Grammar Editing for Grade 9s

Something is wrong with each one of the sentences below. There are wordy vomits, spelling mistakes, verb tense shifts, run-on sentences, and just plain logical nonsense. Fix them using conjunctions, punctuation, or transitional phrases.

  1. On May 21, 2017, a famous Russian Circus closed down because the lack of actors.
  1. The unnatural environments that exist in zoos and circuses take a toll on animal health. In fact, when animals get out of control, circuses use whips, electric prods and chains as methods of training and making the animals scared of their trainers.
  1. Forms of animal torture are not uncommon. For example, PETA recently reported epidemics of tuberculosis, gastrointestinal inflammation, Arthritis, and genetic defects among elephants, and big cats that perform in circuses.
  1. Finally, the cigarettes are sold to a consumers in locations all over North America, travelling in trucks that also burn fossil fuels.
  1. A strict dress code can firstly, teach adolescences to judge others based on their clothing, secondly, it can lead to people to be insecure on who they truly are while we should be embracing each other’s differences and thirdly, the freedom of choice and expression is restricted.
  1. With insecurity as big part of today’s culture with everyday something new to tell you how you should and shouldn’t look or express yourself, people feel challenged on how they see themselves.
  1. What consistently keeps people in their home towns was the community and not their ages, marital status, ethnicity or occupation.
  1. House poor can be caused by many things maybe the house was too expensive or medical fees may be way too much.
  1. The problem is if you have to spend almost all of your income on house expenses how will you afford food, clothing and even a car.
  1. The pages are torn, the spine is falling off and the cover is flaking.
  1. Then after school, for someone like me, it can be hard for someone who plays sports now I feel stressed that I cant just rest after a hard won game and go to sleep in order to get the rest for me to be productive during a regular school day.
  1. One reason I think homework should be banned is that it can make people spend less time with their family and not letting students go out and maybe exercise.
  1. In turn when student are pushed to handle a workload that’s out of sync with there development level this can lead to significant stress.
  1. But by the time I am finished explaining you all are going to go home and beg your parents to buy you a school uniform.
  1. So as you can see, you should rush home and ask your parents to buy you a school uniform.
  1. Now a days, one rarely goes anywhere without their electronic device.
  1. There are countless drugs around the world that should be more harshly enforced as illegal in Canada and the most commonly known drug is the gateway drug marijuana.
  1. Once the user become addicted, teen and adults notice a decline in their IQ, as by 8 points as the highest drop if users begun smoking in their teens, hence they have a higher chance of dropping out of school because of their incapability of understanding and taking part of difficult tasks.
  1. Besides, if you think about it, if a person was going to kill someone maybe they would rethink it and not do it in the first place if they knew they would be sentences to death for it rather than just being thrown in jail.
  1. I know we love using cosmetics but if it has chemicals in it that we’re not sure of then have to test it on animals so we don’t get hurt, it shouldn’t be made.