Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA

Minutes of the Synod Council Meeting

September 22, 2011, ELCA Churchwide Offices, 8765 West Higgins Road, Chicago, Illinois

Ignited by God’s love, Burning for Justice, We embrace the world


Name / Cluster/Position / Term
Ends 8/31
The Rev. Eric Silberschmidt / Kenosha/West Racine / 2013
The Rev. Steve Blyth / Lake Country / 2015
Mr. Gus Barnes / Milwaukee 1 / 2013
Mr. Michael Herold / Milwaukee 2 / 2013
The Rev. Carolyn Fredriksen / Milwaukee 3 / 2015
Mr. Al Van Lith / Milwaukee 4 / 2015
Ms. Esther Rusch / Northern Lakeshore / 2013
Ms. Beth Dorsey / Northwest / 2013
The Rev. Tracy Polzin / Racine / 2013
Vacant / Waukesha / 2015
The Rev. Gary Grindeland / At Large / 2015
Ms. Debra Taylor / At Large / 2015
Mr. John Gruber / At Large / 2015
Ms. Susan Cyr / Vice President / 2013 (2)
Mr. Matthew Brockmeier / Secretary / 2015 (1)
Mr. Lee Johnston / Treasurer / 2013 (1)
The Rev. Jeff Barrow / Bishop / 2016 (1)
Vacant / Youth Representative / 2013


Guests at the meeting were Jerry Key, representing the Anti-Racism Team, and Synod staff members Rev. Sandy Chrostowski, Mary Meyer, Kate Mattson and Rhonda Hill.

Council Action

It was voted to give voice at all meetings of the Synod Council through September 2012 to representatives of the Anti-Racism Team, the Women of the ELCA and the Synod staff.

Council Action

Actions taken by the Council in two electronic meetings were ratified. The items approved in the electronic sessions were submission of a grant request to support the Director of Discipleship position, and approval of the sale of the St. Andrew church building in Waukesha.

I.  Bishop’s Report

Council Action

It was voted to approve On Leave from Call status for Chris Lear and the Rev. Nancy Toensing.

The bishop provided a verbal report on the issues that are pertinent to the ministry of the Synod. Among the items presented were brief comments about the Churchwide Assembly, including the importance of the LIFT initiative, which he explained as something that affirms who we are as a church: “a people of compassion under the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” LIFT can be about, he said, learning how to “roll that out.” Also included in the bishop’s remarks stemming from the Assembly was background on the ELCA’s malaria campaign, a $15 million effort to attack this devastating disease. Bishop Jeff said that each synod needs a plan for how to address this, and that it is important to work with the whole Synod to achieve this attainable financial goal. He wrapped up his report on the Churchwide Assembly by saying that he was impressed with the young adults in the global mission program, which he called inspiring.

Stewardship gatherings have generally had about 30 people, and have been very well received. These sessions have included both financial stewardship and mission interpretation. The final session in this series will be this evening.

The collective bargaining discussion is moving slower than hoped, but is on track.

The bishop explained that the Synod was now fully staffed, with the hiring of Mary Romskog as Communications and Administrative Associate, replacing Jane. Mary is from All Saints in Wales, and will work 20 hours per week. Kate Mattson, the new Director of Youth and Family, was introduced to the Council. Kate is from Galilee in Pewaukee, and said that she is excited to be at the Synod. She also said she hopes to spend a lot of time with congregation youth workers, helping them not feel alone in their work, and not having them reinvent the wheel.

Also discussed by the bishop was the need to develop policies to deal with situations like the closure of St. Andrew’s in Waukesha, where the Synod is left with a building; addressing the impact of bringing in pastors from outside the synod on the existing ranks of rostered leaders; and an overview of an interfaith bus tour highlighting redevelopment and urban farming projects.

He asked Sandy Chrostowski to explain the Racine Area Mission Strategy, an effort to explore and encourage collaboration possibilities between most of the congregations in Racine. This phase of the effort will wrap up in November, with possibilities for facility use, staffing and parish arrangements all possible topics on which to follow up. The bishop emphasized that there is now a need for an entrepreneurial spirit on the part of those accepting calls, and to avoid being anchored by nostalgia in making determinations about the allocation of increasingly scarce resources for ministry.

Bishop Jeff discussed encouraging ecumenical partnerships, with Rachel Young Binter (Campus Ministry at UWM) having a call for some activities at nearby Calvary Church, a non-Lutheran congregation. The bishop will continue to work with full communion partners on other possibilities. He also emphasized leadership development, including young lay leadership and leadership within the clergy; a wellness initiative for clergy, rostered leaders and those in the pension plan; and the need for fundraising to assist some youth to attend the 2012 Youth Gathering in New Orleans. This fundraising effort was approved as a Synod-wide effort.

