Membership of Louth Lawn Tennis Club

The membership form overleaf must be completed with your standing order arrangement and returned to the club’s treasurer, Jim Judge, either by post to 41 Keddington Road, Louth, LN11 0AU or by e-mailing a scanned-in copy tohim at

Membership Fees

Fees are payable monthly, by bank standing order, at the following rates:

Tennis & BoulesBoules Only

Adult: £6.50All ages:£2.50

Student 19-26: £2.00

Junior U18: £1.00

Family Membership

Family membership entitles you to a 15% discount on the aggregate fees and applies to three people or more. For example, a family of one adult and two juniors living at the same address pay (£6.50 + £1 + £1) x 0.85 = £7.22 per month.

Standing Orders

Please arrange with your bank to set up a standing order, effective immediately, to continue until written notice of cancellation has been given to your bank, which should only apply if you have tendered your membership resignation to the club treasurer first.

Please ask your bank to quote the reference ‘[your surname] – Sub’ when making each instalment.

Club Key

The cost of a key for entry to the courts is £4.00. If you require one then please contactthe club’streasurer, Jim Judge, by e-mailing him at

Junior / Student Members

A parent of a junior member or of a student member under 18 must sign the application on their behalf. The use of the courts and club facilities by a junior member must be supervised by that parent. A parent must agree to take responsibility for such use by a junior member or under 18 student member.

Membership Application Form

Full name: Date of birth (if under 18):


Postcode: Telephone:

E-mail *: *Please don’t forget this

Other family members to joinDate of birth (if under 18)

I have instructed my bank to make payments of £

per calendar month to Louth Lawn Tennis Club starting from the 14th of

I/we agree as follows:

  1. To be bound by the constitution and rules of the club (pinned up on the notice board) and all reasonable regulations and directions made by the club’s committee.
  2. To take care of the court /clubhouse key provided, not to give possession of it to a non-member of the club and to return the key immediately upon cessation of membership.
  3. To carefully and respectfully use the club’s facilities and secure those facilities after use.
  4. To wear appropriate clothing and shoes during use of the club’s courts and facilities. Note that shoes must have non-marking soles (to avoid marks being left on the lines).
  5. To take responsibility for use of the club’s facilities by any student member under 18 or junior member of my family and to supervise use by any junior member of my family.
  6. To respect and not cause a nuisance or annoyance to the owners or occupiers of neighbouring premises and not to park in the Wheatsheaf Inn car park on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday unless a customer at the time of parking.
  7. To indemnify the club in respect of any loss or damage suffered by the club or any third party which was caused or enabled by me, by a member of my family, or by anyone invited by me or by a member of my family to use the club’s facilities.


Signed (by parent if applicant under 18):

July 2017