ScottCounty Planning and Zoning Commission
November 2, 2010
2nd Floor Courthouse
Members Present:Ion, Kluever,Lloyd, Mehrens, Paustian, Scheibe, Ridenour
Members Absent: None
Staff Present:Hueyand Kelly
Others Present:4 others
1. Call to OrderChair Kluevercalled the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
- Minutes Motion was made to table approval of the October 19, 2010 minutes as the Commission did not receive. Approval will take place at the next meeting.
- Preliminary Plat Schutter Farm 1st Addition-Mike Petersen, Section 7, Pleasant Valley Township
Kluever asked for staff’s review. Huey showed air photos of property and pointed out access to the property. The property is zoned Single Family Residential(R-1) said Huey.Huey showed the future sketch plan for the balance of the property. Site photos were shown. The criteria for subdivision approval was given; Street and intersection layout, water, wastewater disposal systems, stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, protection of natural vegetation cover, open space requirements and the City of Bettendorf’s review. Staff sent out notices to all neighbors within 500 feet, said Huey and staff on call with comments on the request.
Kluever asked if the applicant would like to speak. The applicant said they had nothing to add.
Kluever asked if anyone from the public wished to speak. Kenneth Brockhouse, 18344 Spencer Road, addressed the Commission with his concerns about access. Brockhouse said he would like to see a restriction placed that access to the new subdivision only be allowed from the new 247th Avenue. The applicant responded that their intent was to have access from 247th Avenue. Discussion took place regarding access, road standards, septic systems and maintenance of road.
Kluever asked for staff’s recommendation. Huey said staff recommends that 1). An erosion and sediment control plan be in accordance with the requirements of the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the County Engineer be submitted; 2). The proposed wastewater treatment facilities meet Health Department and Iowa Department of Natural Resources requirements; 3). The private covenants include provision for common open space maintenance; 4). The County Engineer review and approve all street construction plans prior to construction; 5). The subdivision infrastructure improvements be completed or a surety bond posted prior to Final Plat approval; and adding 6). That access for Lots 2-6 be limited to the interior 247th Avenue.
Ridenourmade a motion to approve the request with staff’s recommendationScheibe seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes (7-0)
With no new business to come before the Commission the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 P.M.