FY 2009/2010

Prepared by Area 1 Agency on AgingJanuary 2010

Seniors residing in Del Norte County

  • According to the California Department of Finance 2010 Projections 5,776 persons age 60+ reside in Del Norte County, representing 18% of the County’s population. Population growth for the over 60 age group is expected to increase by 77% in 2020 resulting in a senior population of 8,107 in Del Norte County.
  • Statewide, seniors compose only 15.5% of the population.

The impact of the “Boomer” Generation

  • There are over 10,000 individuals residing in Del Norte County born before 1965 (the “Boomer” generation), representing 37% of the total population
  • 45% won’t be able to afford to retire
  • 50% are raising one or more young children
  • 34% are providing assistance to their parent(s)
  • 13% are raising a child AND providing assistance to a parent (“sandwich” caregivers)
  • 10% are living in poverty
  • 90% intend to remain in the communities in which they currently live

Seniors in poverty

  • Almost 17% of the over-60population has income at or below poverty level.
  • The Social Security Administration reported 158persons received Supplemental Security Income (SSI)“aged” benefits during 2009. The standard SSI payment for “aged” recipients in 2009 was $845/month.

Seniors with disabilities

  • Almost 53% of people over the age of 65 in Del Norte County have a disability that may affect daily activities (including functional impairments: sensory, physical, mental, self care, and going outside of home).
  • 15% of the 65+ population have some level of cognitive impairment.

Seniors as caregivers

  • Nearly 137 (3%)ofDel Norte County seniors 60 years and older report that they have primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren.
  • 21% of those over age 60 act as caregiver for another senior.

Geographic distribution of seniors(based on U.S. Census Divisions)

  • All of the seniors in Del Norte County live in an area classified as rural.
  • 77% live in CrescentCity, Bertsch-Oceanview, Crescent City North and surrounding areas
  • 18.5% live in Smith River-Gasquet
  • 4.5% live in theKlamath and surrounding areas

The Area 1 Agency on Aging frequently asks seniors about their needs, concerns, and issues through surveys, public forums, focus groups, informal discussions, and outreach conducted by staff and the Advisory Council.

Top Concerns Identified by Seniors

  • Household Chores

  • Money to live on

  • Health Care

  • Accidents in the home

  • Loneliness

  • Nutrition/food

  • Obtaining information about services/benefits

  • Crime

  • Transportation

  • Energy/utilities

The Area 1 Agency on Aging also requests information from service providers who work directly with seniors, caregivers, and individuals with disabilities to find out which services are most frequently requested.

Top Needs Identified by Service Providers

  • Caregivers training

  • Respite Care

  • Health Care

  • Housing Alternatives (affordable & accessible)

  • Adult Day Health Care

The following categories have been identified by National Association of Area Agencies on Agingas critical issues for seniors, caregivers and their families.

HEALTH- information about local resources;Preventive Health Care Clinics; physical activity and medication management; Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program; mental health programs; respite programs; Caregiver Registry, Elder/kinder program.

NUTRITION- Brown Bag programs, senior congregate and home delivered meals, nutrition education presentations, Farmers Market Vouchers for Seniors.

EXERCISE- promotion ofphysical activity, active living community development, strength training, and fall preventioncourses.

TRANSPORTATION -participation on transportation advisory councils, host Mobility Days, provide information and assistance for transportation options.

PUBLIC SAFETY/EMERGENCY SERVICES promote individual and organizational disaster preparedness, volunteer management assistance in disasters.

HOUSING-provide minor home modification programs; senior housing options; age-in-place communities; out of home placement assistance; in-home caregiver support and training;long-term care planning.

TAXATION AND FINANCE- provide information and assistance for bill payment assistance, tax assistance, homeowners/renters assistance, money management, legal services, senior discount or reduced fee programs.

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT–provide referrals for employment training and assistance; caregiver training and registries.

CIVIC ENGAGEMENT/VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES- provide volunteer management training, volunteer opportunities; Intergenerational programs.

AGING/HUMAN SERVICES- developcommunity coalitions to ensure that seniors and persons with disabilities can continue living independently at home and in the community.

POLICIES/GUIDELINES- advocate for senior and caregiver issues at local, state and federal levels. Engage in policy and systems change discussions for aging services as influx of older adults emerges.