State of New Jersey

Statewide Voter Registration System

Production System Changes

Report Date: Friday April 9, 2010

The following system changes, including bug fixes and enhancements, were put into Production on 9th April, 2010.

Bug Fixes:

Item / JIRA # / Description of the Fix / Issue Logged County / County Office Type
1.  / NJP-8334 / Corrected the SVRS to delete successfully from Reminders- “Mail In Voters who have an Inactive Voting Status”. / Gloucester / County Clerk
2.  / NJP-8349 / Corrected the SVRS to generate “Voter by Street List” report successfully without error message. / Ocean / BOE
3.  / NJP-8357 / Issue is similar to NJP-8349 / Middlesex / County Clerk
4.  / NJP-8406 / Corrected the SVRS to not repeat the voters in different districts when generating Poll Book / Cape May / BOE
5.  / NJP-8430 / Corrected the SVRS to sort “MWD within Zip code” has been corrected. / Morris / SOE
6.  / NJP-8451 / Corrected the SVRS to tag any records from MVC reminder with NVRA Code 82 automatically. / State / Statewide
7.  / NJP-8474 / Corrected the SVRS has been fixed with following fixes
a.  Future elections are no longer populated in the “Maintain Election History” screen.
b.  For the previous/past election history the “Election Date-Name” will be locked down, and the users will only be able to make other changes such as MWD, Memo etc.
c.  To inset an election click “Reset” button. / State / Statewide
8.  / NJP-8464 / Corrected the SVRS to remove line under signature for Mail In voter on Poll Book Report. / State / Statewide
9.  / NJP-8465 / Corrected the SVRS to show the Pending Voter with criminal conviction as Rejected on navigating from external internal face. / Passaic / SOE
10.  / NJP-8485 / Corrected the SVRS to maintain a space between County name and the word County, on Poll Worker Certification Letter. / Monmouth / BOE
11.  / NJP-8520 / Corrected the SVRS to process the Poll Book Successfully. / Atlantic / SOE

Data Fixes:

Item / JIRA # / Description of the Fix / Issue Logged County / County Office Type
1.  / NJP-7808 / Data fix has been applied to correct the Election History for the following Voter.
150903655 / Cape May / BOE


