Table of Contents

Article 1: Document Language

Section 2.01: Club Alliance Staff

Section 2.02: Registered Student Organizations

Article 3: RSO Creation

Section 3.01: Constitution

Section 3.02: Student Support Petition

Article 4: RSO Responsibilities

Section 4.01: UNF Policies, Procedures, and Federal Laws


B:Sexual Misconduct

C: Policy and Procedural Suspensions

Section 4.02: Standing

Section 4.03: Attendance

C: Workshops


Section 4.04: Re-registration

Section 4.05: Roster Submission

Section 4.06: Updating RSO Information

A: Paperwork______

Section 4.07: Appeals

Article 5: Advisor Responsibilities

Section 5.01: Campus Security Authority

Section 5.02: Off Campus Travel

Section 5.03: General Duties of Advisors

Article 6: Funding

Section 6.01: Non-Student Government Funding

A: Fundraising

Section 6.02: Student Government Funding

A: Accessing Student Government Funding

C: Special Requests

D: Grant Requests

Section 6.03: Regulations on Student Government Funding

A: Restricted Purchases

B: Printed Material Regulations

C: Purchasing and Serving Prepared Food from Food Vendors/Caterers

D: Contracts

E: Regulation of Admission Charges

F: Approval

Section 6.04: Expending Funds

A: Purchase Order

B: Reimbursement

Article 7: RSO Marketing

Section 7.01: Club Alliance Social Media

Section 7.02: Club Alliance Materials

Section 7.04: University Printing and Duplication Service

Section 7.05: Screening of Posted Materials

Section 7.06: Bulletin Boards

E:In the Student Union and On-Campus Housing

Section 7.07: Banner Policy

G:In the Student Union

H:In the Core of Campus

Section 7.08: Road Signs

Section 7.09: Free-Standing Signs

Section 7.10: Chalking

Section 7.11: Talons

Section 7.12: Greek Letters

Section 7.13: Plywood Signs

Section 7.14: Column Wraps

Section 7.15: Other

Section 7.16: Restrictions

Article 8: RSO Event Resources

Section 8.01: Space Reservations

Section 8.02: Police Coverage

Section 8.03: Gambling Events

Section 8.04: Locations and Contacts

Article 1: Document Language

A&S Fee: The Activity & Service Fee is paid per credit hour by the students of the University of North Florida as authorized by Florida Statute 1009.24. A&S Fee funding is utilized to provide programming and support services for the student body through various entities. Activities and services provided by the A&S Fee shall complement the academic mission of the University and enrich campus life.

Agency Advisory Board: The Agency Advisory Board oversees Club Alliance document changes, interviews the Club Alliance Director and Assistant Director, and meets regularly to advise Club Alliance. [TR1]

Bad Standing: A classification issued by Club Alliance, also known as suspension, to RSOs, that are not in compliance with the Policies & Procedures outlined within the RSO Handbook.

CA: Club Alliance

CFB: Club Funding Board

Committee: a grouping of organizations. SG: Refers to the University of North Florida Student Government. RSO: Registered Student Organization Organization: a grouping of students with similar interests.

Committee: a grouping of organizations Funding Eligible: A classification issued by Club Alliance, to RSOs, that comply with the Policies & Procedures outlined within the RSO Handbook and are eligible for Student Government Funding.

Good Standing: A classification issued by Club Alliance, to RSOs, that comply with the Policies & Procedures outlined within the RSO Handbook.

Bad Standing: A classification issued by Club Alliance to RSOs, that are not in compliance with the Policies & Procedures outlined within the RSO Handbook.

Funding Eligible: A classification issued by Club Alliance, to RSOs, that comply with the Policies & Procedures outlined within the RSO Handbook and are eligible for Student Government Funding.

Organization: a grouping of students with similar interests. Either an organization or committee.

RSO: Registered Student Organization

SG: Student Government: Refers to the University of North Florida Student Government.

Article 2: What is Club Alliance?

