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Mr. Zindman’s Class 6th Grade Word History Homework




Mr. Zindman’s Class


Assignment 1-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 136-143

Define the following terms:

Loess ______



Extended family ______

The Yellow River - Use the picture on page 138 to answer the following questions.

  1. What river is shown in the photograph? ______
  1. How is the land near the river used? ______

Assignment 2-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 136-138

Complete the following questions.

1.What did dragons represent for China? ______

2. What is the Climate of China like?


3. What river overflowed bringing fresh, fertile soil for the Chinese people? ______

4. Why was the Huang River called, China’s Sorrow?


5. How did the Chinese people control floods?


Assignment 3-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 139-141

Complete the following questions.

1. What was an accomplishment of the Shang Dynasty?


2. Under the Zhou Dynasty, the warring states began. What were the Warring States?


3. What was the Mandate of Heaven?


4. What was an extended family?


5. What was the role of women in ancient China?


Assignment 4-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 144-153

Define the following terms:

Confucius ______



Civil service ______

Looking at the picture on the top of pages 146-147 at the top of the page in the textbook, Five Human Relationships, can you name three important relationships according to Confucius? ______

Assignment 5-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 144-148

Complete the following questions:

1.Who was the most famous and most important Chines thinker? ______

2. What did Confucius teach his students?


3. What was Confucianism? ______

4. What was the goal of Confucius? ______

5. What was Confucius’ beliefs on respecting others? ______

6. What was the Merit System? ______

Assignment 6-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 149-153

Define the following terms:

Shi Huangdi ______



Liu Bang ______





Looking at the picture on page 150 in the textbook, The Great Wall of China, what does the size of the wall tell you about China? ______

Assignment 7-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 149-151

Complete the following questions:

1.Who was China’s first emperor, or king? ______

2. How did Shi Huangdi strengthen the first empire?


3. How did Shi Huangdi organize the government? ______

4. How did a common currency make it easier for China? ______

5. Shi Huangdi believed in legalism. What was legalism? ______

Assignment 8-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 151-153

Complete the following questions:

1.Study the Diagram Skills on Page 151. What caused the downfall of Chinese Dynasties? (See; why the dynasty grows weak.) ______

2. Who led the overthrow of the Qin dynasty?


3. How did Liu Bang create a stable government that lasted 400 years? ______

4. Who was Wudi and what did he do under his rule? ______

5. What caused an end to the Han Empire? ______

Assignment 9-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 155-161

Define the following terms:

Silk Road ______



Sima Qian ______

Looking at the Map Master on page 157 in the textbook, The Silk Road, why did the Silk Road split into two routes in Central Asia? ______

Assignment 10-China

Instructions: Read the World History Textbook; pages 156-160

1. What kind of new foods were introduced to the Chinese through the Silk Road? ______

2. What was the Silk Road?


3. What are silkworms? ______

4. What problem did the Han rulers find with people during troubled times? ______

5. What problems did Sima Qian solve? ______

6. What were three achievements from the ancient Chinese? ______

Assignment 11-China

Instructions: Read the article, China and answer the following questions 1-8.

By Ekaterina Zhdanova-Redman

1China is a country in eastern Asia. It is the world's most populous country. The territory of China is slightly larger than the territory of the United States, and more than 1.2 billion people live there. The population of China is about 22% of total world's population, and it means that approximately every fifth person in the world is Chinese!
2The Chinese government has developed a special program of family planning to control the growth of the population. Only one child is allowed in a family, and exceptions are very rare.
3The climate in China is different in different areas of the country. Southern provinces are very hot and humid throughout the year, but winters in northern China are very dry and cold, and summers are hot, and have plenty of rain.
4China has many natural water basins. There are many lakes, thousands of rivers, and several seas. In fact, the South China Sea is the largest sea in the world.
5The largest river in China is the Yangtze river, and it is the third largest river in the world, next only to the Nile in Africa and Amazon in South America. The Yangtze is known as the "golden waterway," because it links western and eastern areas of the country.
6The Hwang He, or Yellow River, is the second largest river in China, and it is truly yellow! The river carries a lot of yellow-colored soil, and that gave the river its name.
7China also has a famous man-made river-the Grand Canal, running from Beijing-the capital of China-to the south of China. The Great Canal was built as early as the fifth century AD. It links five major rivers of the country and is the longest as well as the oldest man-made waterway in the world.
8China has a greatest diversity of wildlife, including some very rare animals such as the giant panda, South China tiger, red-crowned crane, white-flag dolphin, and many others.
9The giant panda is a large bamboo-eating mammal, with bold black-and-white markings, including black patches over the eyes. Because it is extremely rare-just over 1,000 are left at present - it has become not only the symbol of China but, also, the symbol of all of the world's protected wild animals.
10The white-flag dolphin is one of only two species of freshwater whales in the world. In 1980, a male white-flag dolphin was caught for the first time in the Yangtze River, which aroused great interest among dolphin researchers worldwide.
11China, which covers one-fifteenth of Earth's surface, has unique nature and wildlife. Growing population and overuse of natural resources cause lots of environmental problems. Saving its fauna and flora has become one of China's most important policies.

