Moggill Historical Society Inc.

Minutes for General Meeting -7pm, 18 February 2014

Meeting opened at 7:10pm

Attendance: as per Attendance Book.

Welcome by President

  1. Apologies: Helen McMonagle, Jessie Barker, Margaret de Witt, ...... , ......
  2. Conflicts of Interest: None Recorded.
  3. Minutes from previous meetings (19 November 2013, 21 January 2014).Moved by Bevley D'Aquino, Seconded Joan Westaway.
  4. Financial Reportpresented by Bevley D’Aquino. Opening Balance of $275, Income of $15, expenses of $45.98, resulting in Balance of bank account at 18-2-14 of $244.02.
    Upcoming expenses, Guide hut rent of $30.
    The requested paperwork for payment of already approved $1000 Community Grant has been submitted, so payment should be received shortly.
  5. General Business
  • A hamper donated by Joy Stacy from the Brookfield Historical Society is being raffled. The Raffle is to raise money for ongoing expenses such as the hall hire of $30 per month and Public Liability Insurance of $200/year through History Qld. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5, and will be drawn at the next meeting, 18 March. Helen has verified that no permit is needed by the society.
    Members are requested to take at least one book to sell. Each book includes a brief explanation leaflet. Some tickets have already been sold by Joy Stacy and Joan Westaway. Joan sold nearly $100 worth of her tickets at the Moggill Markets. At the next Moggill Markets on 1 March, she will have a stand to try to sell more tickets and promote the society and she would welcome the assistance of any other members. Please contact Joan if you would like to help out.
  • On the subject of promotion, Helen had an article published in the South West News on the Society. That in turn led to a short radio interview with Judy on 4BC. Judy also gave further material that might be broadcast at a later time.
  • World War One Centenary grants are available from the State Government for projects relating to WW1. Further grants are likely to be made available from the Federal Government. Possible local history projects our Society could be involved with include:
    -a joint display with the BrookfieldDistrictMuseum
    -a joint project with local schools
    -development of a website feature
    Members were encouraged to think of other worthwhile projects.
  • Funding Priorities using the Lord Mayor's Suburban Initiative Fund Grant of $1000. The money is to be used for one off expenses and cannot be used for ongoing running costs.
    So far, needs identified include our Incorporation fee, to which funds already been allocated;
    -a laptop computer and data projector to assist with presentations;
    -an external computer hard drive to store society documents and data;
    -a voice recorder for recording oral histories.
    It was thought that the $1000 would only be enough for the incorporation fees, laptop and data projector.
  • Alternative meeting venues - Helen and Judy are hoping to be able to negotiate with the school for holding meetings at a cheaper rate than our current $30 a meeting. It is possible that the school may already have data projection facilities.
  • Filed trips. Following our State Archives field trip, it is hoped that more field trips can be organised, maybe one every three months. The next trip will probably be to the Brisbane City Council Archives at Moorooka. As this can possibly be arranged for an evening it is considered that a meeting could be combined with the field trip, sometime before mid year.
    Other field trip possibilities are the Mapping and SurveyingMuseum, the Qld Family History Society at Gaythorne or the State Library of Qld Microfilm area.
  • Oral Histories project, Joan has some ideas on possible oral history subjects but is still working on it.
  1. Tea/Coffee Break
  2. Street Name Presentation from Neville Marsh
    Neville presented his findings on the origins of Westaway Crescent, Hallett Close, and Makepeace Place.
  3. Presentation from Judy Nissen, re research history of land, roads & streets, houses
    Judyspoke about interpreting subdivision maps and how to utilise the information with particular reference to researching street name origins.
  4. Next Meetings: Tuesday 18 March at 7pm.
  5. Meeting Closed, 9:05.