Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 30th Oct, 2012 at 9.30 a.m. in Room NH214

In Attendance:

C. Fyfe, Student President (Chair)

D. Borrett, VP Education

N. Lowden, VP Activities

D. Carse, General Manager

M. Wilkinson, Clerk

1. Apologies:

S. Wylie, VP Wellbeing

2. Previous Minutes

The Executive Committee accepted that the minutes of the meeting held on 16th October were an accurate record.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 Sabbatical Officers Objectives saved on the Shared Drive

It was confirmed that the VP Wellbeing and the VP Activities objectives had been saved on the shared drive.

3.2 NSS Action Plan

The VP Education advised that the matter was progressing well and would present a draft of the action plan at the next Executive Committee meeting.

Action: VP Education

3.3 NSS Q23

The Student President said that the campaign was going well and she and the VPE would continue to speak with the various stakeholders to gain support for the question to be changed. That would included dialogue with NUS Scotland, NUS UK and the SFC. The Student President said she would also liaise with other Scottish HEIs. Action: Student President

3.4 GCU Staff Presentation

There was a short discussion of the presentation and of the fact that only one university staff member had attended. The Sabbaticals felt that a different approach was required for Trimester 2 and decided that they would take their presentation to the University in the form of a ‘Road Show’ to schools and departments.

3.5 Final Draft of Equality & Diversity Survey

In the absence of the VP Wellbeing the Student President advised that Adrian Lui, Equality and Diversity Adviser, was reviewing the finishing touches to the final draft and a copy would be circulated soon. Action: VP Wellbeing

The Student President said that the Sabbaticals would promote the survey at the next Student Engagement day on the 12th November 2012.

3.6 Renaming of Sports and Societies Executive

The VP Activities advised that following discussion by the Sports and Societies Executive they had agreed a name change to Sports Council and Societies Council. The name change would be presented at the next Student Voice for approval. Action: VP Activities

3.7 Student Leaders & Teaching Award and Sports Ball Dates

It was confirmed that the Sports Ball would be held on 23rd March 2013 and

that the Student Led Teaching Awards Ball had been set for 4th April 2013.

3.8 Ideas Forum: implementation of ideas

The Sabbatical Officers gave an update of action of each issue in turn.

(Refer to the attachment).

3.9 Students’ Association Survey

The General Manager informed the Sabbaticals that he had discussed, keeping the Annual Survey to March, at the staffing meeting and confirmed that it was agreed that the Students’ Association Survey would take place in March 2013.

3.10 National Demo

The Student President said that Caledonian, West of Scotland and Strathclyde students would travel together to the Demo on 21st November and confirmed that she had secured funding and would now be able to offer 16 student places. The SP said that the Sabbaticals would continue with student engagement events and campus walkabouts’ to promote the Demo; that branded t-shirts and banners bearing the GCUSA mission would be used during the Demo. The Student President would give an update of the number of Caledonian students attending the Demo at the next Executive meeting. Action: Student President

3.11 Community Engagement: City of Glasgow College

The Student President explained that the City of Glasgow College seemed to be at an impasse of how they should take the matter forward and was therefore unable to make any progress at that time. The SP said she would continue to liaise with the College and update the Committee of future developments as and when progress was made. Action: Student President

3.12 House Hustler

The Student President said that she and the VP Wellbeing had arranged to meet the General Manager on 30th October to consider House Hustler’s trial contract. Action: VP Wellbeing/Student President

4. Sabbatical Officer Update and Forward Planning

VP Education / Last Two Weeks
Danielle gave a brief summary of the 1st Education Policy meeting saying that it had been good and well attended. Gave an update of the GCU Business School Away Day and said it had been very interesting and was a positive step forward to improve links with the Students’ Association. Danielle also gave a summary of University meetings where Q23 was discussed and highlighted that 62 students had attended Student Summit some of who had stated that they liked the fact that an NUS Representative had been at the event.
Next Two Weeks
Danielle gave an overview of the next weeks itinerary, highlighting:
·  the launch of the feedback campaign, saying that she would circulate the new style feedback flowchart that had been drafted.
·  that she would attend NUS Zone Conference on 1st Nov.
·  also attendance at various University meetings, Caledonian Club, SUEI Audit, and Student Voice on the 8th Nov
VP Activities / Last Two Weeks
Nick gave an update of attendance at the SSS workshop. Also gave a summary of the meeting with Walkabout saying that they were happy with student numbers using the Bar and discussed issue of a ‘closed room’ for organised events. Nick advised that the PSL sales event of 29th Nov. had been good and that all new merchandise was now available on line. Also gave a summary of Sports and Societies related issues and wished to note that whilst it was encouraging that more students wished to start new clubs they may have to set a limit on the numbers they could support.
Next Two Weeks
Nick highlighted that he would:
·  attend Re–Freshers meeting to discuss and set January 2013 programme
·  review the Independence Society objectives to ensure they are charitable and do not breach ultra vires.
Student President / Last Two Weeks
Carla advised that she had sent out a blog of her attendance at One Young World Conference. Wished to thank the other Sabbaticals for their help, up to and during ‘staff strike day’ and advised she would be in touch with the Trade Unions to follow up on the strike situation. Advised that STUC went well and that details and photos were online. The Sabbaticals had a short discussion about how they could streamline/link website and facebook updates.
Next Two Weeks
Carla said that over the next weeks would :
·  attend Services Development Group meeting
·  attend AB Ball Committee meeting / update / discussion of legislation re fundraising.
·  attend catch up meeting with Jan Hulme, University Secretary
·  prepare /report to Student Voice
·  liaise with University re SUIE Audit
·  attend at GCU London Graduation ceremony
VP Wellbeing / Last Two Weeks
Not present – attandance at NUS Conference
Next Two Weeks

5. Student Engagement

The Student President gave a brief summary of topics raised with or fed back during student engagement sessions explaining that ‘tea and cakes with the Sabbaticals’ was more about letting the students see who they were and what they and the Students’ Association did as apposed to any one theme or topic. That themed Engagement Days had already been discussed during the meeting, those being: raising awareness and/of student referendum of GCU strike action; raising awareness of the issue of the National Demo and presentations at Student Summit.

6. Sabbatical Officer Outcomes

What difference am I making to the lives of GCU students?

The Sabbaticals had a lengthy discussion of how and what they had and hoped to achieve; that whilst they felt that much of the work generated during their time in office, was and would continue to be an output, i.e refendum; campaigns; student engagement, the ultimate aim was to take an issue forward to a conclusion that had a positive impact/benefit to the student community.

7. NUS Demo

The Chair confirmed that the matter had already been discussed at point 3.10 of Matters Arising.

8. Freshers’ in Trimester 2

The Chair confirmed that the issue had already been raised during item 4 of the Agenda.

9. Student Summit

The Chair confirmed that the issue had already been raised during item 4 of the Agenda.

10. 360o Development Review

The General Manager explained what the 360o Development Review was and gave a summary of how / what format would be used and confirmed that the reviews would take place during December 2012 with feedback given in January 2013.


1. Café Roots

The Sabbaticals had a lengthy discussion of the lack of communication to the introduction of Mr Singh and restricted menu at Café Roots, that no consideration or consultation had been given of students or Students’ Association staff. The Sabbaticals expressed their and students concerns / disappointment of the situation and the Student President stated that she would arrange a meeting to discuss the issue with the Catering Manager and feedback the response at the next Executive meeting.

Action: Student President

Meeting Closed at 11.05 a.m.

Date of next meeting

13th Nov. at 9.30 a.m. Room NH214