RA ID: CR0389

Change Request

for the update of ISO 20022 financial repository items

A.  Origin of the request:

A.1 Submitter: Technical Committee #122 «Financial operations standards»

A.2 Contact person:

-  Baykov Igor, Vice-chairman, Technical Committee #122, .

-  Timothy Romaslovsky, Consultant, ROSSWIFT, , +7910 458 8897.

-  Kuznetsov Anton, Expert, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, , +7963 998 6086.

A.3 Sponsors: The Central Bank of the Russian Federation,Russian Corporate-to-Bank Market Practice Group (Russian CMPG) ofRussian National Member and User Group (ROSSWIFT).

B.  Related messages:

pacs.008.001.04 - FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV04.

C.  Description of the change request:

Add tag <TAX> in payment clearing and settlement interbank message (pacs.008.001.04), with the same structure as tag <TAX> in payment initiation messages (pain) code.

D.  Purpose of the change:

In Russian practice debtor and creditor sends tax information to Tax Administration. Therefore, there is a need to send tax information in chain of messages “pain-pacs-camt”.

E.  Urgency of the request:

Under the “Strategy of the development national payment system in Russian Federation”, there is a number of events planned for 2014-2015 to implement “pain-pacs-camt” messages. Therefore, this change needs to be included as soon as possible.

F.  Business examples:

Add tag Tax Tax> in pacs.008.001.04 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV04 between tags RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> and RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> with the following structure:

(Same as in pain.001.001.05)

Or / MessageElementOflWi. Tag> / Mult. / Type
Creditor <Cdtr> / [0..1]
TaxIdentification <TaxId> / [0..1] / Text
RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> / [0..1] / Text
TaxType <TaxTp> / [0..1] / Text
Debtor <Dbtr> / [0..1]
TaxIdentification <TaxId> / [0..1] / Text
RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> / [0..1] / Text
TaxType <TaxTp> / [0..1] / Text
Authorisation <Authstn> / [0..1]
Title <Titl> / [0..1] / Text
Name <Nm> / [0..1] / Text
AdministrationZone <AdmstnZn> / [0..1] / Text
ReferenceNumber <RefNb> / [0..1] / Text
Method <Mtd> / [0..1] / Text
TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> / [0..1] / Amount
TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> / [0..1] / Amount
Date <Dt> / [0..1] / Date
SequenceNumber <SeqNb> / [0..1] / Quantity
Record <Rcrd> / [0..*]
Type <Tp> / [0..1] / Text
Category <Ctgy> / [0..1] / Text
CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> / [0..1] / Text
DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> / [0..1] / Text
CertificateIdentification <CertId> / [0..1] / Text
FormsCode <FrmsCd> / [0..1] / Text
Period <Prd> / [0..1]
Year <Yr> / [0..1] / Date
Type <Tp> / [0..1] / CodeSet
FromToDate <FrToDt> / [0..1] / ±
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> / [0..1]
Rate <Rate> / [0..1] / Rate
TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> / [0..1] / Amount
TotalAmount <TtlAmt> / [0..1] / Amount
Details <Dtls> / [0..*]
Period <Prd> / [0..1]
Year <Yr> / [0..1] / Date
Type <Tp> / [0..1] / CodeSet
FromToDate <FrToDt> / [0..1] / ±
Amount <Amt> / Amount
AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> / [0..1] / Text

G.  SEG recommendation:

This section is not to be taken care of by the submitter of the change request. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages.

Consider / X / Timing
- Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015
(the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) / X
- At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages
(the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages)
- Urgent unscheduled
(the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle)
- Other timing:

Comments: Additional messages may be impacted


Reason for rejection:

CR0389_TC122_pacs_v2.doc Produced by TC 122 - Financial operations standards Page 1