Hadleigh Suffolk United Reformed Church

Minutes of Annual ChurchMeeting – Monday 13th March 2017.

Present 26 Members (plus 1 non-member) The Meeting was chaired by Rev’d Bryn Rickards

  1. Welcome Bryn welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with worship focused on Psalm 121, lifting our eyes up to God.
  2. Apologies. There were 15 Apologies
  3. Minutes of meeting held 7thMarch 2016 were agreed and signed.
  4. Remembering those passed away or moved on … Nigel Crisp led the meeting in remembering Harold Double, Marianne Jones, Duncan McCoid and Alan Brooks who died in the past year. We also remembered Murray Cheesman, Mary Cross and Bob Ainslie who have moved away. Bryn led the meeting in prayer for all mentioned.
  5. The booklet of Annual Reportshad been published on 5th March.
  • David Grutchfield thanked all who had reported and thanked Phil Wells for getting it out early so it could be read and enjoyed.
  • Hilary Crisp noted we are a busy church!
  • Nigel Crisp thanked Bryn for all he does for the church and the meeting thanked Lilly Rickards for her work at the Ark.
  • The reports were accepted by the Meeting.Bryn led a prayer of thanks for all those who work hard for the church, including those ‘behind the scenes’.
  1. FinanceRonnie Howsontook the meeting through an outline of the year’s figures which are awaiting auditing. He thanked Phil Wells for his work on Gift Aid. He offered to answer questions. The Meeting thanked him for his work throughout the year and thanked all those who handle and bank monies.
  2. Sabbaticals for Elders Bryn explained the idea that after two terms (8 years in our church) Elders need spiritual refreshment and a break from their responsibilities. He asked the meeting to agree that we offer this option to all Elders. He further asked that we agree to offer this opportunity to Elders who have served more than eight years without a break. The meeting agreed to this.
  3. Election of Elders
  • Pat Langley and Ronnie Howson had come to the end of their 4 year terms and were standing down. They were thanked for their service and presented with gifts.
  • George Barnes, Jan Dicks, and Karen Harman had also come to the end of their term and were willing to stand again.
  • Ann Swallow and Sammy Apraku Mensah had been nominated from the membership and were willing to stand. They both gave testimony for their willingness to stand.
  • Election took place by secret ballot and all five received the necessary 75% votes.
  • Ordination and Induction was planned for March 19th.
  1. Confirmation of Officers
  • Nigel Crisp - Church Secretary
  • Karen Harman - Assistant Secretary.
  • Ronnie Howson Treasurer
  1. Confirmation of officers for particular posts
  • Worship Team – Nigel Crisp
  • Pastoral Care – Claire Coster
  • Property Team – Roger Jay
  • Synod Representative - Mervyn Cort
  • Safeguarding Representatives - Phil Wells and Karen Harman
  • Newsletter Editor – There is a team in place, Paul Simon, Jonas Grist and Phil Wells

Meeting closed at 8-35 pm. K Harman