What the Boosters are all about:
The purpose of the TK Athletic Boosters is to promote, support and assist, and financially aid the Thornapple Kellogg Athletic Department.
The TKAB will also encourage participation of parents, alumni, teachers and other adult community
members to support all TK athletic programs in the middle and high schools.
How do I become a TK Athletic Booster?
We can always use more active members for the athletic boosters. The more people that join
the better we can help to provide for all of our athletes.
Members will be accepted throughout the year and must be duly registered with the TKAB Secretary. However, to qualify for voting privileges a member must have attended at least three of the last five regular meetings as recorded by the Secretary.
To be a member in good standing, he/she shall attend seven or more regular meetings in a twelve month period. A new or regular member may have an absence excused for voting privileges by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
As a member in good standing, you receive an all sports pass for access to sporting
- Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each month. No meeting inJuly and held on the 2nd Monday of the month for Spring Break and if a holiday falls on the 1st Monday of the Month.
We raise financial support for the programs in the following ways:
Clothing Sales, Golf Outing, Concession Stands – High School and Middle School,
Fundraising, 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, Homecoming, Athletic Scholarships
We have elected positions in the organization, which are the following and currently filled by the
individual listed:
President – Chris Mahon –
Vice President – Tom Miller
Secretary – Suzi Hamilton
Treasurer – Beth McNee
Volunteer Coordinator - Kelly Ziccarello 269-615-8634, Email:
Three Trustees –Karen Williamson, Kelly Donker and Marie Graham
The term of office runs from July 1 to June 30. The elections for these positions are held in June.
Regular meetings are held the first Monday of each month starting with August and ending in June.
No meetings are held in July.
Items that we have been able to purchase over the years*:
Competitive Cheer Banner
Cheer Mat
Solospike for Volleyball
Cross Country Warm-Ups
Tennis Court Screening
Coach Comm – MultisportsPkg
Warm up Jackets – Baseball
Softball Equipment
Kawasaki Mule
Competitive Cheer Uniforms – Middle School & High School
Hockey Banner
Improvements to the Softball Fields
Boys and Girls Soccer Uniforms
Girls Tennis Uniforms
Wrestling Equipment
Basketball Uniforms
Golf Bags
Warm Ups Soccer
Boys & Girls Track Uniforms
Football Uniforms
Middle School Basketball Uniforms
Girls Varsity Softball Uniforms
Cheer Uniforms
Cross Country Uniforms
Tennis Ball Machine
*This is not an all inclusive listing of items purchased