Post Title : Information Management Specialist, MRM

Contract type : : SSA

Proposed level : P-4/P-5

Duration : 30 days

Duty Station : Amman, Jordan (XXX days); home-based (XXX days)

Supervisor : (TBC) Regional CP Advisor


The Annex to the 2011 Secretary General’s Report on Children and Armed Conflict listed the Free Syria Army (FSA) and a number of Government forces in Syria as a persistent violators of grave violations against children in the context of the ongoing conflict in Syria. With the activation of the MRM for Syria by Secretary General through his Special Representative on Children and Armed Conflict (SRSG-CAAC), a Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting (CTFMR) was established and tasked to meet on a monthly basis, while a technical level working group also meets regularly to prepare for each CTFMR meeting. Meanwhile, UNICEF is the UN Agency mandated to operationalize the documentation of violations at the country and field level, including acting as the TF lead, supporting the TF at the working level, and undertaking the monitoring and documentation required for the MRM.

Due to key challenges and obstacles to undertaking effective monitoring of violations within Syria itself – including lack of humanitarian access, security constraints – as well as difficulties of corroborating and verifying violations documented in Syria, the MRM for Syria is being implemented through a Regional mechanism whereby MRM activities are also being undertaken in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Turkey.

Ensuring systematic data collection, analysis and safe and secure information management for the MRM for Syria (MRM4Syria) requires the development and implementation of a Regional information management system (IMS) specific to the MRM4Syria, including both an MRM database, and a number of tools required for its implementation (Business Analysis document, database design description, user guide, etc). Following a MENARO mapping and review of MRM IMSs used in other country contexts where the MRM is being implemented (albeit not at a regional level), it was determined that the MRM IMS for Palestine was best placed for adaptation to the MRM4Syria context.

In addition, UNICEF has begun to explore the potential application of recent IMS innovation for CP, including Rapid FTR technology, to facilitate MRM data collection and information management, especially in highly insecure and operationally challenging context such as Syria. Given the variety and complexity of issues that must be explored in order to determine the feasibility of such an approach, technical assistance is required to facilitate this exploration.


The purpose of this consultancy is to adapt the Palestine MRM IMS to the Syrian MRM context, including ensuring the regional application of the system across the MRM4Syria countries; to establish the MRM4Syria IMS; and to support the availability of tools required to enable its effective implementation of the IMS on an ongoing basis.


The purpose of this SSA is to provide direct technical expertise to the UNICEF MENARO Child Protection Section to develop and establish the IMS for the MRM4Syria. This include the establishment of a central IMS are Regional Office level, as well as ‘satellite’ IMSs at country levels. The capabilities of the MRM4Syria IMS should include (but may not be limited to[1]):

ü  use-friendly, safe and secure electronic data input and storage;

ü  automated system to facilitate case triangulation and cross-verification, to identify/red-flag potential double-reporting, etc across MRM4Syria countries;

ü  automatic/user-friendly consolidation of the country-level IMSs to the central regional level IMS on a fortnightly basis (every two weeks);

ü  automated data and statistical analysis of trends and patterns (through tables, graphs, etc) at both country level, and of consolidated data at regional level;

ü  explore opportunities/potential of linking database with OCHA maps or Google Earth;

Specifically, under the supervision of the Regional Child Protection Advisor/Regional MRM Coordinator, and in close consultation with MRM4Syria focal points at country-level, the following tasks are envisioned:

A.  Full time, based in Amman, Jordan, and with country missions to at least two MRM4Syria countries , for 1 month (total 21 days work):

1.  Liaise with UNICEF Palestine for the sharing of the blank Palestine MRM IMS;

2.  In consultation with the MRM4Syria coordinator and Child Protection Advisor at regional level, as well as the MRM focal points in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq, review the existing data collection systems being used, undertaken a needs and risk assessment of the MRM4Syria countries to determine specific needs and requirements of the MRM4Syria IMS.

3.  Adapt the Palestine MRM IMS to the specific MRM4Syria context, with ability for further changes/adaptations as may be required in future;

4.  To establish a central MRM4Syria IMS as regional level in Amman, Jordan, and satellite MRM4Syria IMSs in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq.

5.  To populate the database with existing data/information currently stored in simple Excel IMS database.

6.  To support the development of the various tools required for the effective, consistent and systematic implementation of the MRM4Syria across all the MRM4Syria countries. This will include, but may not be limited to:

a.  Business Analysis Document for the MRM4Syria;

b.  System Requirements Specification document;

c.  Database Design Description;

d.  User Guide document;

e.  MRM4Syria Data Security Policy and Protocols

B.  Part-time, remote, home-based, over 6-month period (approx. 12 days total work):

7.  Ongoing remote support (estimated 2 days/month) for 6 month longer-term implementation of the MRM4Syria IMS.


·  MRM4Syria IMS(s) in MENARO in Amman, Jordan, and at CO level in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraq.

·  Previous data/information collected and stored in Excel spreadsheet database uploaded onto IMS(s).

·  Template for monthly automated data/statistical analysis of trends and patterns in violations;

·  Draft tools, guidelines and documents required for the effective, consistent and systematic implementation of the MRM4Syria across all the MRM4Syria countries, including: Business Analysis Document, System Requirements Specification, Database Design Description, User Guide, Data Security Policy and Protocols.


·  Education: Post-secondary diploma or degree in Information Management, Computer Sciences or related technical field. Microsoft certifications in Access or SQL Server preferred;

·  Work experience: minimum 10 years work in database design, database administration, data management, and data analysis, with specific experiencing in information management for human rights/protection strongly preferred;

·  Technical Competencies:

o  Ability to develop/adapt Information Management Systems;

o  Ability to programme Microsoft Access databases;

o  Experience with SQL and VBA

o  Ability to design the structure and user interface for IMS

o  Experience in training project personnel in the use of database management software applications

o  Experience in writing user-friendly database design documentation and operating manuals

o  Demonstrated ability to handle sensitive information and to respect the confidentiality of such information while working with UNICEF and even after the contract ends.


For the process of establishing the IMS, the SSA is RO-based with travel to the field and project sites. Work implies frequent interaction with the Regional MRM Coordinator, as well as UNICEF MRM and child protection staff in UNICEF Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq.


Prepared and Requested by:

Recommended by:

Approved by:


[1] Other capabilities will likely be determined through the regional and country consultation process.