Per the Student Government Constitution and Statutes, Chapter 1102:“Club Alliance shall be responsible for providing support for the functions and activities of Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). Such support will include: financial and material resources, educational/developmental activities, coordination of mutual recruitment and entertainment activates, and the holding of regular meeting at which RSOs may conduct common business.”A legal breakdown of Club Alliance can be found in Title XI of the Student Government Constitution and Statutes.

Section 2.01: Club Alliance Staff

Club Alliance consists of a Director, Assistant Director, and office coordinators. All positions are paid during their term in office and all must be current UNF students. Each are responsible for the duties assigned to them within the Club Alliance Policies and Procedures. Both the Director and Assistant Director are students that have been recommended by the Agency Advisory Board to the SG President, and confirmed by the Legislative Branch.

Club Alliance
Jaclyn Glosson
(904)620-1470 / CA Assistant
Romainique Tota
(904)620-1470 / CA Paperwork Coordinator
(904)620-1470 / CA Marketing Coordinator
Aleksander Poderski
(904)620-1470 / CA Event
Program AdvisorStudent Government
Agency Advisor
m.szerba / Student Government Program Assistant
Kayleigh Harrison
/ Student Government Club Accounting Associate
Erica Calorel
/ Campus Recreation Club Sports
Ray Bunch

Section 2.02: Registered Student Organizations

A Rregistered sStudent oOrganization (RSO) is a student organization at UNF that is registered with Club Alliance. registered and is in good standing with Club Alliance. Only RSOs in Good Standing with Club Alliance are registeredcognized by the University of North Florida. RSOs are under the jurisdiction of UNF Student Government and the Division of Student and International Affairs. RSOs can be categorized as either open or closed. Open RSOs do not restrict membership to UNF students in any sort of way. Closed RSOs restrict their membership to UNF students in some way. Members of RSOs can only be UNF students; non-UNF students may participate but shall be considered guests.

The benefits of registering with Club Alliance include:

•University RecognitionRecognized by Club Alliance as Registered Student Organization at UNF .

•Ability to reserve certain University sSpaces for meetings and events at no cost, or at discounted rates.

•Listing in clubclub directory.

•Access Club Commons during Student Government Hours.Student Union Hours.

•Access to workspace within the Club Commons.

•Access to materials and road signs.

•Participation in Homecoming eEvents as a Club.

•Inclusion Ability to be included in Student Union Updates.

•Listings in UNF’s Master Calendar.

•Inclusion in Club Alliance events like Club Fest and the Club Gala.

•Club pricing for advertisements in the Spinnaker.

•Eligibility for Student Government Funding.

•Ability to have mail delivered to the Club Commons

Article 3: RSO Creation

New RSO registration is closedrolling., and The first registration period will the process may begin at the start of the fiscal year and end one month into the fall semester. The second registration period will begin on the first day of the spring semester and end one month into the spring semester. at any point in the year. Potential RSOs are encouraged to follow the Registration Checklist on the Club Alliance Website.

•No two RSOs can have the same purpose. Check the list of RSOs to ensure your prospective RSO is not already in existence.

•RSOs aAdvisors must be full-time faculty or staff member of UNF. For this reason, aAdvisors cannot be adjunct professors.

•The pPresident, tTreasurer, and aAdvisor must read the RSO Hhandbook, and Titles VIII and XI of the Student Government Constitutions and Statues. Submit a completed sSignature cCard attesting that all parties have read the documents.

•Create a cConstitution. Prospective RSOs can use Club Alliance’s online sample constitution as a template.

•Create a sStudent sSupport pPetition by collecting the names and N numbers of 10 UNF students interested in your prospective RSO.

•Submit all information online through the Club Alliance rRegistration fForm.

•Athletic RSOs must sign a liability waiver and meet with the coordinator for Club Sports coordinator.

•The RSO Advisor must complete CSA training on Blackboard.Canvas.

•Once approved, meet with Club Alliance monthly monthly by attending mandatory meetings.