  1. China is situated in:
    Central Asia
    Eastern Asia
    Western Asia
    Southeastern Europe

/ 2. / China is the third largest country in population.
3. / What is the name of the world's largest sea?
The Black Sea
The Sea of Japan
The South China Sea
Yellow Sea
/ 4. / It is the state policy in China for families to have only one child.
5. / The water of the Yellow River actually is not yellow.
/ 6. / How many giant pandas are left in the world?
About 100
More then 10,000
Just over 1,000
7. / The Yangtze is:
The world's largest sea
The world's largest river
The world's largest lake
None of the above
/ 8. / The capital of China is:
Hong Kong
Giant Pandas

1An endangered species, the giant panda can only be found in the mountain bamboo forests of western China. There are only about 1,600 wild giant pandas left in the world. Giant pandas are members of the bear family. They are mammals. They have a creamy white fur coat with black bands across their shoulders and black patches over their legs, ears, and eyes. Even though giant pandas look like bears, they do not behave like bears. Unlike their meat-eating relatives, giant pandas are vegetarians for the most part. Their favorite food is bamboo. However, if they are extremely hungry and bamboo is nowhere to be found, giant pandas may eat grass, fruits, or sometimes, small animals like birds and fish.
2Giant pandas have powerful jaws and jaw muscles that can crush bamboo shoots, stems, and leaves between their large, flat teeth. They also have tough linings in their throats to protect against sharp bamboo splinters. However, the giant panda's digestive system is not good at absorbing fibers, the main part of bamboo. Much of the bamboo passes through giant pandas' bodies undigested. Thus, giant pandas must eat a lot of bamboo every day to get enough nourishment. In fact, they spend at least 12 hours every day eating about 33 pounds of bamboo.
3Giant pandas do not live in groups. They are loners! They only leave their territory from March to May to look for a mate. Female giant pandas usually give birth to twins. Baby giant pandas are very small, blind, and pinkish at birth. They only weigh about 5 ounces at birth. They are about the size of a stick of butter! Strangely, mother giant pandas tend to choose to raise just one baby and leave the other to die. Mother giant pandas feed their babies with milk. A baby giant panda opens its eyes at six to seven weeks. It starts to learn how to walk when it is about three or four months old. Mother giant pandas look after their babies for about 18 months. Once the young is strong enough, it bids farewell to its mother and moves out to live on its own.

Instructions: Answer questions 1-6

Giant Pandas

1. / In what kind of environment do giant pandas live?
Mountain bamboo forest
The Arctic
/ 2. / In what country are giant pandas found?
3. / What is giant pandas' favorite food?
/ 4. / Newborn pandas weigh about as much as a stick of butter.
5. / Why do giant pandas need to spend at least 12 hours a day eating?
Giant pandas don't spend that much time eating.
They have a very tender throat. Hence, giant pandas need to be very careful when eating bamboos.
Their teeth are not designed to eat bamboo.
Their digestive system is not good at absorbing fibers.
/ 6. / Which of the following statements about giant pandas is not true?
Mother giant pandas usually give birth to twins.
Giant pandas do not belong to the bear family.
There are only about 1,600 wild giant pandas in the world. They are endangered!
Giant pandas have powerful jaws and jaw muscles that can crush bamboo shoots, stems, and leaves between their large, flat cheek teeth.
Chinese Fable: Chang'er Flew to the Moon

