Minutes March 15, 2005

Board Members in Attendance: John Bauer, Clint Kearns, John Aziz, Jack Smith, Susan Crew, Chuck Carroll, Hank Hallmark

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm. Minutes from the February meeting were approved.

Agency reports

CDF – Steve Faris said they are currently performing maintenance on all equipment in preparation for fire season. Personnel are busy attending classes. Growth of grasses due to more moisture this season may result in an earlier fire season. The Governor is putting money into the budget to keep a full staff year round.

Not much tree removal activity due to road conditions, however in the last two years 18,000 trees have been removed along travel routes.

Tree mortality is not expected to be as great as last summer or the year before. It is still more than normal, but far less than 2003.

CDF has four foresters dealing with forest practices. They are restocking some areas with trees and work will begin around Santa’s Village in the coming week. CDF has a brochure that explains restocking to healthy forest standards to prevent over planting.

San Bernardino County Fire

John B. provided information on NRCS block tree removal.

Renee contacted John for suggestions for billboard content with fire safe messages for the area. SBCF will pay for billboard rental.

Village Trail

Chuck Carroll reported the encroachment permit for the village trail was received by Caltrans. Permission has been granted to trim trees and remove dead branches, brush, etc. CDF will assist with clearance for the trail.

It was asked if the experience with the trail (encroachment permit) would make it easier to get permits in the future. Chuck replied that emphasis on fire hazard reduction was instrumental in gaining the permit.

Caltrans Highway 2 Clearances

John Bauer said Armand Silva was discussing the area between Sheep Creek Bridge and the levels with the Forest Service. He will have an answer regarding the action that will be taken by the next FSC meeting.

Silva did not recall that he was to follow up in writing on the agreed removal along Highway 2. Grass removal will take place in May.

Guest – Kim Williams, Biologist/Plant Ecologist Cal State San Bernardino presented a copy of a book by Richard Halsey on Fire Chaparral ecology and history. Other topics include contributory sections on landscaping, watershed considerations, hazard reduction, and evacuation. She would like the FSC to evaluate the book and possibly make it available at the upcoming WAD event. The board will discuss whether to include to book.

Wildfire Awareness Day

The board will meet after this evening’s general meeting to discuss the event.

Adjourned 7:55 pm

Respectfully submitted by Susan Crew