•Once approved a full roster must be submitted to Club Alliance. Due date of roster will be posted on Club Alliance website.

Section 3.01: Constitution

RSOs must maintain a constitution with requirements stipulations set by Club Alliance. These are listed in the form of a sample constitution – which is found in the Club Commons, and on the Club Alliance wWebsite. Constitutions are subject to final approval by Club Alliance, and will be kept on file as public record. If changes are made to an RSO’s constitution, it must be re-submitted to Club Alliance through the “Registration” Form, which is found on the Club Alliance Website. If an RSO is ever unsure about their constitution, they should meet with Club Alliance leadership. All RSO constitutions must include the following information:

Open/Closed Policy: RSOs must explicitly state if they are open or closed. If the RSO is closed, and restricts membership, they must outline their requirements and how the requirements are enforced. Examples include requirements for GPA or major.

Finances:RSOs must explain their organization’s finances. If an RSO charges dues, fundraises, receives donations, they must explicitly state so in their constitution. The amount collected, as well as the process for collecting, must be clearly outlined.

Anti-Hazing, Non-Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct: RSO constitutions must include sections explicitly agreeing to follow the Anti-hazing Guidelines, Non-Discrimination Policy, and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Jurisdiction: RSO constitutions must include a Jurisdiction section explicitly agreeing to follow the rules, regulations, and policies of UNF and the laws of the State of Florida.

Yearly Renewal:Every fiscal year,Each re-registration, RSOs must resubmit an updated constitution. The current year must be included on the constitution within the “Last Revision Clause.”

Section 3.02: Student Support Petition

Students must express support from at least 10 currently registered UNF students. This support may be petitioned, and submitted to Club Alliance in the form of a list. The petition must contain names and N-Numbers of all the students that elect to express support for the organization.

Article 4: RSO Responsibilities

Section 4.01: UNF Policies, Procedures, and Federal Laws

All RSOs are subject to the rules, regulations, and policies of UNF, and the laws of the State of Florida. The rules, regulations and policies of UNF shall hold precedence over all rules, regulations, and policies applying to the RSO, including those of national organizations with which the lLocal UNF Chapter is associated.


RSOs are prohibited from engaging in hazing of any kind. Per UNF Policy Number 5.0020R, Section II: “Hazing is defined as any action or activity of any group or individual which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purposes including, but not limited to, initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under the sanction of the University.”

B:Sexual Misconduct

Per UNF Policy Number 1.0050R, all RSOs and organizations represent the University and are expected to adhere to UNF’s regulations and policies regarding operations of programs, services and activities on and off campus. As such, RSOs and their respective members may be held responsible for sexual misconduct when any of the following conclusions exist:

The violation occurs on its premises with the knowledge and/or involvement of a member of the organization, or when a reasonable and prudent person would conclude that a member of the organization should have such knowledge;

The violation occurs in conjunction with an organization-related event, regardless of whether the event is held on or off campus;

One or more members of an organization permit, encourage, aid, or assist any of its members, alumni/alumnae, or guests in committing a violation;

One or more members of a student organization, under circumstances where such persons knew or should have known that an action constituting a violation was occurring or about to occur, fails to prevent that action or to intercede on the victim’s behalf;

One or more members of an organization fail to immediately report to appropriate University authorities their first-hand knowledge of a violation;

Alcohol or other drugs made available or knowingly allowed by the organization during an organization-related event were a factor in a violation, and that organization did not take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of the members and their guests.

All RSOs must adhere to the Student Government’s aAnti-discrimination pPolicy, as outlined in Title X of the Student Government Constitution and Statutes. If an organization is also part of a national organization, it must hold the policies and procedures of UNF superior to those of the national organization. No internal policies may conflict with those of UNF.

C:Policy and Procedural Violations Policy and Procedural Suspensions

RSOs are placed on Policy/Procedural Suspension for failing to follow any policies and procedures declared by Club Alliance, the Student Union, Student and International Affairs, the Business & Accounting Office, or any other department at UNF. (Ex: destroying or losing UNF property, representing the student body in a lascivious manner, fraudulent acts).

