Present: Lucas Jones (11DEC) - Chair

Mr A Wilson

Year 7:

Georgia Collins (VWE/SAK), Jack Hintze (VWE/SAK), Blake Mears (DJG), Daniella Plumb (DJG)

Year 8:

Aaliyah Damen (EJA), Cainan Donaldson (MCL), Oz Eastlake (CFO),

Lucy Turnbull (PAG)

Year 9:

Charlotte Cheatle (LSJ/STH), Ellie Clifford (MWK), Lachlan Fraser (VHA)

Year 10:

Tanisha Matthews (JSY), Emese Nagy (BWI), Sean Roberts (RWH),

Nathan Stroud (OPR)

Year 11:

Katie Brown (KAE), Lucy Keogh (MRS), Arran Sawyer (MRS),

Molly Suter (APA), Oliver Yeomans (MRS),

Apologies: No apologies were received

Mr Wilson introduced the school council structure and asked the council which areas they felt should improve (see attached structure).
The council agreed that the involvement of tutor representatives at year meetings had been ‘patchy’ and that this could be improved.
AWI will raise the profile of year meetings with HoY to take place before the half term holidays.
2.  / SCHOOL CHARITIES 2014-15
The council discussed which charities they would like to support independently of non-school uniform days – although non-uniform monies could also go to these charities.
A proposal was put forward to support
·  The Will Mackaness Trust
·  Claire Clements Trust
due to the work they facilitate for young people in the Wey Valley School.
This was agreed by the council.
Several other charities were discussed:
·  British Heart Foundation
·  Children in Need
·  Mosaic Child Bereavement Dorset
·  Make a Wish Foundation
·  Stand Up To Cancer
·  Cancer Research
·  Julia’s House
·  The Children’s Society
·  Anti-Bullying Alliance
The council proposed an idea that 3 remaining charities should have a local focus eg:
·  Julia’s House
·  Mosaic
·  Weldmar Hospicecare Trust
as other charities were well supported nationally.
Julia’s House
Weldmar Hospicecare Trust
Will Mackaness Trust
Claire Clements Trust
will be the 5 school charities chosen for support this year.
3.  / NON UNIFORM DAYS 2014-15
Friday 14 November – Children in Need – “It’s time to be a Hero’
17-21 November – Anti-Bullying week (£1 for Anti-Bullying wrist band).
The council discussed the proximity of these dates and proposed to take the following question to The Year Councils to be discussed in tutor time.
Which non-uniform day would you prefer?
(1)  Friday 14 November – Children in Need “It’s time to be a Hero”. Dress up as your favourite Hero.
(2)  17-21 November – Anti-Bullying Week (£1 for an Anti-Bullying wristband).
Note: If Children in Need is chosen then the Anti-Bullying week will be normal uniform with the option to buy a blue wristband from The School Council at break and lunch times.
Mr Wilson suggested putting this question to Tutor Groups first for discussion. To feedback in HoY Year Council Meetings before the half term holidays.
Mr Wilson will arrange the question and the Year Council Meetings with relevant HoY.
Mr Wilson introduced the UK Youth Parliament Elections.
Full School Council members voted.
What should you UK Youth Parliament campaign on:-
Ø  Votes at 16 = 1
Ø  Fund our youth services, don’t cut them = 1
Ø  A curriculum to prepare us for life = 1
Ø  Mental health = 10
Ø  Work experience (reinstate) = 1
Ø  Young people should be directly involved in making laws = 0
Ø  Bring back exam resits in Maths and English in English schools = 1
Ø  Everyone should be paid at least the Living Wage of £7.65 per hour
(£8.80 in London) = 7
Ø  Give young people a voice in improving their communities = 1
Ø  Euthanasia = 1
Mr Wilson asked if any students were interested in standing for election to the UKYP.
Application and consent forms to be returned to Dorset Youth Services by Thursday 16 October.
2 students will be able to attend an information day at Dorchester Youth Centre on Thursday 23 October.
From these 2 only 1 student can stand for election and attend an information day on Saturday 22 November at County Hall.
Elections are due to take place on 2 February 2015.
Four students expressed an interest:
Sean Roberts – Year 10
Aaliyah Damen – Year 8
Lucy Turnbull – Year 8
Georgia Collins – Year 7
Mr Wilson to remind these students to return their application forms and notify the successful candidates by the end of Monday 13 October.
5.  / Teaching and Learning Committee
Carried over to next meeting.
6.  / Date of next meeting
Wednesday 12 November 2014 - 1.05 pm to 2.05 pm - in the Conference Room (lunch will be provided).
Agenda items to Tutor Representatives by Monday 20 October 2014.


Those present

Council Members not present (Jessica Coleman-11JCR, Hywel Robbins 11CGU)

Mrs D Day – Chair of Governors

Mr P Thomas – Principal

Ms S Adams – Vice Principal

Mr R Cole – Business Manager