Urbana Middle School

Physical Education

P.E. Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Hogan / / ext: 69230


Urbana Middle School Physical Education Vision:

We strive to develop a community of fit, skilled and knowledgeable students, who value an active lifestyle, embody the spirit of pure sportsmanship, practice positive character traits, and pursue activity throughout life.
We provide exciting, inviting, developmentally appropriate opportunities using a differentiated approach where all students achieve success. Students acquire and integrate knowledge, as well as develop individual skills through the use of critical thinking, technology, and practical application.

Urbana Middle School Physical Education Mission:

Inspiring others to pursue a healthy and physically active lifestyle.

Units of Study

Fall: Fitness Testing, Soccer, Flag Football, Speedball, Lacrosse, Hockey, Team Building

Winter: Volleyball, Cardio Room, Speedball, Basketball, Weight Room, Bowling, Fitness Stations

Spring: Fitness Testing, Track and Field, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Mission Impossible, Tennis, Cooperative Games

Grading Procedures:

Grades will be determined as follows:

In Middle School Physical Education classes there are two components of instruction that are graded; Exit Outcomes and Meets Objectives. There will be no homework in Physical Education.

Grading categories to be assessed:

· Exit Outcomes 30%

· Meets Objectives 70%

· Includes: Teacher created assignments such as exercise logs, quizzes, exit passes.

· In some situations students will earn two or more grades daily.

I. Exit Outcomes:

The Exit Outcome term grade is specific to individual student achievement. Student performance is assessed by means of required exit outcomes as identified by the FCPS curriculum office. Teachers may perform additional approved exit outcomes assessments and those assessments will still fall under the category of “exit outcomes”.

II. Meets Objectives:

Every day the students will receive a daily grade out of 10 points based on the Rubric Score below.

A sample daily grade is as follows: 10 points per day

2 points: Prepared and ready to learn

8 points: Meets Objectives: includes specific lesson objective

Follows safety procedures, classroom rules, sport etiquette, shows respects self/others/teachers

3= Always Demonstrates

2= Mostly Demonstrates

1= Rarely Demonstrates

0= Never Demonstrates

Student Engagement

4= Vigorous Effort (forceful, powerful, strong, energetic)

3= Active Effort (lively, busy, not just minimal implied state of motion)

2= Participating Effort (takes a part in all activities at minimal level)

1= Partial Effort (minimal state of motion) 0= Non-Participation ( no motion) HAC: You will have the opportunity to monitor your child's grades using HAC. We will notify you if your child is in danger of failing or has dropped two full letter grades.

HAC Codes:

·  An “X” is issued to excuse work. (This neither hurts nor helps a student’s grade.)

·  A “Z” is used by teachers to let parents know that an assignment has never been turned in. (The “Z” counts as a zero in the student’s grade in order to give an accurate reflection of what the grade will be if the assignment is never turned in.)

·  An actual “0” in a grade book signifies that a student earned a zero on the assignment.

Late Work Policy: School Policy

Homework project assignments turned in late will be reduced by no more than one letter grade per day, not to exceed 50%

Materials Needed

·  Physical Education uniform: blue or black shorts and a white or gray t-shirt with last name ONLY printed on back.

·  Combination Lock

·  Deodorant (stick ONLY, No Sprays are allowed)

·  Sweat clothes ( Any Color) tennis shoes for physical activity

·  Pocket Folder with a Pencil (NO PENS).

E.L.T Extended Learning Time

Tutoring times will be most days after period 2. D’s and F’s will be pulled with no exceptions. Students may request tutoring by asking the teacher.


Written assignments are found on Google Classroom.

Class Codes: Period 1: yksxyl Period 2: w3ha8k Period 3: 5bizqq Period 6:o6i2j1b Period 7: t2dbbu

Excuses from Physical Education Participation

o  If a student is unable to participate in physical education class for up to two weeks, an activity restriction form is required (Part I only) with reason of complication, restrictions, and date of active return to class. If the illness or condition is longer than two weeks a student/parent is required to have a doctor fill out parts 1-3 of the Activity Restriction form. (To access the form, go through www.fcps.org under forms/health form/or obtain one from teacher/teacher web page). If a doctor’s form is not received; students will be given a zero for participation and must make up any work missed.

o  In case of sudden illness or emergency situations, a parent note requesting withdraw from that day's activity will be accepted.

o  The participation grade for the excused days will be based on the ability of the child to assist in class (referee, score keeper, etc.) or they will complete a sportfolio (reading/writing) assignment.


· It is the child's responsibility to request missed assignments from the teacher when absent or going on vacation.

·  UMS will be following the FCPS grading guidelines (excused absences = 1 day out with 2 days to make up work; 2 days out with 4 days to make up work, etc.)


We will follow the Urbana Middle School follows the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) program, which is a school-wide approach to discipline. Our goal is to change behaviors that are disruptive to the learning environment. In accordance with the PBIS program, students will be rewarded with “wings” for positive behavior and there will be consequences for failure to follow behavior guidelines and expectations. For the 2016-2017 school year consequences are accumulated PER STUDENT and not within each classroom. Therefore, you may hear from different teachers regarding your child’s progression through the steps. The progression is as follows:

1.  Warning & RE-State Expectation 2. Parent Contact & Classroom Reflection 2. Parent Contact & Classroom Reflection 3. Parent Contact & Lunch Reflection 4. Parent Contact and lunch reflection 5. Parent Contact & After School Detention 6. Parent Contact and Administration Conference

Dear Parents or Guardian,

We look forward to working with you and your child to ensure a safe and positive learning community while striving to provide them with opportunities to incorporate activities promoting teamwork and an appreciation for lifelong fitness and healthy lifestyles.

If you have any questions about our expectations, consequences, grading, or course content please feel free to contact us any time.


Wendy Hogan


Contact Information: Wendy Hogan () UMS Phone# 240-566-9200 Ext.69230

Student Name______Grade: ______Period: _____

Parent or Guardian Signature: ______