Pre-AP Chemistry Syllabus

Alvin High School

2015 - 2016

Instructor: Mrs. Tonya Patterson

Room: A207

281.245.3000 Ext. 4287

Welcome to Pre-AP Chemistry! I am glad that you’ve decided to take the course this year. This is a Pre-AP level class, I do expect that you will find it rewarding and will learn material and skills that will help prepare you to be successful in AP Chemistry or college chemistry.

The nature of Chemistry requires the student to know certain basic facts that MUST be committed to memory. Mathematics is an integral part of this class. Problem solving strategies will be stressed through-out the year and this course also requires the student be able to solve problems WITH and WITHOUT a calculator.

Materials/Supplies needed:

Textbook: A textbook is not required for this class. If you would like to have a resource at home you may checkout a textbook from the school.

  • 3 Ring Binder
  • 4 Dividers
  • Spiral Notebook
  • Package of index cards (3 ½ x 5)
  • 1 roll of paper towels
  • 1 box of Kleenex
  • Scientific calculator – optional

**Important** - If I receive an e-mail from your parent by Friday of the first week you will receive a 100 daily grade.

Grading Policy:

Major Exams: (50%) – There will be two to three major tests per nine weeks. Calculators provided by the teacher may be used for the tests when mathematical computations are necessary. Students may not use their personal calculators for major assessments or quizzes. Major projects will count as an exam grade.

Labs: (30%) – Lab grades are based on completion of pre-lab assessments, participation during lab, adherence to safety regulations, housekeeping, and the written assignment. Pre-labs should be done prior to coming to class. This will help ensure the safety of all who will be working in the lab. Any students with long hair should ALWAYS keep a tie in their backpacks for lab days/activities. Closed-toed shoes are required for the lab.

Failure to comply with behavior expectations can result in removal from the lab activities and a low lab grade. A safety contract will be sent home and filled out by the student as well as the parent/guardian. These documents will be kept on file and are needed before a student can participate in any lab.

Daily Work/Class Work/Quizzes/Class Participation: (20%) – There will be quizzes. Prepare yourself by doing your homework and paying attention in class as well as during lab exercises.

Homework: Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. Chemistry deals with calculations, and to be successful practice is necessary. Homework will be due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated. Some homework will be graded for accuracy, some for completion, and some will be non-graded practice assignments to be reviewed in class the next day.

Electronic Devices: Electronic Devices (cell phones, IPODS, MP3, tablets and any other electronic device will be used throughout the course of the year. They may only be used with permission on class related activities. If electronic devices are used for activities that are not class related they will be taken up and turned into the office. Chemistry is a challenging course, and in order to be successful in this class your full attention is necessary.

Tardy Policy: Tardy in Ms. Patterson’s class means not in your seat when the bell rings. Tardy includes: in the doorway, on your way to your seat, and running down the hallway. You must be in your seat and ready to work (paper, pencil, homework on your desk, bell ringer activity started) when the bell rings.

Absences: Absences are not expected on test days or lab days. In the event of absences due to school business, trips, religious holidays, etc., arrangements for assignments should be made prior to the function. It is the responsibility of the students to make up all work missed due to absences. The number of days allowed for makeup work will equal the number of days absent. LABS, TESTS, AND QUIZZES MUST BE MADE UP DURING TUTORIALS.


  • Check the MAKE-UP WORK Organizer at the front of the room.

Tutoring: I currently have tutoring time scheduled on Monday and Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30pm and Tuesday 7:00 – 7:20 am. All other times by appointment, if needed.

Website: On my class website I post assignments, labs, test review and key along with due dates. In class you will be given a copy of assignments, labs and reviews, but must go to the website to get the review answer key, and copies if you should lose any assignment. You can access the website from Alvin High School homepage → Faculty → Tonya Patterson.

I am very excited to have you in my class and look forward to an exciting and challenging year.

Mrs. Patterson 

Please acknowledge that you and your parent or guardian have received the Alvin High School PAP Chemistry syllabus. I understand the class expectations by signing and returning this page to me by Thursday August 27, 2015.

______Student signature/date

______Parent signature/date

______Parent contact email address

______Parent contact phone number