First Announcement

NECE – Networking European Citizenship Education

European Conference

Rethinking Citizenship Education in European Migration Societies:

Political Strategies - Social Changes - Educational Concepts

April 26 - 28 April, 2007

Lisbon, Portugal

Federal Agency for Civic Education, Germany

in Co-operation with

the Goethe Institute Lisbon

the Remembrance and Future Fund, Berlin, Germany

the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, Austria

the Ludwig-Boltzman Institute, Austria

the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) &

the Study Committee for Franco-German Relations (Cerfa), France

with the support of

the Institute for Social Science of the University of Lisbon

Location: Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon

Background and aims of the conference: The countries in Europe have become migration societies, characterised not only by ethnical, religious and cultural diversity but also by complex and manifold traditions of national cultures and national societies. Public debate on migration and integration is marked by emotions and fears on both sides: the riots in the suburbs of Paris in the autumn 2005, the cartoon dispute in Denmark, the intense debate on the ‘integration’ of the Muslim population in Europe, increasing fears of terrorist threats but also the experience of discrimination and xenophobia indicate the powerful social and political challenges which the states of the European Union are facing. In view of this, the development of a common democratic culture in which the – mutual - recognition of cultural diversity and respect for basic human and civil rights are closely associated is becoming increasingly important. Here, citizenship education can and must make a significant contribution by transcending national borders and seeking cooperation on a European and international level.

By looking deeply at the most pressing challenges of migration and integration in Europe, we hope to contribute to a more informed debate on basic concepts as citizenship, social inclusion and pluralism and tolerance. The presentation and exchange of best practices in citizenship education in immigration societies will be a defining feature of the conference. Academics and politicians will meet experts, multipliers and practitioners involved in citizenship education in Europe. The 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in March 2007 as well as the German EU presidency in the first half of 2007 (with the ‘troica’ partners Portugal and Slovenia) will lend weight to this European initiative. Invited as keynote speakers are the President of the EU Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and well-known political scientist and publicist, Timothy Garton Ash from UK.

Organisational advices: The programme is upcoming in the nearer future. Conference language is English without simultaneous translation. A pre-registration with your name, country and organisation and/or field of interest is possible now by sending an email to:


You will then receive a confirmation letter with further details concerning accommodation and conference fee. An early flight reservation to Lisbon Airport is highly recommended.