All students must be afforded extensive opportunities to practice their beginning reading skills. The Reading Credential holder and Reading Specialist should assist school communities to provide time and materials for word analysis and to incorporate the instruction into the overall reading process. The certificate holder and specialist must understand the relatioinship of word analysis to the development of fluency.
Foundational Knowledge (content) / The Reading certificate holder will demonstrate knowledge, articulate the importance of, and be able to use:
The Reading certificate holder will:
1. Read and reflect on theories and research in the areas of:
•phonological, and phonemic awareness;
•concepts of print, including letter recognition, and the alphabetic principle;
- Word analysis skills covering terminology and concepts for phonics, sight words, and structural analysis,
•morphology and orthographic knowledge; all of which promote accurate word analysis that contributes to spelling development and leads to automaticity in word recognition when reading connected text.
6. Supports other educators’ practices
5. Evaluates materials and programs
3. Has a deeper, richer ability to meet the needs of diverse students in the classroom
4. Can interpret data
2. Knowsing how to assess and teach these word analysis skills as well as knows ing how long and in what way they should be taught ,depending on the child. / The reading specialistknows and can do all of the preceding and, in addition, can interpret, analyze, and critique major theories about word analysis, knowsexpected stages and patterns in the development of phonological andphonemic awareness, the implications of individual variations in the developmentof phonological and phonemic awareness, and instructional sequences thatdevelop and accelerate students’ phonological and phonemic awareness and that are based on a convergence of research evidence; and knows delays or differences in students’ phonological and phonemic awareness andwhen such delays/differences warrant further assessment and additionalinterventions, and is developing a major stance toward the scholarship of the domain.
The specialist can facilitate and support other educators, collaborate with other school personnel, be able to provide leadership and give inservice to teachers, have more varied experiences with it, critically examine and support other people’s practices and evaluate materials.
Instructional Materials and Curriculum / The certificate holder can:
select and use instructional materials and strategies that reflect both cultural
diversity and an awareness of instructional progressions that are based on a
convergence of research evidence and that promote students’ literacy development in the following areas of word analysis:
phonological and phonemic awareness
plan, implement, and monitor instruction that is responsive to individual students’ strengths, needs, and interests and is based on ongoing informal and formal assessment of individual students’ phonological and phonemic awareness;
select and use instructional materials and strategies that reflect both cultural diversity and an awareness of instructional progressions that are based on a convergence of research evidence and that promote students’ phonologicaland phonemic awareness; provide systematic instruction and reinforcing activities in phonological and phonemic awareness; and use a variety of instructional methods to teach and reinforce the development of phonological and phonemic awareness.
knowing how to model and teach concepts of print such as:
model and teach front to back cover, title, left to right, and top to bottom reading, sentences, and letter names,relationships between letter -sound correspondence
know how to model and teachphonics, sight words, structural analysis and the alphabetic principle,
recognize at least three levels of word analysis skills that begin with cvc, decoding, and the alphabetic principle followed by more complex vowel patterns and ending with polysyllabic, morphemic patterns
knowing how tomodel and teach phonics and sight words to the level of mastery
teaching beginning decoding in which phonics and phonemic awareness are combined along with sight word instruction
teaching complex vowels and irregular sight words explicitly and systematically
automaticity in word recognition
understanding the role and importance of decodable texts in promoting students understandingof the alphabetic principle and the development of automaticity
understanding when students can branch out to trade books for reading practice
morphology and orthographicknowledge; weneed a few “knows” here
teaching polysyllabic and morphemic strategies for decoding and spelling
nee / The reading specialist can:
Facilitate the implementation of a word analysis program of instruction across classes, grades, and schools
Ensure fidelity of implementation
Use data (including observational information) to monitor and evaluate implementation and effectiveness of program
Provide staff development to address areas of need
Know and understand delays or differences in students’ development of word identification skills and when such delays/differences warrant further assessment and additionalintervention. (phonological and phonemic awareness and can help teachers develop these skills.
Helping teachers place kids in established programs
Adaptingthe established program or useing other programs to help students with more difficulties
Provideing intensive intervention to students with severe difficulties, including dyslexia
Know when and how to adapt curriculum to particular students’ needs including different kinds of alterations (placing students further back in the regular curriculum, enhancing the current curriculum, moving students to a different curriculum), and know how long to provide the adaptation
Assessment, Diagnosis and Evaluation / The certificate holder can:
Demonstrate Kknowledge of and ability to interpret formal and informal measures of word analysis and spelling ability, including
Use Mmeasures of phonemic awareness, phonics, and sight words, structural analysis
Being able toM make distinctions between regular and irregular word decoding, single syllable vs. polysyllabic decoding
Useing writing and spelling analyses to evaluate word analysis skills
Evaluateing whether words are read automatically or not and understandings implications for instruction
plan, implement, and monitor instruction that is responsive to individual
students’ strengths, needs, and interests and is based on ongoing informal and
formal assessment of individual students’ phonological and phonemic awareness / The reading specialist can:
Assist teachers districtwide in evaluating word analysis and spelling
programs to develop a broad scope of learning
Train other professionals in the progression of skills from phonemic
awareness, to concepts of print, through detailed word analysis
Students: Special needs, different levels of RtI, GATE, EL, SES, and other cultural and linguistic diversities
Fieldwork / Fieldwork is articulated with methods courses and includes regular coaching by the instructor to ensure the candidate demonstrates the knowledge and skills identified above / Fieldwork is articulated with methods courses and includes regular coaching by the instructor to ensure the candidate demonstrates the knowledge and skills identified above.
Fieldwork should provide experience with at least two, and optimally all three of word analysis levels. (very beginning reader (cvc, decoding, alphabetic principle), complex vowels reader (ee, oy, oi, and irregular sight words), and polysyllabic and morphemic reader)