The Municipal Council of the City of Logan has accepted the petition of Dan Larsen, on behalf of Lance Moore, Stan Checketts Properties LLC, 10th & 89th LLC, Nibley Sixteen LLC, Thomas & Megan Maples, and Jed & Reva Merrill TRS, for the purpose of annexing 42.61 acres, more or less, into the City of Logan.

The Recorder of the City of Logan certified to the Municipal Council on September 6, 2016 that the petitioned annexation meets the statutory requirements of Utah Code Ann. §10-2-403(3), (4), and (5).

The subject properties are contiguous to Logan City andare located immediately south of, and adjacent to, the intersection of 1000West & US 89/91, and are located north of 2200 South and west of 800 West. The properties are identified as Moore (TIN: 03-006-0012); Checketts Properties, LLC (TIN: 03-006-0013); Maples (TIN: 03-006-0011); 10th/89 LLC (TIN: 03-006-0010); Nibley Sixteen LLC (TIN: 03-006-0014); and Merrill (TIN: 03-006-0009). The area of annexation is described as follows:

A tract of land to be included in the Corporate Limits of Logan City, Cache County, Utah located in Section 17, Township 11 North, Range 1 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian, described as follows:

Commencing East Quarter Corner of said Section 17 monumented with a Brass Cap; thence S 89`45’23” W 618.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and running thence S 89`45’23” W 1506.13 feet; thence N 00`12’16” W 1450.10 feet (N00`07’03”E by record) along the east line of Logan Lodging Subdivision to the southeast right of way of State Highway 89 & 91 thence N 00`12’16” W 163.16 feet to the northwest right of way line of said highway; thence N 45`35’18” E 799.69 feet along the north right of way line of said highway; thence S 00`49’04” E 164.39 feet to the south right of way line of said highway; thence along an existing fence line the next three courses: 1) thence S 00`49’04” E 440.26 feet; 2) thence N 89`38’20” E 19.04 feet; 3) thence S 00`35’56” E 255.05 feet; thence N 89`31’27” E 193.86 feet to a fence corner; thence along an existing fence line the next four courses: 1) thence S 00`13’09” E 484.83 feet; 2) thence S 00`20’06” E 157.19 feet; 3) thence S 89`28’10” E 711.06 feet; thence S 00`13’46” E 660.12 feet to the point of beginning, containing 42.61 acres.

The complete annexation petition and supporting documentation is available for inspection and copying in the offices of the City Recorder, City of Logan 290 North 100 West Logan, Utah 84321 and in the office of the Department of Community Development at the same address during regular City business hours. More information is available by contacting Mike DeSimone, Director of Community Development, at 435-716-9022 or .

The Municipal Council of the City of Logan may approve the annexation following a public hearing on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers at the Logan City Hall, 290 North 100 West, Logan. This public hearing will take place and action may be taken unless a protest is filed with the Cache County Boundary Commission.A protest to the proposed annexation may be filed by the legislative body or governing board of an affected entity or the owner of rural real property as defined in Utah Code Ann. §17B-2a-1107.The written protest must be filed with the Cache County Boundary Commission, 199 North Main, Logan, Utah 84321, no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 7, 2016and a copy of the protest delivered to the Logan City Recorder, 290 North 100 West, Logan, Utah 84321. Failure to meet any and all of the requirements specified in Utah Code shall invalidate the protest.

Teresa Harris, Logan City Recorder

Publication Dates: September 13, September 20, and September 27, 2016