World History Religion Scrapbook

Due: Friday, September 28, 2017

Directions: Each religion has its own due date and the research will be turned in by the student on those dated. On September 28, the Religions Scrapbook must be complete.

While pictures may be printed off of the internet or photocopied from books, all writing must be in the student’s own hand. This is to avoid cutting and pasting material off of the internet. Any material suspected to be plagiarized or copied will result in a grade of 0. All writing MUST BE in the student’s own words.

Introduction Page: for each religion, complete an introduction page including the following:

  1. Name of the religion
  2. Founders of the religion (or the group or person to whom the religion was “revealed”)
  3. approximate date religion founded or revealed
  4. Picture or illustration and represents the religion

Now, on to the religions:

Hinduismdue: Wed., September 13

  1. Create a chart showing the different levels of the Caste System
  2. Name and describe the 4 Castes
  3. Name and describe the group that is outside the Caste System
  4. Draw pictures and give descriptions of the following words: Rajah, Sanskrit, Epic, Dharma, Reincarnation, and karma.
  5. Explain the cycle of rebirth using a circle flow chart
  6. List the three main gods and what they represent
  7. Draw or find a picture of each god.

Buddhismdue: Wed., September 13

  1. Summarize Siddharta Gautama’s life.
  2. Name and Describe the Four Noble Truths. Draw or find a picture to represent each truth.
  3. Name and describe the Eightfold Path. Draw or find a picture to represent each path.
  4. Draw a picture that describes Nirvana
  5. Draw a picture of Buddha that represents the way each of the following groups viewed him: Theravada and Mahayana

Confucianismdue: Monday., September 18

  1. Give a summary of Kongzi’s life.
  2. What were Confucius’s beliefs? Be sure to include the following in your description: analects and filial piety
  3. Describe and draw pictures that represent the Five primary relationships.
  4. Find and/or draw a picture of Confucius.
  5. Find three Confucius statements (quotes)

Daoismdue: Monday., September 18

  1. Summarize Laozi’s life.
  2. Find and/or draw a picture of Laozi
  3. What were Daoists beliefs?
  4. Draw the Ying and Yang. Explain what each side represents.

Islamdue: Wed., September 20

  1. Describe Muhammad’s life
  2. What event and year started the Muslim calendar?
  3. Describe and draw pictures that represent The Five Pillars of Islam
  4. Identify the holiest city of Islam
  5. Define the Kaaba and the Qur’an and draw pictures to represent them.
  6. Describe the primary division of Islam (what caused it) and what the two largest sects are called.
  7. Explain where these different sects of Islam can be found today.
  8. Draw or find a picture of a mosque.

Christianitydue: Fri., September 22

  1. What are the major symbol of Christianity? Draw pictures of each symbol and explain why it is signifigant.
  2. What are three major events that have shaped the Christian religion? Explain each.
  3. What are major holidays and festivals of the Christian faith. Write a sentence describing each.
  4. Tell why Jesus was popular and why he was persecuted? (several sentences)
  5. Who were Simon, Paul and Peter? Draw a picture to represent them.
  6. Who was the Emperor Constantine and what did he do for the Christian religion?


  1. Define Shinto and where it is primarily practiced today.
  2. Define Amaterasu and Jimmu and draw a picture of them.
  3. Define kami.

Judaismdue: Fri., September 22

  1. Define monotheism.
  2. Describe the importance of the covenant, the law, and the prophets.
  3. Identify and explain the importance of the Torah.
  4. Explain the meaning of Passover, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, and Rosh Hashanah.