1A long, long time ago, there were ten suns glaring over China. Under the intensive heat of ten suns, rivers dried up, land cracked, crops died, and people starved. Frustrated, villagers gathered to brainstorm a solution to ease away their pains. Of all the suggestions, villagers agreed that Ho-Yi, an expert in using bows and arrows, was their only hope.
2Upon hearing the plea from his fellow villagers, Ho-Yi agreed to help right away. He led a group of villagers to climb the highest mountain in China where he could be as close to his targets as possible. Once he reached the mountaintop, he stood firm, drew the first of ten arrows from the case that he carried on his back, took an aim at one of the ten suns, and let go his hand. The arrow made a beautiful arch across the sky and hit the center of his target. Immediately, the sun, with an arrow piercing through, fell from the sky and vanished!
3Villagers shouted out in excitement, and their cheers made Ho-Yi ever more confident when he was ready to shoot down the second sun. Just like the first, the second arrow that Ho-Yi took from his case made a beautiful arch across the sky and brought down the second sun in the sky. Rounds of applause set Ho-Yi in motion. As he drew more and more arrows from his case, there were fewer and fewer suns left in the sky.
4A wise old man kept glancing at Ho-Yi's arrow case. He noticed that Ho-Yi, encouraged by the crowd's cheer, made no attempt to stop until he shot down the very last sun hanging in the sky. The old man knew that life without a sun would be equally miserable as life with ten suns, so he secretly retrieved one arrow from Ho-Yi's case and hid it. When Ho-Yi was done with the ninth sun, he turned to get the last arrow from his case. To his surprise, there was no arrow left in the case. After extensive search, Ho-Yi still could not find the lost arrow. He reluctantly gave up the idea of shooting down the last sun in the sky and left the mountaintop with the crowd.
5Ho-Yi became the hero who saved everybody's life!
6The Queen Mother of the West, the wife of the almighty Chinese God, heard about Ho-Yi's act of bravery. She made Ho-Yi the emperor of China. She also gave him a bottle of magical pills that could make him live forever! She warned Ho-Yi that he could only take one tablet at a time, or an unthinkable and irreversible consequence would happen.
7Ho-Yi was a compassionate and kind emperor at first. He worked very hard to improve the life of his people. Everybody in the kingdom was happy. Then, slowly, Ho-Yi withdrew from tending the kingdom. Instead, he started to pay more and more attention to accumulating his wealth. Eventually, Ho-Yi became such a corrupt and tyrannical emperor that he would kill anybody who was in his way. The only person that Ho-Yi cared about, other than himself, was his beautiful wife, Chang'er. Chang'er had a very good heart. Her benevolence was the exact opposite from her husband's brutality. Although Ho-Yi adored his wife and was ready to give her all the luxurious things that money could buy, he would not grant her what she really wanted - having him be the compassionate and kind emperor that Ho-Yi once was.
8Chang'er witnessed how people suffered and felt powerless to alleviate their agony. Then, one day, Chang'er got an idea. She remembered the bottle of magical pills that the Queen Mother of the West had given Ho-Yi all those years ago. She reasoned that if she could not make her husband change his behaviors, she could at least make him mortal by getting rid of those tablets.
9When Chang'er stole the bottle, she accidentally sounded off the alarm. Afraid that Ho-Yi would live forever to torment his people, Chang'er ran as fast as she could. Surprised by his wife's betrayal, Ho-Yi led the army to chase after Chang'er and they quickly caught up with her. Panicked, Chang'er opened the bottle and swallowed all the tablets. Ho-Yi wanted to stop her, but it was too late. To everybody's astonishment, Chang'er became afloat after emptying the bottle. As if having a pair of wings, Chang'er flew to the moon and has been living there ever since!

Instructions: Answer questions 1-7

Chinese Fable: Chang'er Flew to the Moon

1. / What was Ho-Yi famous for?
His marksmanship with spears.
His marksmanship with shot guns.
What was Ho-Yi famous for?
His marksmanship with spears.
His marksmanship with shot guns.
His marksmanship with pistols.
His marksmanship with bows and arrows.
/ 2. / How many arrows did Ho-Yi bring to the mountaintop?
3. / How many arrows did Ho-Yi use to shoot down suns?
/ 4. / The Queen Mother of the West, the wife of the almighty Chinese God, hid one of Ho-Yi's arrows so one sun could be spared.
5. / Why was Chang'er unhappy?
Because her husband, Ho-Yi, refused to help his fellow villagers to shoot down suns in the sky.
Because her husband, Ho-Yi, was ruthless to the people of his kingdom.
Because her husband, Ho-Yi, refused to build her a beautiful palace.
Because her husband, Ho-Yi, refused to share with her the magical pills that could make a person live forever.
/ 6. / According to this Chinese fable, where is Chang'er living now?
On the moon
On Saturn
On Mars
On Venus
7. / Who gave Ho-Yi the bottle of magical pills that could make a person immortal?
The Queen Mother of the West
The Queen Mother of the South
The Queen Mother of the North
The Queen Mother of the East

The Great Wall of China
By Sharon Fabian

1Visitors to China always want to see the Great Wall. They know how big it is - about 4,000 miles long. They know that it is the longest, biggest, and heaviest thing that people ever built. They have heard a rumor about it, too. The rumor says that it can be seen from the moon. This wall must be something to see!
2Some visitors have already looked at pictures. The pictures show smiling tourists walking on top of the wall. They show tired tourists climbing the steep steps. They show tourists taking pictures.
3Some visitors have read about the wall. They learned that it was first built over 2,000 years ago. They learned about how and why it was built.
4At first there was not just one wall. There were several little walls. This changed during the time known as the Qin Dynasty. The emperor decided to join the little walls into one big one. One big wall would keep enemies out of the whole country.
5Chinese peasants built and built to change it into one big wall. On the plains, they built the wall of earth. In the mountains, they built the wall of rocks. This long wall protected their country. It protected them from enemies with swords and spears. It protected them for hundreds of years.
6Then, in the 1400s, new leaders took control of the country. This time period was called the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty made the wall stronger. They built new parts with bricks and tiles. They added watch towers.
7Their soldiers used the wall to look out for enemies. They even built signal fires on the wall. The wall kept the Mings safe inside their country. It kept them safe for about 200 years.
8Then, in the 1600s, new rulers took over again. The new Dynasty was called Qing. They took over after their warriors crossed the wall from the north. Now China became even bigger. It added on land to the north outside of the wall. Now the wall was no longer the dividing line between China and its enemies.
9The wall was no longer needed. Parts of the wall began to fall down. People used its stones and bricks to build homes.
10After more years, the wall became a tourist attraction. People from all over the world came to see the wall. They got to walk on it and climb its steep steps. They learned about its history.
11They learned one more thing, too. They learned that you can't really see the Great Wall from the moon.