to use from the vendor charts we sent to the store OR ship us one of the original vendors to attn Uniform services, including the ticket number.

Emblem orders

  1. Completed emblem order form is required with all fields completed
  2. Scan of sketch or original emblem whatever was sent to or received from the vendor.
  3. Copy of the quote showing quantity discounts from 50-1000 or more if needed
  4. Location the emblem is to be housed or where itis to be shipped to if going to the customer.
  5. We setup the item number and place the order


  1. Color, high res, crisp, clear, flat, head on image in jpg format
  2. Acct number
  3. Pay method for embroidery setup fee
  4. You will do your own sewout on location
  5. No form

Vehicle graphics

  1. Color, high res, crisp, clear, head on image of design or art
  2. Acct number, no form
  3. Make, mode, year and color of vehicle. If less than 1 year old, manufacturer body specs and measurements
  4. Reflective or non-reflective
  5. Quantity

We will send a rendering for approval and when both pages are signed and emailed back to me with ticket number I will setup and give you an item number to order it.

Screen print

This is just for Logox vendor, out of Lexington KY

  1. Request for quote or rendering
  2. Same quality art as requested for embroidery
  3. Overall size and garment location
  4. Colors 9 limit to 5 hues or 3 hues and white
  5. Pay method for art fee if asking for rendering
  6. Account number, no form

Heat press

This is for reflective or non-reflective heat press that is to be stocked at Cerritos or Galls Lexington (if you use your own heat press vendor this does not apply to you) we provide a quote and sometimes a rendering and vendor number.

Heat Press – Needing Quote:

  1. Open a ticket with color flat artwork
  2. Size
  3. Color of garment it is going on and if you have it the fabric (especially if water proof or ANSI class)
  4. Quantity
  5. A rendering will be provided but will be charged to your margin
  6. Vendor will provide US with a quote / proof
  7. If approved US will carry through and set up the item(s) in GQ

No second ticket to item setup is needed

Heat Press – Already have Quote:

• Open a ticket identifying Vendor


Any other item that is not specific to one customer needs to go through Item maintenance/setup