Zeinab mostafa c.v / 2015

Zeinab Mostafa Abdelghafour


Demonstrator of public health & community medicine

Faculty of medicine, AssuitUniversity

Assuit, Egypt.

Update: Dec, 2015


Surname: / Abdelghafour
Forenames: / Zeinab Mostafa
Date of Birth / 20 , August, 1988
Address(home Address)
Correspondence: / Maka Square, Alzahra,Assiut,Egypt.
Tel: +201007527506 Fax: (+2088) (2348609).
Egypt, Assiut, faculty of medicine, Department public health and community medicine
Language proficiency / ▪ Arabic
▪ English (Medical education was carried out in English language.)
Email: /
Marital Status / Married
Nationality / Egyptian.
Post code / 71111, EGYPT.


2.High school diploma (basic education): / Faculty of medicine, AssiutUniversity (9/1997-9/2003) (Excellent with honor).
Dar Elandalous High school, Assuit, Egypt (2003-2005) . / Sep 2011.
May 2005


March2013 (till now) / Demonstrator at public health and community medicine department, faculty of medicine , Assiut university
Mach 2012 -Feb 2013 / House Officer, AssiutUniversityHospital, Assiut, Egypt.

Current activities &Work experience:

  • (House Officer) 1year at Assiut University Hospitals 2012.
  • Teaching Public Health to 4rth year medical students from 2013 till now.
  • Teaching of nutrition and communication skills to students of technical institute of healthfrom 2013 till now.
  • Teaching the medical undergraduates female students of nursery school.
  • Work at youth friendly clinic from October 2013till now.
  • Supervision of research working groups of medical studentsfrom 2013 till now.
  • Participating in community service groups of AssiutUniversity hospital to offer medical services in Assiut villages.
  • Conduct health education sessions on reproductive health at female preparatory, secondary schools and Red Crescent society.
  • Help in data collection in of a research on early child development in rural Assiut.
  • Qualitative Methods in early child development research(data collection and analysis), 2014.
  • I shared in planning the strategic and implementation plan for public health and community department for years 2013-2015.

Personal skills:

  • Languages: Arabic: mother tongue
  • English: fluent
  • Computer skills: Good experience in Word, PowerPoint, Internet search
  • Average experience in Stata , SPSS, Epi-info .


Name of Course / Number Of Hours
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation / 10 H
Types of study design , quantitative research and qualitative research methods / 8 H
Surgical suturing / 5H
Infection control / 10 H
ICDL / 14 H
Ethics & low consideration in medical practice from FHI 360 / 10 H
Domestic violence workshop, 2013, AssiutUniversity / 8 H
Capacity building in research for youth sexual and reproductive health, population council , 2013 / 30 H
Basic statistics course and advanced analytic methods using spss 20 at Assiut university 2014 / 30 H
Advanced statistics course at assiut university, 2014. / 12 H
Introduction to STATA program.2015 / 8 H
Communication skills,2014 / 15 H
Using technology in teaching,2013 / 15H
Student evaluation,2013 / 15H
Types of study designs , quantitative and qualitative research.2015 / 8H
Leadership for health communication (2013). / 15H
Training on youth friendly clinic training (2014) / 10H
Attitudes and Practices of Engaged and Married Youth towards Premarital Care Services in Assuit, Egypt.2014 / 15H

Conferences attendance

Local conferences :

1) 29th Annual Conference Faculty of Medicine – AssiutUniversity. March 2011.
2)30th Annual Conference Faculty of Medicine – AssiutUniversity. March 2012.
3) Combating early marriage and young people reproductive risks in Egypt : research , interventions and policies at American university in cairo ,2014
4) Introducing the perinatal and neonatal mortality surveillance system : A joint effort of UNICEF and MoHP
5) A MOHP Update on: Midwifery Training Project Achievements and Surveillance of Maternal death in Egypt
International conferences:
1)3rd international conference of clinical oncology, Recent Update in Cancer Management, Luxor, Egypt , March 2012.
2) 4th international conference of clinical oncology, Best of Oncology, Luxor,Egypt March 2013.

Research experience:

  • I have finished my thesis for Partial Fulfillment of master degree and its title "parenting skills affecting early child development in a village in assiut governorate
  • Member of a research done with population council on cause of underutilization of youth friendly clinic, AssiutUniversity, A student perspective.
  • Data collection by focus group discussion in research about “early child development” in rural assiut under supervision of Prof.Dr. Omima El-Gibally Mohamed from Public Health Dep.


Dec,2012 / The International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL)
October 2011 / Assiut University Certificate & Medal for Graduation: awarded “Excellent Degree with Honour” – Medical Student Final Year 2011.

Membership of professional bodies:

The Egyptian Association of Community Medicine.
The Egyptian Association of Smoking cessation in Assiut Governorate


(1)Faculty of medicine assiut university, quality assurance unit

(2)Assiut University Hospital is one of the biggest University Hospitals in Egypt. It is the core referral center for the whole Upper Egypt that serves about twenty million people. The hospital contains 2027 beds, including 94 ICU beds, and 46 operative theaters in which 240 operations are performed daily. 1478 medical and 6428 paramedical staff serve in this hospital. 3000 patients visit the outpatient clinics and 1000 are received in the emergency departments daily.

(3)Omaima El-gibaly M.H., Prof. Public Health & Community Medicine, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut - Egypt


Mobile: 0020-123-971-259

Home: 0020-88-231-6235

Office: 0020-241-1940