Item / Title / Description
1. / CCR-259 Phase 2 / Inactive Confirmation Voters
An option to enter the Notice Return date and Confirmation status using Voter Registration has been added as part of enhancement.
1.”Notice return date”, ”Confirmation Status” drop down list and the memo field are added on the Change Voter Registration screen for Inactive Confirmation Status Voters.
2. Confirmation Mail date is displayed in read only format.
3. An alert with an error message pops up if residence address is changed without entering “Notice return date” and “Confirmation Status”.
4. Memo data is an optional field.
5. Auto populates the Notice return date with the MVC record transaction date for MVC flow.
6. Added an additional confirmation reason “MVC file” in Confirmation Status drop down list for MVC flow. If MVC file is selected the Voter status is changed to active.
MVC Change
User would like to auto populate the memo field with respective MVC reasons for add/change/transfer voter.
1.  Navigation: Activities – Voter Registration –MVC File New Voter – Select/Add – Continue –Accept Voter Registration –New/Change/Transfer Voter.
2.  Memo is automatically populated with the following text: MVC File New Voter –MVC Transaction Date –<MVC Transaction Date>
3.  Navigation: Activities –Voter Registration –MVC file Change Voter- Select –Select/Add –Continue- Accept Voter Registration –New /Change/Transfer Voter.
4.  Memo should be automatically populated with the following text:
MVC File Change Voter- MVC Transaction Date< MVC Transaction Date>
5.  Navigation: Activities ->Voter Registration- MVC file Online Voter- Select- Select/Add – Continue –Accept Voter Registration- New/Change/Transfer Voter.
6.  Memo automatically populated with the following text : MVC File Online Voter- MVC Transaction Date<MVC Transaction Date>
MVC Online – Out of County Transfers(NJP-6839)
As part of enhancement, SVRS is updated to automatically generate a Verification Card for out of County MVC online Transfer Only.
1.  Navigation: Voter Registration Accept screen from MVC agency or Online.
2.  Currently SVRS does not allow a verification card to be generated for out of County MVC online Transfers. Upon accepting an out of County MVC online transfer the SVRS should automatically generate a Verification card for the update voter and place in the print queue.
MVC Select Screens (NJP-6984)
An option to search by first and last name will be provided on MVC Agency/ Online screen.
1.  Navigation- Activities- Voter Registration – MVC Agency/Online.
2.  Added the ability to filter by first and last name on All (Agency, Online) MVC screen.
MVC Manual Update (NJP-6983)
System Reminders
A new reminder has been created to upload automatically for processing MVC records as part of enhancement.
1.  Navigation : System – Show reminders
2.  Create a new reminder on MVC “There are xx MVC voters that need to be manually entered.
3.  These reminders populate when the backend process uploads and finds records that cannot be loaded.
4.  Clicking on the “Review” button, system will display the list of Motor Voter records that need to be manually entered.
MVC Manual Update
1.  Navigation: Activities – Voter Registration
2.  Created a new link under Voter Registration called MVC manual Update. This link will be used as a preferred alternative for accessing the list of Motor Voter records that need to be manually entered.
MVC Manual Update screen
1.  System – Show Reminders – There are XX MVC voters that need to be manually entered.
2.  Activities -> Voter registration -> MVC Manual Update
3.  Created a new screen to show records that could not be loaded through the automated process due to some exception. Example matching cards #s. Records will only show in their corresponding Counties unless otherwise reassigned.
4.  The screen new will have the option to filter results by
a.  First Name
b.  Last Name
c.  NJ Driver’s License Number
d.  Card Number
e.  MVC Transaction Start Date
f.  MVC Transaction End
5.  Allow records to be reassigned to other Counties
6.  Provided the standard SVRS paging Functionality.
7.  An option to select current page or all pages has been provided.
8.  Provided a “Delete” button to allow records to be “Soft” deleted from the screen.
9.  Export Data option has been provided which will produce a standard SVRS data export file which will include the data file and corresponding data element file. This file will contain all data elements received from the MVC for the records displayed on the screen.
10.  Provide a print list button to print all records with the columns as displayed on the screen.
11.  Added error status column – Values are MVC Duplicate Card #, County blank/Non NJ or Other
a.  Added legend defining the error statuses.
Duplicate MVC card # (Error Status D),
County filed Blank /Non NJ value ( Error Status C)
Other (Error Status O)
b.  In order for a record to be deleted, “Visible to All counties” must be set to no .i.e the record must be assigned to a County.
12.  MVC Duplicate Card # - Record will only be shown in Counties matching the County ID of the records.
13.  County Blank or Non –NJ
1.  Show records statewide initially.
2.  Added a column,” Visible to All Counties” which will indicate if the record is visible to all Counties .i.e. not assigned to a specific County.
3.  In order for a record to be deleted it must first be assigned to a County. Once the record is assigned to a County it will only be visible by that County alone i.e. the record is no longer visible statewide.
14.  An alert message will be displayed if the user tries to delete a records that is not assigned to a County i.e. “visible to All Counties” = “Y”.
15.  Other
1.  Records will only be shown in Counties matching the County ID of the records once County ID is available.
2.  If County is blank or non –NJ the same rules outlined in point C above will be in effect.
Business Address (NJP-6161)
1.  If a voter changes from any valid status which will appear on the poll book to Inactive or Inactive Need ID or Deleted, allows the voter record residing on a business address to be updated without any error message.
2.  If the Voter Status is Rejected or Incomplete or Deleted and residing at a business address and on trying to change to a Valid status which will appear on the Poll Book, system throws an alert message for the business address and do not allow the user to update the record.
Statewide Motor Voter Detail Report (NJP-6986)
Statewide Motor Voter Summary Report Selection Criteria Screen.
1. Renamed the Motor Voter Details link to Motor Voter summary