Depending on the severity of the offense, an RSO can be placed back into good standing by correcting its procedural fault. (Ex: returning lost UNF signage). However, this is determined case-by-case by Club Alliance Director.. An RSO may need to request an appeal for the suspension, and meet other terms and conditions set by the Suspension Appeals Board.

All incidents will be reviewed by Club Alliance prior to an RSO being placed into Policy/Procedural Suspension. An RSO will have the opportunity to meet with Club Alliance, or submit a statement regarding the incident in question.

Section 4.02: Standing

All RSOs are responsible for maintaining gGood sStanding with Club Alliance. Good Standing is a classification issued by Club Alliance, to RSOs, that are in compliance with the Policies and Procedures outlined within the RSO Handbook. RSOs in Good Standing have access to Club Alliance benefits.

An organization in bad standing has failed to follow the policies and procedures of Club Alliance, or some other entity on campus, and can will be suspended as a consequence. In most situations, the suspension can be cleared easily and the organization can be placed back into good standing. See the Policy and Procedural Suspensions section of this handbook for more information on suspensions.

Section 4.03: Attendance

RSOs are responsible for attending one Club Alliance General Body meeting each month each inmonth in the spring and fall semesters.

Committee Meetings are the primary means for RSOs to communicate information with each other, and with Club Alliance. It is recommended that the president, treasurer, and advisor attend these Committee mMeetings, but only one representative from an RSO needs to be present for credit. There are several different committees, and each has their own meeting. RSO can attend any Committee Meeting and receive attendance credit. If a student holds membership in two RSOs, they can represent both at any type of meeting. They cannot represent both RSOs at events.

Meetings that occur during the summer and other university breaks are not mandatory. Attendance is taken, and can be used to benefit an RSO.

C: Workshops

Workshops will be held every month, but will not be mandatory. Workshops are held to provide information and assist RSO members in leadership development, and other areas that are deemed beneficial to having a successful organization. RSOs can use these workshops for attendance if they were not able to attend the monthly meeting.

Meetings that occur during the summer and other university breaks are not mandatory. Attendance is taken, and can be used to benefit an RSO. Club Alliance can also host General Body Meetings, and every RSO attends. They typically occur on the first Friday of the first month of the semester.


If an RSO cannot attend a meeting or event, they can have the absence excused, as long as appropriate and documented reasoning is presented to Club Alliance Leadership before, or within five days of the missed meeting or event. Appropriate reasoning means that all possible RSO members or advisors were ill, on travel associated with the organization, engaged in compensated work/internships, or had a class conflict. An organization should inform Club Alliance of their potential absence before the meeting or event.

If an RSO is unable to attend a meeting, the RSO can schedule a make-up meeting with Club Alliance Leadership. Club Alliance may determine a specific day and time that all make-up meetings will occur. Club Alliance may refuse to hold a make-up meeting. Anyone may attend a make-up meeting for full credit of the original meeting, unless otherwise noted by Club Alliance. An appeal is not necessary to attend a make-up meeting. Simply communicate your situation with Club Alliance Leadership.

RSOs will be pardoned for missing one mandatory meeting a semester. If an RSO misses one two or more meeting s a semester, or one event that they have signed up for, they will be suspended for attendance. An organization on suspension for attendance can be placed back into good standing by attending two mandatory meetings for two consecutive months mandatory meetings for two consecutive months, attending workshops or by successfully appealing the suspension.

EB: Inactivity

An RSO will be declared inactive if mandatory meetings for the entire semester have been missed, or if the RSO declares that it is no longer active. The RSO will have received warnings and notifications of attendance suspension. The RSO’s information will remain with Club Alliance until the next semester, or until the RSO indicates that it is no longer needed. , at which point it will be discarded. An RSO can also appeal its inactivity. at any point before the RSO’s information has been discarded.