Council Action

It was voted to approve a motion to “allow the Synod to undertake a Synod-Wide Fundraising Effort to Support Attendance at the 2012 Youth Gathering.”

II. Executive Committee

Council Action

The Synod Council elected Eric Silberschmidt, Gus Barnes and Beth Dorsey to one-year terms as at-large members of the executive committee.

III. Treasurer’s Report

Synod Treasurer, Mr. Lee Johnston, reported that total income stood at 94% of budget for year-to-date. Workman’s Compensation insurance premiums went up, but employee expenses have otherwise been under budget so far this fiscal year. With all staff positions now filled, personnel expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year (through January 31st) are expected to be at full budgeted level. This means that the year-to-date net income surplus, reported by Treasurer Johnston as $53,000, will likely be eroded by year-end. He also reported that additional legal expenses were incurred because of property transactions.

IV. Reports

A.  Director of Evangelical Mission – A written report was provided, with brief verbal commentary. The report included budget information for missional grants.

B.  Director of Discipleship – Working on leadership development program for lay leaders; and seminars including “Poverty Picture Milwaukee” and urban planning, with sessions in Milwaukee, Kenosha and Racine, among other activities.

C.  Director of Rostered Leadership – No report submitted.

D.  Youth and Family Network – Kate Mattson was introduced, but did not have a formal report due to her very recent start date.

E.  Lutheran Campus Ministry – No report submitted.

F.  Deans – No report submitted.

G.  Anti-Racism Team – A written report was provided. Crossroads Training January 26th through 28th. Council members were reminded that they are expected to take anti-racism training. Book study to be conducted by Rhonda Hill and the WYCA on “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”.

H.  WELCA – No report submitted.

I.  Outreach for Hope – No report submitted.

V. Old Business

Council Action

It was voted to approve the replacement of Continuing Resolution S9.01.01.A93. by Continuing Resolution S9.01.01.B11. and the replacement of Appendix 1. Nominations for Churchwide Assembly with a revised version of Appendix 1. in order to correct an error in the previous replacement appendix, and to update the appendix to reflect changes to the schedule for future Churchwide Assemblies made by the 2011 Churchwide Assembly.

C.  Collective Bargaining Discussion Group – Bishop Jeff brought the Council up-to-date on the process to be followed. This process is being coordinated by John Horner-Ibler and Lisa Bates-Froiland, and will involve the Frank Zeidler Center for Public Discussion.

D.  Concealed Carry concerns were discussed briefly, with mention made of information already provided by the Wisconsin Council of Churches and the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin. The Synod’s attorney, Steve Knowles, is also reviewing this issue. Recommendations for information to provide to congregations are expected soon, and will be passed along.

VI. New Business

A.  The 2011-2012 Meeting Schedule for the Synod Council was agreed, as follows:

·  Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 5:30 pm at St. Paul’s, Random Lake

·  Saturday, January 14, 2012 at 9:00 am at Incarnation, Milwaukee

·  Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 5:30 pm at Holy Cross, Menomonee Falls

·  Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 9:00 am at Adoration, Greenfield

·  Thursday, July 12, 2012 at Bishop Jeff Barrow’s Home

·  Thursday, September 20, 2012 at 5:30 pm, Location TBA

C.  Synod Salary Guidelines

Council Action

The Synod Council voted to approve an increase of 2% in recommended compensation levels in the Synod’s Salary Guidelines for Clergy and for Lay Professionals.

D.  Synod Task Forces and Committees

Council Action

The Synod Council voted to approve presentations to the Council by relevant staff in place of the continuation of Synod Task Forces and Committees.

E.  Proceeds from Pending Sale of St. Andrew’s, Waukesha – Some potential uses for net proceeds from the pending sale of St. Andrew’s in Waukesha were discussed, including setting some funds aside to support staff positions funded by outside sources in case of discontinuation or reduction of such funding support, and a possible tithe to the ELCA. This issue will be considered, with possible action, following completion of the sale.

F.  Constitutional Amendments – Secretary Matthew Brockmeier briefly explained the changes made to the Synod’s constitution in order to comply with changes made by the Churchwide Assembly last month. These changes automatically become part of the constitution when official notification is given by the ELCA’s secretary; this was done on Friday, September 16th. He urged members of the Council to notify him of anything that may need review for possible change at the next Synod Assembly – these changes can be any non-mandatory constitutional provisions (those not marked with a “+”) or any bylaw provisions (items with numbers formatted S0.00.00.). A list will be provided to Council members by Secretary Brockmeier before the November meeting with all items identified for potential changes, including optional changes recommended by the Churchwide Assembly. Any action to recommend items for amendment at the Synod Assembly needs to be done in November to meet advance notice requirements.

VIII. Closing prayer

The Synod Council meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


Matthew Brockmeier

Synod Secretary

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