2. Renamed the Statewide Motor Voter Details to Statewide Motor Voter summary.
3. Renamed the PDF version report name to State Motor Voters Summary
4. Renamed the data export version report name to “State Motor Voter summary Disk.
Statewide Motor Voter Detail Report
As part of enhancement a new report has been added named” Motor Voter Detail Under state report.
Statewide Motor Voter Detail Report PDF Output
1.  Following fields are included in PDF Version
a.  Name
b.  Date of Birth
c.  Residence Address
d.  Mailing Address
e.  Driver’s license Number
f.  Card Number
g.  Data Received
h.  Transaction Type
i.  Status
2.  The report is sorted by Card number within the County and should have a County header.
3.  Total on output report is based on County and Statewide.
4.  Totals by transaction type and by status at the end of the report.
5.  Selection Criteria has been provided similar to “County Motor File Report.
Statewide Motor Voter Detail Data Export Output
1.  The data export report includes all data elements received from the MVC.
2.  The data export is as per SVRS standard export report. I.E a Zip file containing the data file and data layout file.
3.  The data is pipe delimited.
NVRA Code 82 –(NJP-8451)
As part of enhancement, NVRA code 82 is automatically tagged to any records from the MVC reminder. The process is applied only for registrations originating from MVC reminders.
County Committee / County Committee (NJP-3642)
Voter Registration
As part of enhancement SVRS has been updated to reflect the County Committee Logic.
1.  Navigation: Activities- County Committee
2.  Only the County Clerk has the access to this link initially.
3.  ‘Standard Inquiry search” the screen is populated on clicking the new link “County Committee”.
4.  System navigates to “Select Voter- Inquiry County Committee” screen on searching a voter.
Select Voter –Inquiry County Committee
1.  Navigation: Activities ->County Committee-> Inquiry County Committee.
2.  On this screen User will have the option to select a voter and check the check box for”County Committee” and /or “Municipal Chair”.
3.  These checkboxes are unchecked by default.
4.  Upon checking these checkboxes the Voters flagged are shown on the new report “County Committee Report”.
5.  This checkbox will reset in following scenarios
a)  The voter moves into a new MWD
b)  Voter transfers to a new County.
c)  When the User deselects the checkbox.
6.  System alerts the User with the following message “Please select County Committee/Municipal Chair before clicking select “on clicking select button without checkbox checked.
7.  System displays following pop up message “The update to the voter was successful” on clicking on “Select “button with the checkbox checked.
8.  System displays an alert message “Party affiliation of DEM or REP needed for these selection(s)” if a voter with any other Party apart from “DEM” and “REP” are being flagged as either County Committee or Municipal Chair.
County Committee Report
As part of enhancement a new report “County Committee” has been introduced to print a list and /or labels of County Committee or Municipal Chairs that were flagged by the County Clerk.
1.  The report is accessible to all County Users and will generate a list of County Committee or Municipal Chairs that were flagged.
2.  The Report Criteria will display the following selection criteria.
a.  Generate for Ward Districts.
b.  Generate for Voting Districts.
c.  Ability to Generate a List, Label and Label reports.
d.  Ability to Generate by County Committee and/or Municipal Chair (both checked by default.)
3.  Voter Status- Multi select box will have all Voter Status.
4.  Gender- Multi select box that allows users to select to display not entered, Male and Female.
5.  Party –Multi select box that allows user to select to display only Democratic and Republican. All other Parties shall be suppressed by default.
6.  No Page Break check box option shall be unchecked by default.
7.  Included D.O.B checkbox shall be unchecked by default.
County Committee Output Report
1.  The Output Report will display the following Information:
a.  Voter ID
b.  Party
c.  Voter Name (First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial, and Suffix)
d.  Gender
e.  Date of Birth
f.  Voter Status
g.  Residence Address
h.  Mailing Address
2.  All MWD’s are displayed regardless of an MWD having a County Committee member assigned.
3.  The report shows the totals at the end of the report.
County Committee Label Output Report
1.  Standard SVRS label report that will display the following information on the label:
a.  Voter id and Barcode
b.  Party
c.  MWD
d.  Voter Name (First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial, and Suffix)
e.  Mailing Address if available, otherwise Residence Address)
Show Reminders
A new reminder has been added that will display the Voter information of a County Committee member that has moved and /or have the County Committee and /or Municipal Chair flag reset.
1.  The tickler is named as “There are xx Voters who have been removed from the County Committee” and is shown under other.
2.  The reminder is accessible to County Clerk and the Commissioner of Registration.
3.  The information populated on this newly implemented reminder is Independent list. i.e. if a Voter is deleted from the County Clerk’s reminders list it will still be on Commissioner of Registration’s reminders list until the COR deletes it and Vice Versa.
4.  Clicking on the “Review” will redirect User to the “County Committee members that have been removed” screen.
5.  “Date Removed” column populate the date the Voter’s County committee flag was being reset.
6.  The following voter information is displayed:
a.  Voter Id
b.  Voter Name
c.  Office Type – County Committee and/or Municipal Chair
d.  Previous Address
e.  Previous MWD
f.  Current Address
g.  Current MWD
7.  This screen will provide the functionality for the user to print and delete records from the list.
Voter Registration
As part of enhancement County Committee and Municipal Chair flags (Read only) have been added on Voter Registration screen.
1.  Checkboxes, “County Committee” and “Municipal Chair” has been added to the Registration Application – New Voter Registration, Registration Application Change Voter, Registration Application –Transfer Voter and the Inquiry- Voter Registration screens.
2.  These checkboxes will be flagged depending on the action taken on the “Inquiry Voter-County Committee” screen.

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