The Crown of Immortality

Narrator Pharaoh Moriarty Inspector Green Fandangus Sergeant Black Indiana Jones Sam

Narrator: Scene 1, in ancient Egypt, 4 thousand years ago.

Sound effect: Dramatic music

Pharaoh: Welcome everybody, my name of Himotep. I am the Pharaoh. I am rich and I am powerful. Where is my advisor? I don’t trust him. I will have to keep an eye on him.

Fandangus: I am coming, your majesty, I am coming.

Pharaoh: Bring me my crown.

Sound effect: Footsteps

Fandangus: What a beautiful crown, the Crown of Immortality, whoever wears this crown will live forever.

Pharaoh: I know, just give it to me. It’s very powerful.

Fandangus: You hit the nail on the head! It is powerful and I want to be powerful too!

Pharaoh: What are you talking about?

Fandangus: Everyday I get up early, I work hard all day. It’s a rat race! But I have a secret – I am going to steal your crown!

Pharaoh: You’re a dark horse! Guards! Stop him.

Sound effect: Fight.

Pharaoh: Put him in the tomb.

Fandangus: No, no, please, please.

Pharaoh: You will lie in the tomb, forever!

Sound effect: Dramatic music

Narrator: Scene 2, in the present day. In the British Museum, in London.

Sound effect: Bell striking, then footsteps.

Sam: Where are we?

Moriarty: We are in the British Museum.

Sam: I’ve never been here before. Look at this Egyptian mummy. It says it is the body of Fandangus.

Moriarty: We are going to steal this gold crown.

Sam: So we are going to be rich!

Moriarty: It is a magic crown. With this we will be able to kill two birds with one stone. We will be rich and powerful!

Sam: But how can we steal it? There are lasers everywhere.

Moriarty: Don’t worry, it will be a piece of cake. I know how to switch off the lasers.

Sam: OK, I’ll take the crown.

Moriarty: Wait, I haven’t switched off the lasers yet!

Sound effect: Alarm bells ringing, then Police car siren.

Moriarty: Quick, look for somewhere to hide.

Sound effect: Police siren then footsteps

Inspector Green: Can you give me a hand to open this door?

Sound effect: Door opening.

Sergeant Black: Do you like visiting museums when you are on holiday?

Inspector Green: It’s not my cup of tea. They are usually so overcrowded I prefer going hiking.

Sergeant Black: Let’s look for the robbers. I’ll check the rooms over there.

Inspector Green: What’s this book on the floor? It’s called The Book of the Dead.

Sergeant Black: The book of the Dead? Keep it. It may be a clue. Let’s look around.

Sound effect: Door opening.

Inspector Green: There’s no one in here. It’s empty.

Sergeant Black: It looks like the bank robbers have gone.

Sam: Ah ….ah….ah! (going to sneeze)

Moriarty: Shhhh! Be quiet!

Sergeant Black: What was that noise?

Inspector Green: I don’t know. I can’t see anything.

Sam: Ah ….ah….ah atchooo!

Inspector Green: It’s the robbers!

Moriarty: Put your hands up!

Sam: We are going to steal this crown!

Sound effect: Indiana Jones music.

Indiana: Give up, Moriarty. It’s not worth it. You can’t escape.

Moriarty: Indiana Jones! You may have a big gun but I have …. this!

Inspector Green: It’s only a crown.

Moriarty: No it isn’t. It’s a magic crown. IPSUM MALABUM. Mummy awake!

Fandangus: Aaahhhhhhh. Who has woken me from my thousand-year sleep?

Moriarty: It is I, Moriarty, I am your new master.

Fanfangus: Yes, master, what do you want?

Moriarty: Kill them!

Fandangus: Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

Everyone: Aaaaahhhhh!!!

Moriarty: Quick! Get into the car.

Sound effect: Footsteps, then car driving off.

Indiana: Follow them!

Sound effect: Footsteps, then car driving off.

Inspector Green: Shoot the tyres!

Sound effect: Guns shots then car skidding then crashing.

Indiana: Give up, Moriarty. Let’s face it, you can’t escape.

Sergeant Black: What’s that noise?

Indiana: It’s a helicopter.

Sound effect: Helicopter.

Mike, Wendy: They’re escaping.

Sergeant Black: Look, what’s that on the floor? Pick it up. tower

Sergeant Jones: It’s a post card of Tower Bridge.

Indiana: Tower Bridge. Interesting. Why would Moriarty have gone to Tower Bridge?

Narrator: Scene 3 On Tower Bridge

Sound effect: Clock striking midnight, owl hooting.

Indiana: Here we are, Tower Bridge.

Inspector Green: We are running out of time.

Indiana: I know. We will be in hot water if we don’t find Moriarty.

Sergeant Black: Is Tower Bridge called Tower Bridge because it has got two towers?

Indiana: No, It’s called Tower Bridge because it’s next to the Tower of London.

Sergeant Black: The Tower of London! Of course! What’s inside the Tower of London?

Inspector Green: The Crown Jewels! Of course! He is going to steal the Crown Jewels!

Narrator: Inside the Tower of London. The Tower of London

Indiana: We need to put on disguises so no one recognizes us. Try on these uniforms.

Inspector Green: What are they?

Indiana: They’re Beefeaters’ uniforms.

Inspector Green: The Crown Jewels are in this building.

Inspector : Here they are. They look safe. This thick glass will protect them.

Moriarty: I don’t think so. Fandangus, break the glass.

Sound effect: Dingaling dingaling dingaling

Sergeant Balck: It’s Moriarty. He has taken the jewels!

Moriarty: Fandangus, kill them all!

Fandangus: Yes, master. I will kill you all! A Beefeater

Sergeant Black: Shoot the mummy.

Sound effect: Gun fire.

Indiana: It’s no use. The bullets aren’t having any effect.

Sergeant Black: I have an idea. Indiana, try this. It’s a book I found in the museum

Indiana: The book of the Dead? Let me see …. it says …Page 1…How to stop a mummy!

Sergeant Black: Quickly, we are running out of time!

Indiana: Ipsum Yummy, stop the mummy!

Sergeant Black: It worked! The mummy has stopped.

Fandangus: I am your master!

Indiana: Mummy, stop the robbers.

Fandangus: I am your master. I will stop the robbers.

Moriarty: Stop! Stop! What are you doing! Aaahh!!!

Inspector Green: You are going to prison. The Crown Jewels

Sergeant Black: Thank you Indiana. Let’s face it, we couldn’t have done this without you.

Indiana: What are we going to about Fandangus?

Fandangus: Don’t worry about me, I am going to sleep, for a very very long time. Good night.

Everyone: The end.


Dominic Streames © 2011